
Chapter 12: Dimming Attention

Upon my awakening I felt so glorious. Now I was smaller. Now...now I could sensually molest Lady Harribel.

But apart from my newfound ability to sexually express my feelings, I could also feel differences that occurred in my new body.

And as I stared at that smug charlatan I knew I'd have to explore those if I wanted to calm down again. But I was unbelievably livid when I had to remove my power from the three Captains in front of me.

As flashes of realization came across their faces I did my best to calm down and not look like a fool.

I simply enjoyed the sensation of moving. My left hand stayed guarding my mouth. I made no noise and moved as much of myself as I could. Rolling my shoulders, bending my spine, moving my hips in ways that made all the movements comfortable. It was the way I moved in my last life, like a strange dancer whose dance was all about making mistakes and then recovering from them in a graceful and sensuous way. Anyone would have made mistakes moving like I did. Even Yoruichi would have stumbled. Moving my left leg too far forward than the rest of the moving parts and moving spine could handle, only to recover making a larger movement forward than a regular step could have, while also being combat ready to intercept and dodge attacks from all directions. There wasn't a single movement where I wasn't beautiful, sinuous, loose-limbed or lithe. Such movements went well with my rather lissom body as I had found out.

It wasn't enough.

I looked at that woman, my hair now dampened by the rain.

It was over, I could feel nothing from the three Captains if I cast my power over them. That woman and her Zanpakutō Suzumebachi...

I had forgotten it was poisonous, I suppose then that this was yet another successful use of pyrotherapy. That irritating woman...my counter.

I looked at her as she Flash Stepped out the way of my Cero, leaving that fool to take the heat.

For her damn Zanpakutō to have a counter poison...

"Unbelievable." I could see her smirk as she somehow heard me from up there.

I really should learn how to do that, standing on midair would be nice. Wouldn't have to walk on this crappy mud I was standing on.

I lifted a foot by an inch and formed a platform of Reishi. Now that I had it down I did it for the other foot, it was still odd to do it with legs though.

"What? Can't understand what's going on? Heh, you-"

"I already know what you've done, that Zanpakutō of yours is also poisonous. If you want to take that smug tone then I'll have to politely ask you direct those comments at my slower minded companions." I interrupted her, but even then she still had that catty grin on her face.

"So they don't even know what's going on?"

"Mila might."

"Heh. Jūshirō, do you think you can handle those Adjucha?"

All people present tuned out whatever Emilou and Rose were probably shouting. But looking at Rose I could see some cuts, they seemed thin thankfully. "Yes, me and Gin will be enough to handle them, but what about you Soifon?" He quirked a worried eyebrow at her.

"I'm alright, I can handle these Vasto Lordes." That insufferable smirk only grew in size.

"I don't like the implication in that Captain." I addressed her. "Do you mean to imply that you're a match for Her Majesty? If so, then it's imperative that I trample your life and pride underfoot. I'd provide an example, except Kira seems to have gone missing." I looked at Emilou out the corner of my eye.

"Tch, I was gonna kill him but that silver haired creep came an' rescued him."

"I see, well it is what it is." I looked at that insufferable woman right in the eye. "Well you'll feel what I'm going to do to you for that comment."

"Sung-Sun, don't get carried away, she's become stronger since her Shikai was activated."

"Yes Milady. But..." I glared at Soifon. "An insult like that simply cannot go unpunished." This had become a test for me.

A test where my life and pride was on the line. Unlike every other fight before this one I had nothing to fight for, no one to fight for. Now it meant so much more, failing this would have me desperate to take up sword swallowing. Except I would insure it was botched.

If I couldn't handle this trash, this village idiot who insulted Lady Harribel then I had no use to the world.

"Be that as it may Sung-Sun, we can fight her together."

At her words I closed my eyes for a full second. I could hear her Sonido towards my side to prepare for the upcoming fight.

Although I'd much rather it become a personal battle I would never miss a chance to fight with My Lady. "Yes Ma'am, we will put her in her place."

In a much quieter voice Lady Harribel spoke to me. "Is your venom still in Ichigo?"

I closed my eyes for a second. "No, my apologies My Lady but I wasted it on Soifon. I can only have my venom in one person, so right now I'm reduced to just the poison. I'm sorry."

"It's no problem, cut the power you're sending to me and send it to someone else." I would refuse but Soifon charged at us.

With left hand covering mouth I simply held up my right hand to show my sai, letting the bone white material of its blade to make itself clear, I put my right foot in front of the other and positioned my body to guard Lady Harribel's left. I had no doubt that she could still protect herself even without her pata there, but still...

