
Chapter 11

“No, wait,” Adam said, and grabbed the phone. “I know what I can do.” After getting the office on the line, he said, “It’s Adam Blackstone, have…”

“Mr. Blackstone, have you seen Phoenix?”

“That’s what I called you about. Phoenix has left my apartment, but I just remembered that I forgot to give him the message you had for him. I’m sorry about that. I was worried about my dishwasher, which turned out to be in worse shape than I thought. Anyway, he just left, so maybe you can find him and tell him.”

“Okay…well, thanks.”

Adam quickly replaced the receiver and turned to Phoenix. “Now they’ll think it was my fault instead of yours. When you leave, just go to your next job as you would ordinarily, and they’ll never know.”

“What about you? Now they’ll blame you.”

“So? What are they going to do, kick me out? Let them. I’ll report their butts to the NLRB.”

“What the hell is the N…what was that?”

“National Labor Relations Board. It protects people like you.”