Soifon wasn't so fast that I couldn't see her but I knew the afterimage I was seeing as she moved was a sort of lie. Lag for the eyes as it were. But I still stuck to the defence. As she came at us Lady Harribel swung at her forcing the woman to go left into my already swinging weapon.

Unfortunately I was too slow to see that my left prong was the only thing to hit anything, and it was blocked by her Zanpakutō as well, all too late did I see her fist coming at me. I stepped to Tier's side, keeping back to back with her and entertaining that Zanpakutō as best as I could. I spied a chain that connected the gauntlet to the weapon on her finger and held my sai sideways on her gauntlet, aiming to slide the blade under that chain, but as her small fist made contact with my ribs I found I couldn't as my body folded under the strike.

So as my torso moved back with her punch I used the momentum to bring my leg up to crane kick her in the stomach.

Rather unexpectedly every single one of my moves failed.

She moved her arm back, meaning my sai was free in a manner of speaking. With her other leg she quickly stomped on the knee that was gearing up to kick her, making it impossible to do so, she already geared up to hit the same place and planned to Sting Me To Death.

Lady Harribel then appeared at Soifon's back already swinging her arm sword.

As my eyes watched her Zanpakutō my sai aimed for her armpit, I was ready to abort the strike the moment I saw her hand twitch but all I saw was her leg moving in my periphery, she was clearly aiming to stand atop Harribels sword and make striking difficult if not impossible.

As my hand endeavoured to colour her other armpit red the leg on my knee catapulted itself right into my mouth, I barely managed to pull my head back and reluctantly moved my left hand to backhand the knee as I already knew what she was going to do next.

Just as calculated I slammed my backhand into her knee that had quickly pulled back to try and kick me in the side of the head. I stopped keeping track of the Captains Zanpakutō as Lady Harribel's sword began to glow yellow.

"Cero." My Mistress whispered. All I could see was the widened eyes of Soifon as she tried to understand how she was blasted into oblivion.

I bent back, keeping one leg on the ground and bent my spine and the leg into the air as I began to charge my own Cero, I stayed rooted where I was, Harribel's Cero inches above me as I fired it into that brilliant yellow cut of pure energy.

I set myself down, finally stabilizing my body and reoriented myself to face Soifon as I slinked back to My Lady's side once again. "Excellent maneuver My Lady."

"It was only natural. How close are they?"

As I observed the smoke disappear into nothing I did a quick estimate by recalling how powerful I was as an Adjucha. "Approximately a minute. I've ceased funneling power to the both of us as you've asked Milady."

"I see..." Is that going to be enough? She looked at the other fighting going on with her eye. The entire reason I joined this fight with Sung-Sun was to make sure that the enemy would not remove their limiter. As good as they are there's still a clear winner. Both Captains have already activated Shikai, something those two can't keep up with.

Indeed, Gin and Ukitake had yet to sustain any great injury, at least up until an unexpected bout of coughing brought Jūshirō to a halt, letting Emilou's Cero hit him as he started coughing blood.

It was sad to say that it was the best hit done to him, and Mila and Apacci had still taken far greater than that, the only reason that blow landed was because Mila and Emilou got lucky with the Captains, but that frown on Gins face said he may get more serious than he was already being.

No, they are still restraining themselves, if it gets too bad then Sung-Sun can cut one off to give all the power to the more injured one.

She observed Soifon's bloody and injured body. Clearly both bright beams of destruction had hit her.

Her gauntlet cracked, parts of her skin was vaporized, letting us get a glimpse at a part of her skull and an arm bone. The side of her skull, along with some of her hair was what was gone, as was the skin under her Zanpakutō. Bruises and the cuts that appeared across the rest of her body were the least of her worries.

No. She's likely not cocky enough to continue fighting alone. Those two...Harribel looked back to them, seeing the immense amount of damage done to them. They were good to continue fighting for a few more minutes but if one finally stopped holding back and cast off the limiter..."Give Apacci the energy, make sure she's the one to evolve first." She would cast of Wabisuke and be able to guard against the onslaught. "But if things keep up at this pace then give Mila the lions share. No need to make them cast off their shackles any quicker than they have too." Yes. She decided as she looked at Soifon. She couldn't guard Franceska from the both of them if they got serious.

"Affirmative." As Cyan's voice rang out across the battlefield Soifon finally did something other than look angry.

"You...I don't know what trick you did to fire off a Cero that quickly, but I assure you it doesn't matter, you end here." She was seething, her anger visible and audible for all.

"Oh? And how are you going to do that? Are you going to let Lady Harribel stick her sword into you? There will be no need for tricks then Stealth Force Commander." Sung-Sun leaned in as she said this.

The woman ignored her and cast a look at Gin, who gave a sigh of resignation. "What is it Soifon? Do you really want little old me to go all out? Why, with a clumsy swing I could destroy the town."

It got bigger? "Just start taking this seriously Gin, all this fooling around, it's sickening how little the Captains take anything seriously. I could name the professionals with only one hand."

"Is that because you can only use one?" Gin kept grinning as he tilted his head, even his eyes seemed to grin, a most disturbing sight that was thick with saccharine. "Aw come now, a little airing of the skull is good every now and then."

I was amazed that this was happening. I still gave Emilou the lions share of what I was stealing, I could finally feel Ichigo getting extremely close to Urahara as well.

"Gin..." she growled the name out of her teeth.

"Yikes, fine fine I'll go Bankai." Soifon cast a long glance at him before finally turning towards us.

"Kamishini no Yari, Shinsō."

Soifon seemed to grit her teeth after hearing that. To think he was going so easy on us, it was an act of-Aizen.


I guess I'll have to quiz Mila on if he tossed his lecherous gaze towards Tier Harribel over the course of this fight.

"Tch, well whatever. Incompetence is nothing new. Now, if you don't mind it's time I deal with you two."

My Lady interrupted her. "Not too long ago you remarked about how confident I was when I stated I could still kill one of you if you stopped holding back. Now here we are, it seems you've become the cocky one when there are two Vasto Lordes focused on fighting you."

"Yeah well, I doubt you have any other tricks of that caliber up your sleeve, and a petty wound like this won't stop me."

"My, I can hear the insecurity from here, are you insecure about the only strike you've landed on us?" I stated.

"Hmph." She looked down her nose at us with a scornful look. "It's time to end you troublesome two." She Flash Stepped towards us, stepping towards My Lady's strong side specifically. At such a close range I could do nothing useful, especially as My Lady swung. Charging a Cero was out of the question. But still I tried to strike, brushing my body against Harribels like a skin tight suit I performed a half lunge to try and stab at Soifon. But as expected it was useless unless you had an ulterior motive...like appreciating your Master's body. Something I got to do even if there was no skin.

Or unless you had an ulterior motive beyond even that...like flinging your weapon at the opponent.

As Soifon Flash Stepped behind me I completed the leg curl I was doing with my left leg and melded my body to Harribels backside as I threw the sai behind me. Was it safe? I did not question that, only...how much damage my Cero would do to the town.

I immediately started charging a Cero with my right hand as I did my best to spin to the right using the lone leg still on the floor, regretfully peeling myself away from Mistress in the process, I looked at where I was prior.

I could see my sai rocket off into the distance as she used Shunpo to escape once again. I didn't bother tracking her with moving grass when the river was so close by.

Instead I crouched and prepared to fire the moment I saw her stop.

I didn't, Harribel once again struck over my head hitting something I had yet to see, the force would lift my hair if it wasn't damp, but all it did was cleave into Soifon's collarbone. As blood spurted out I fired my Cero, vaporizing some of the land in front of us as well as the Captain before the slight upward angle in the Cero kicked in.

"My goodness, after all that talk it ended so-" My eyes widened as blood spurted out the left side of my face as a large mark bloomed across most of my face. It was only Mistress pulling me by the black fur around my neck that she saved me.

I couldn't help but gasp as that all happened, especially when I saw Soifon standing there with no wound to her collarbone.

"H-how are you still?!-"

"Alive?" Her voice was full of gruff vindication. "It's a Hohō technique. So now that I've got you in one of these brief skirmishes of ours," she smirked. "What are you gonna do now?"

I narrowed my eyes at her and got up, my dress unstained since I learned how to levitate using Spirit Energy. I would move my hand to examine my garish wound but my left hand was busy covering my mouth as it always did. There was no need to speak, I leaned forward ready to fight.

She smirked once again as I stole a glance at my companions situation. Looking into her beautiful aqua eyes and just as glorious gold blond eyelashes made me feel renewed. Looking at my lackeys however let me know the situation wasn't going that great.

For them.

"You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to do whatever My Lady bids me to do, but if I can have a degree of autonomy," I narrowed my eyes into slits and gave a brief giggle. "Then I'm just going to insult you." I could feel Lady Harribel glance down at me and see Soifon get a somewhat troubled look on her face. "Don't understand?" I waited two seconds. "Well although you may have an insufferable Zanpakutō...I have competent colleagues." I looked at Emilou and Franceska once again.

She looked at them for a few seconds before finally understanding. Her eyes flying wide open. "No!...You can't be saying!-"

"Yes...yes I am!" I looked at them as a faint light glowed from inside them. "Yes!..." I was happy, happy to see Soifon's despair and hear the excited huffs from my colleagues like the dirty animals they were.

Blinding light began to flood our visions. Orange and red spheres of destructive light making themselves known to the world. The colour of their Reiatsu.

I should use Sonido to get there and make the next step even quicker, but I couldn't help myself, staring at this was like staring at art.

All the panic from My Master's enemies was like a drug.

The merged light flooded our vision. Such beautiful colours...

"How...beautiful...finally...it's finally over..." I whispered aloud into the black silence of the night.

Strangle To Death! Anaconda!

As the light finally died down we began to move towards them, using Sonido to hurry it u-uh.


"Un momento." I used Sonido to rush back to my weapon before finding the sheared grass it left in its flight path. Picking up the ivory white weapon I rushed back as quickly as I could. I could make one but I really didn't want to.

Coming back I observed the two of them as all light died down, but then I looked at the Garganta My Lady created.

"Come, we're done here." Mila snorted but quickly obeyed whilst Emilou cast a grudgeful, yet sadistic look and grin towards her Master's enemies before reluctantly following.

"Oh?" Gin spoke up. "And just what'd you come here for in the first place?"

"You've just seen it. We have played you all, stationing ourselves here so that you may come so that Sung-Sun may use her power on you. Thank you for following the plan."

Gin frowned as he heard this while Jūshirō immediately spoke. "But how? How could you do what you've just done when you couldn't use her power on us?!"

My Lady narrowed her beautiful eyes at him. "I'm afraid that I am not obligated to give you an answer Shinigami. This is where we part ways, I'm afraid we won't be seeing each other for a while, so I'll give you my thanks once again."

I could hear the Second Squad Captain growl, hearing that reminded me that my appearance wasn't as good as it could have been. I rubbed the dried blood into my left sleeve and stepped into the Garganta and proceeded to dry my hair, what with my wound having already healed. My left hand grabbed the hair that lay over my left shoulder and proceeded to wring it, I did so with the opposite side as well.

As Appaci walked inside My Lady came in as well before closing it on this side of the world. And then we started the trek back home.

Strangle To Death, Anaconda!

As we landed onto Hueco Mundo's sandy plains we left craters in the sand under our explosive entrance.

Finally I examined them proper, holding my left hand to my mouth as I did so.

Apacci was the first. She was as pale as I, and she had retained a fair portion of her mask and my, did it fit her like a glove. She retained the lower jaw pieces that had the red patterned thunderbolt on both of them. They hugged her skin and only had one and a half inches to go before the two pieces made contact with her mouth. She also had the top piece of her mask, it looked exactly the same as before just downsized like mine was apart from the horn. That only grew larger. Apart from that she had what seemed to be a full gambeson that went down to her ankles, all of it coloured dark brown with dark brown gloves and boots with thick patches of fur here and there. There were even studs made out of white bone in the gambeson. There was no way to get a look at some cleavage.

You know what else was a handful? Her breasts. Those were thankfully left uncovered by the bone studs, she also had the most lovely eyes. No longer were they doe brown but had instead become an icy blue and an amber, the eye with an amber colour having gained a red outline. Her shoulder length and rough hair had a dark blue colour. Or was it black? Oh well, didn't matter to me.

Mila was the next one I examined. Black skin and green eyes, and the only part she retained from her mask were the spikes she had as an Adjucha, as well as a forehead covering. Smooth and golden, and took the shape of an upside down triangle. The spikes were as beautiful as they were ingenious. They were placed atop her head and were clearly placed with the intention to make you think of a crown. It was hard to say how but they also seemed to funnel her hair in some way. It was like a cape really. The hair reached to her ankles and about as wide as my body, brown and wave like. I'd make no secret of it that it was glorious. Bed of hair or not I'm not afraid to say that it transfixed me, and would keep doing so for as long as I was alive. And unlike Apacci she actually had a weapon.

It was incredible. Anyone could ogle that thing without shame. A Zweihänder that was viciously bedecked. The entire thing was actually made out of gold. Every. Last. Inch.

If this was anyone else I would have mugged them for being richer than Harribel, but since her body and sword were sworn into service then I could accept this.

The handguard was a lions roaring face, golden of course, with what seemed to be an actual mane. A mane seemingly made out of real lion hair. There was also a tassel at the end of the sword hilt. But for the life of me I couldn't figure if it was some sort of vivid orange colour or gold. Did it change dependent upon the light? The most important thing about it however was that I knew that she could swing that thing far faster than a Zweihänder had any right to be swung. I knew that there was more to this sword than what met my eye. And what met my eye were engravings upon the blade that seemed to accentuate the golden colour of the blade despite there being no difference in colour, no contrast to speak of.

Why did she sound like a Queen?

Why did she appear and even sound both strong and powerful?


She actually was, stronger than even myself. Even if it was not by a great amount I closed my eyes for but a moment as some unnameable emotion overcame me. I felt it when I used my power for a moment.

Clearly evolving had blessed her with greater power than either Emilou or myself, hell, even Emilou had more power than myself, but I wasn't so concerned about that. She had no weapon and wasn't as good as hand to hand fighting as I was.

Oh, right. Armour. What little there was of it anyway. A skirt made from the spikes that came from her mask, and some ornate chest piece that covered her chest entirely and went up to her shoulders. It was all made out of copper, I could tell. Well, except for the golden skirt anyway. Decorations of lions and wildlife that really brought out the fact that this was a tasteful work of arms and arts. A masterpiece that came both from the table of the culture, and the furnace of the smith. And as Franceska showed off, doing some sort of regal pose immediately after her transformation I got a better look at her armour.

The two pieces were actually connected. A single metal strip connected the skirt and the chest piece together, protecting her spine, though the idea was a little suspect, as the line was pretty slim and I didn't know the width of a spine. The line was actually golden to my surprise, up until a certain point where the gold colour gradually receded to make way for bronze. Thinning itself until I saw it reach the back of the neck. But Mila had finished posing and I couldn't see anymore. All I could guess from the neck piece was that it had some kind of unlocking mechanism that would get the armour off of her. Not that she'd ever do it. No Hollow came with clothes, so she was completely nude like Apacci was under her furry suit.

And her boobs were more than just a handful like mine or Apacci's by the way.

Oh, she also had her Hollow Hole mid way between her navel and breasts.

We all examined each other in turn. I lowered my left hand with some reluctance, letting it rest on my right arm so as to let them get a good look at my face.

I moved my eyes upwards since they all towered over me with the exception of Apacci. I knew I was 5'0 1/2. Somehow.

So looking at Mila I'd say she is 5'9 1/2, My Lady herself only being half an inch shorter. Emilou must be 5'1 1/2.

Hm, whatever I guess. I saw two ways for us to continue, the peanut gallery laugh and pat themselves on the back like I expect them too or Lady Harribel steps in to provide a plan of action for us. Either was fine.

I began to hear deep throated chuckling coming from Franceska. "Hmhmhmhm...hahahahahahahahaha!" She threw her head back, chuckling all the while. "So this is the power of a Vasto Lorde? I can understand why you thought I would get power crazy. I know I'd be damn tempted to kick their asses if they were here! I'd show em' what for!"

"Heh, you're not the only one you know that Mila? I feel pretty damn kickass myself too! I don't look half bad either!"

Hm, I guess your evolution gave you some brain as well as brawn to admit that flaw of yours. I was tempted to compliment the two of them but I really had to reach to make the comment not be backhanded. So in the end I stayed silent.

"Hm, I dunno about that, what about you Sung-Sun? What, that wound beat the joy out of you?"

"Wound? What wound are you talking about?" I brushed my hair back with my left hand, showing fine unblemished skin on my face.

"Heh, so you can regenerate huh? That's pretty cool. So is that mark going to stay there forever?"

"Hm?" I looked to my left at Emilou's words only to see none of my face, but then I remembered what I was just hit by. "Oh, no that has to be impossible. It's a weapon first and foremost, no Zanpakutō could be that strong."

I heard Mila huff. "Yeah you say that, but none of us exactly have a counter to Aizen do we?" She planted her sword into the ground as she said this. The sand beneath parting and breaking as she did so.

"Screw that Mila! You see this fist here!?" Emilou clenched her right hand. "I'm gonna take a swing at him and knock that bastards teeth right outta his skull!"

"So you're in with us Apacci?" At My Lady's words Emilou turned with a surprised expression on her face.

"Huh?! Oh, uh..." She looked down quickly. "Y-yeah...yeah! I'll come along with you and beat some damn manners into this filthy Soul Reaper!" She looked back up, cautious excitement in her tone as her body language indicated joy and relief.

"That's a relief." Lady Harribel closed her eyes. "I admit I had hoped you would join now, this takes a load off my chest."

"Y-yeah, no problem. So...what's up? What do we do now?"

"Whatever we want." I replied. "If this isn't cause for celebration then I don't know what is."

"But...is that okay?" Apacci looked a little startled.

"We can always hold it later." I shrugged my slim shoulders.

"What would it even be? Is it just gonna be us turning a Hollow into a piñata?"

"Of course not Mila, we'll just go to the Human World once again and take whatever catches our eye." I looked towards Lady Harribel. "Is that okay?"

"I have no qualms against this Sung-Sun, in fact we should probably do this right now. We don't exactly have enough beds for all four of us. I guess we could even make use of chairs. The Human World is good for a home."

"Hey, are we really gonna do this? So soon after that?" She said that, but there was a small grin on her face.

"Of course we are, didn't you just hear Her Majesty?" Bingo, don't think they called her that before.

"Well alright then! Let's get going!" At her own words she punched a Garganta into existence.

We all moved into the Garganta, taking our time as we walked through it to get to wherever she made the Garganta exit.

"You know Emilou, I'm glad that you joined. I'm glad to know that there are at least four smart people in the world." I smiled, I even sounded relived to my small embarrassment. "It's a refreshing change." I finished the sentence, my hand itched to cover my mouth but I felt I shouldn't.

"Hey, that's...that's alright, don't worry about it." Oh thank God, I was worried I was the only embarrassed person here. "I'm-I'm glad I joined too." Phew, she was blushing.

I could only hope I wasn't. "Hm, look at you two lovebirds going at it, I didn't know you liked each other so much."

I quickly covered my mouth. "Oh come now Mila, you can enjoy the catharsis and feel bad for it later. Just admit it," I smirked behind my hand. "You think we're pretty don't you?" I started to put some sway in my hips, showcasing my charming features in a bout of generosity.

I got a huff from Mila for doing so.

"Mind if I ask why you decided to join us Apacci?"

"Uhh, hey, could you uh...call me Emilou?" She hung her head down as she addressed Lady Harribel. "After all that you...you can call me by my first name."

I think Harribel quirked a brow. "Alright."

I could spy a small smile on Apacci's face. Interestingly enough she didn't answer the question, but in our euphoria we didn't press.

Strangle To Death, Anaconda!

Everything was silent as we exited the Garganta and looked around.

At the very familiar scenery.

"My, if I didn't know better I would say I saw this place about, hmm...a minute ago?" I looked to Emilou out the corner of my eye.

"S-shut up! Don't people say something about familiar places or whatever?!"

I fully turned to her then. "That criminals return to the scene of the crime?"

"Shaddup! What, do you see any Captains around here? Besides, they started that crap!" Indeed, all that was left was a devastated riverbank.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure how long that'll last...nice snub to give em' though." Mila quickly turned to Her Majesty, golden spikes jostling and clinking as she did so. "So what exactly do we need Ma'am?"

"Just beds really. If this is really going to be a celebration though then perhaps we ought to get some more things that grab your interest. I guess we split up and take what looks interesting. Just be gentle with the beds."

"Affirmative Ma'am."

"My, aren't we enthusiastic Mila? I guess you're finally getting into it after all. Well I'll handle the mirrors and smaller stuff." Saying this I used my Sonido to get started.

Landing onto the concrete my feet left imprints with the speed I descended to the ground. I felt like I was walking on water, the Material World unable to handle my sheer power. It was a wonderful sensation. I looked at the display windows and names of stores as I walked on the yellow lines on the road.

As expected yellow lights came at me at an adorable pace. I gave thanks for the driver in my head and turned my head to the right. As I saw art I stuck my leg out into the air and as the car drove under it I smashed my leg into the hood, bringing the car to a sudden stop. "Thank you very much." I pulled my foot back and pushed the car with the same foot that destroyed it, tilting the headlights to point at the art store. I could approve of what I saw. Feeling the car budge into my other leg I walked onwards as my leg destroyed the car door when it had impacted me.

I opened the door, accidentally snapping the door handle as I did so, I could hear some people scream at the car I turned into an impromptu flashlight. Probably left the driver in a near death state or something. Looking at the acceptable pieces I decided to reopen my Garganta once more and carefully placed each piece inside before walking outside again.

Seeing the far less damaged car no longer had occupants I walked up to that and spun it using only one foot. Hearing the screams of the former vehicle almost made me kick them instead. I ignored them and their crappy phones until I determined all other shops were useless. I left for greener pastures.

But then I heard a very familiar tune. Looking towards the sound I could see the destroyed shop that sold mirrors that I stole from.

Using the sai I cut the yellow tape and walked inside, finding everything to be in pristine condition. Stealing mirrors of varying sizes I threw those into another summoned Garganta. Walking out I plucked the radio up from its location, letting it still play familiar songs in my ear.

"Hmm? Oh, an art shop hmm?" I guess I could finally paint that-oh. Oh that'll be a great way to get back at Soifon, walking into it the door I felt it give way and ping of my clothes harmlessly as I destroyed it and took all inside. Even the cash register.

Just felt like I should have one you know?

Walking out I found that I had not been harassed. Very odd, did the Captains make the risky maneuver to decide not to attack us tonight?

Ah, must have been my poison, they were never going to strike then until they could synthesise a cure? Very clever.

Well alright then, moving on with only music for company I went for other things.

Perhaps the greatest thing of all being Emilou using her head and copying my tactic with Garganta. I moved on from that and found beauty products, decided why not and grabbed those, then I found a bar with all the drinks missing. Then I found a furniture store with most things missing.

So then I decided to go to a place no one else looked and went to go get some cars. And then I left riding a bike.

It was quaint but I just couldn't help myself, racing down the streets with absolutely no idea what traffic laws were I raced to find the most interesting things.

I also found out these godamn idiots had no idea how to drive properly. They couldn't even react to a Ghost Rider with guts.

As I rode around however I think I came to understand that all interesting things were gone. So, putting pedal to the metal I cut open a Garganta with my sai. Riding the motorbike into the spatial rift I closed it behind me and hit the brakes.

Lifting myself up I could see everything I put to rest on the ground, picking up the small stuff and placing it back in my sleeves I got on the bike and began the long process of ferrying it all to Hueco Mundo.

Strangle To Death, Anaconda!

Mila Rose: 5'9 1/2

Sung-Sun: 5'0 1/2

Emilou Apacci: 5'1 1/2

Tier Harribel: 5'9

3825 words or so done yesterday on the 12th of November. 6379 or so words in total done today. I count it even though it's 4 in the morning on the 24 hour clock.

Phew, I must be sick. Writing so much? All of what you see is about 95% original content. The only thing I scrapped from the next chapter was the appearance of these two. Hell, you people get it a day later because I'm combing it over for grammar and possibly changing Emilou's appearance of fur suit and bone. But I could release it today. Which would be the 14th. As I've stated I count it as one day since I only started working on it at 14:00. This was on and off work too. Guess my inspiration was stronger than I thought.

Man, I'm gonna go to bed dreaming of this. Hopefully I think of a cool appearance for Apacci.

You get no omake by the way.

You get the prototype chapter.

As you'll be able to tell things have changed drastically.

This entire chapter started because of Sung-Sun's homesickness believe it or not.

Strangle To Death, Anaconda!

Chapter 16: Orange Asterisk.*

As the garganta closed itself above the Sky's of whatever nameless town this was we stood still and observed. And then I made my dastardly proposal.

"Hey, while we're here why don't we take something?" And as expected Mila took the bait. Just as planned.

"Like what?"

"Oh I dunno. A bed or two, perhaps a mirror or some beauty products."

"Ha! You actually pay attention to that garbage? It sounds like someone's insecure." Bitch.

"Oh I don't know about that. I mean just look at you. You're a dumb mutt for goodness sake. All you have to do is wag that fat behind of yours at another animal and you're all set to go. That ass is certainly much nicer to look at than your flat ugly face after all."

"What the hell did you just say!?"

And then Emilou spoke. "Hmph! Just look at you two. Being concerned about beauty. Unlike you two I don't need it!" Neanderthal.

"Oh I don't know do you Mila? It sounds like an excuse to cover up her complete and utter lack of sex appeal."

"Yeah I think you're right Sung-Sun!"

"Hey! Just because I'm not a Vasto Lorde yet doesn't mean I won't be beautiful when I get there. And what are you talking about Mila? You're just a dumb cat that looks like a giant overgrown furry hairball!"

Before Franceska could butt in with her mindless commentary I stepped in. "Oh? We're beautiful are we Emilou? I hadn't ever noticed that you paid attention to our beauty before. So which one were you admiring? Or was it the both of us? I won't mind hearing the answer either way."

"I-uh-" Interesting. I could see her blush from over here. And even more interestingly, I slid my eyes over to Lady Harribel. Not a single twitch, no movement, and she wasn't interrupting us when she could clearly hear us. Was she...?

Suddenly Mila's laughter broke my attentions. "Yeah Apacci. Which one was it?! Cmon you can tell us here can't you? We're all close friends here hmhmhm. Or are we not close enough? Ah well, I'm sure that little situation can be resolved. Don't you think so Sung-Sun? Hahahahaha!"

"Sh-shut up Mila! And what the hell did you want to steal again anyway!?"

"Well isn't someone in a hurry to change the subject? Don't worry Apacci, my shopping list can wait for this." Vigorous stuttering from Apacci was my reward. I think even she knew what was going on after Harribel hadn't interrupted things yet. And Mila's constant laughter that was slowly raising in volume was probably only flustering her further.

"S-shut up! I-if you don't stop I'm gonna smash every single shop here! And then y'er faces!" At that even I had to laugh. Why did she make herself such an easy target?

"Hahahaha! I see! So its not faces ey? Then it's Harribel's big bouncy bosom you're after! Hahahaha! I never knew you were after THAT part of a woman's body." Even Mila knew exactly what to say.

"That's enough everyone. We've only got so much time here, so I suggest we take what we need, then we go. We can continue this back home." So she really WAS interested in hearing an answer! Kind of incredible really, I couldn't tell if Harribel was being shy about it, or was genuinely curious as to what the answer would be.

"Yes. We're not going to mock you for the answer. Rather I think we'll treat you rather tenderly for it Apacci." Cue more laughter and stuttering from Emilou's reddened face. "As a matter of fact we both know you on a first name basis. Quite intimate in some cultures I hear. In fact if my ears don't fail me you call the cat over there by her first name too. Is that a sign?"


"Huh?! What the hell are you getting at! And besides you call her by her first name too!"

"Yes well, ignoring that I suppose we should take whatever appeals to us. But at the very least we need one large mirror and one large bed. Either one very large one or multiples of the biggest beds that we can carry. In fact we should carry multiples of everything and create a storage room back home."

"Huh!? You think you can just get away with-"

"And how do you propose we do that Sung-Sun?"

"I would hazard a guess that we'll be needing a lot of rope Lady Harribel."

Everyone looked at least a little baffled. Cute really.

As Harribel and Franceska went another way me and Apacci went another. But there was no need to worry. Both beasts of burden had giant bags and some pretty big items secured by ropes. Mila had a bed strapped on top of her and Apacci had a large mirror on hers.

We had raided every shop that caught our eye. This place would have a hankering for feminine beauty products and mirrors a mile wide. I had already stolen some sort of radio. It played all sorts of songs with no care for language. All of which I knew interestingly enough.

But apart from all that there wasn't much else really. We did steal some pieces of art but there wasn't a lot of art that didn't go well when one envisioned them surrounded by rock. Shocking I know. But as it turns out wooden carvings and anything that could be considered art didn't look all too well in a fancy hut. Apacci did ask for some things. Some useless trinkets, some food I would have to unwrap and feed her with.

Ah, oh yes, she also brought a boatload of beauty products. How surprising. Not.

But anyway, as I was taking a stroll through the town having to put up with Emilou's moaning and whining I came across some kind of river bank. A river in the middle of the city wasn't something I had, nor knew the name of. But as we were passing by I saw movement from someone on the grass in this dark night. Some sort of small shadow that I could barely discern when it was surrounded by pitch black grass.

As I turned to approach Apacci looked, scoffed immediately and did the dumbest thing she could have. "Why are you paying so much attention to a human? They can't even see us."

Immediately that small shape turned to us and gasped in fright, falling down and crawling to run away. I suppose I made quite an alien sight. A clearly inhuman figure alongside a talking deer that was big enough to trample a car to death. Never mind a small child. As that human boy got a good look at us, etching this moment into his memory I too looked back at him. Remembering this for days to come.

Even in the darkness it was easy to see who I beheld.

That bright orange hair. "Ichigo Kurosaki..." I couldn't quite contain my quite mutter. His eyes had widened, Apacci reared back in surprise, likely surprised that I even KNEW this boy, and I simply stared.

There was no blood. No corpse that was lying on top of him. Then it came back to me, that scene in the anime. That moment Tatsuki talked about. About Ichigo walking by where his mother died. Walking until he couldn't, only to get back up and walk again.

I stared even still as that boy ran away, faintly remembering Harribel's instruction that we were to return from where we entered once we were done. I slowly followed those instructions. Apacci seemingly emulating my mood. She probably didn't want to ask what left me so shaken, had me so upset. I had never been like this with her since the moment she met me. I suppose it was irrelevant.

I recovered in time for no one to know that anything was wrong. As we stepped into the hollow world and walked back to our mountain we had to hear Mila and Emilou complain about their loads. I did pay some attention to it and put in a few witty comments.

But I ceased that when the radio started playing.

It played: Orange Range - Asterisk.