
The kariba's huh ?

After the Burial ceremony organized by the Team members, they decided to take the Next step as it dawn on them that were on an island which seems inscrutable to their logical reasons.

It's been long since they've tasted anything because of their struggle for survival that seems like almost a year, instead of over a night. Making a decision they decided to explore the forest before them- hunting for any sort of food.

They've lost alot of Team members and that includes Smith since he wasn't found, if they wants to survive, strength is needed for that. The forest wasn't as scary as it looks on the outside. It was alot of 'awe' for everyone as some of the team was starting to think they were in a horror-fantasy video game.

It is a vast old-growth forest where the trees reach into the heavens. Their canopies cover the sky, leaving only shafts of sunlight streaming between the branches. The trees themselves seem to leer and scowl and even normally tiny mushrooms are huge and imposing.

When you step through the trees, all you can see is green. The whole ground is covered in grass that is long and bright green. There are rocks the size of kitchen tables that are completely covered in soft, fuzzy, green moss. The moss makes everything look as soft as cotton. Next, you start to notice the wildflowers and other plants. The flowers are pink, purple, white, and many other colors. Some are as large as your hand, and some are the size of a pencil eraser. The huge mushrooms catch your attention next.

There are many different kinds. The mushrooms grow all over the place, on tree trunks, on the rocks, and everywhere else possible.

Then, you start to notice the light. It filters through the outreaching tree branches to the forest floor. It leaves shifting patterns on the floor due to the ever-moving leaves on the branches, alternately making everything either bright or hidden in shadows. The light gives everything a constantly moving effect, as though nothing is ever standing still.

While looking up at the light, you notice that the branches over-head are very close together. They are woven together almost like fabric. The branches form one huge canopy over the top of this spot.

After noticing the branches, you begin to hear the sounds of forest. First, in the silence, you hear the wind whispering through the trees. This is also when you notice the slight breeze on your cheeks. The leaves, rustling against each other, create a calming sound.

Next, you hear the birds singing in the trees. Some songs are high-pitched and fast-paced, while others are slow and mournful. When you lean back your head and look into the trees, you can see these birds. Several of them are whippoorwills. This is because many of the trees around the forest are willow trees. So, you can hear their song, which sounds very sad and lonely. You see a rainbow of colors, from red to blue. They are also in many various sizes.

Then you begin to hear the leaves and grass, on the ground, rustling. This is the sound of all the forest creatures scampering away into their hiding places.

However, The forest just by it's description made it look so pure and Magical like it's never been tainted with expedition. I mean who would be daring enough to carry out an expedition on a place where you have to cross death first to explore. Except you would be accompanied by special forces and i mean alot of them.

They spotted a Strawberry Tree small, very resilient, evergreen, and drought hardy, grow with the oaks and chestnuts as an understory tree. Rushing there they pluck as many that could fill them.

The Strawberry tree fruits are small, averaging 1 to 3 centimeters in diameter, and have a round to oval shape. The fruit's delicate and thin skin has a textured, bumpy, and rough surface, covered in soft and tiny, bristle-like protrusions. Underneath the surface, the fruit's flesh is soft and golden-orange, encasing many small seeds giving the flesh a gritty, sandy, and mealy consistency. The fruits emit a faint aroma reminiscent of anise and have a subtly fruity, sweet-tart, and woody flavor with mango, apricot, guava, and peach nuances, impart a special sense of wellness.

The scents, textures and tastes of the fruit are a treat for the senses, and bring a feeling of peace and tranquillity, renewal and inspiration.

The body relaxes and the mind clears.

The team sat down as some glance at the surrounding in awe and could feel peace and calmness the forest emits and the Curiousity it builds in them.

There silence for a while before speaking "I think this forest is alot better than felix's cabin" Henry smiled trying to deduced the awkwardness between them. "I wonder what would have happen to that kind man" Henry added.

"Right from when he offered help..i was smelling a rat" It was Adam who spoke up this time.

"There was something about him, i can't put my finger on.. and that lead all of us into a grave danger" Frank sigh add as he still felt the shiver he has gotten from last night.

"Why don't we start with what kind of place is this?" Erica said.

"I saw it.. the paintings, it was tattooed on his back.. i guess everyone must have seen it right?" Emilia asked. They all gave her a quizzical look wondering what drawing she was talking about and whose back were the drawings tattooed on.

Emilia quickly turn to Abigail, "Abby, the drawing of the chimera beast you drew out of the excavated walls.. i saw that same drawing tattooed on the back and front of the leader of the strange people.

"Really?" Henry asked surprised.

"Wait, everything is getting more and more confusing, if what Emilia said is true.. Then how is it possible to have that on.." His eyes widen in shock. "The writings on the wall, the people and even the drawings.. could it all be related?" Adam voice trailed off.

"Let's not estimate things here.." Frank said.

"Abby say something, last night you said to us that there's some familiarity between you and that chimera beast" Emilia urge.

Chris let out a soft chuckles before saying, "This is the 21st century and beast like that, has gone to extinct long ago. so how's is it possible to have such familiarity ?"

"And who would have thought such a forest as magical, like that of a fairytale still exist?" Erica blurted out.

"Well.. what Emilia said was true, i had drew out the painting of a chimera beast when we were sent into the hole, and i told the ladies last night i drew it because it was amazing and the familiarity was true also.." Abby said.

What she just said suddenly perked up the team and build a sensation of curiousity in them and now all eyes were on her, eager to hear more since they have the feeling that what she just said didn't end there.

"The reason i drew out the Chimera beast was that, i have seen it somewhere else. Am sure everyone here is familiar with the Name "KARIBA'S" written in children blurbs.. "Abby asked waiting for an answer.

"Everyone knows that" Frank answered and everyone Nodded in agreement.

'Everyone Except smith..' Abby thought.

"Well I found out this, I have seen that same drawing on my Grandma's diary, she once told me it was the symbol of authority in the Kariba's tribe.. She told me alot of things that wasn't on the blurb, That also involved the excavation site" Abby pause trying to catch her breath.

"Please go on" Henry instructed.

"My grandma had once told me that lies in the ground of the southern part of Nigeria, The tomb of the kariba's... I know it sound crazy but when I researched deeper... it appears to be the excavating site" She pause as she stare at the people in front of her as they try to digest all that she was saying.

"But I don't know what part, what am trying to say here is that those signs, paintings and foreign languages are all connected to the kariba's , and if one of those painting is been tattooed on that beast like god body then I guess we had the answer to our question... These are the kariba's" She Said.

The team try to process this new information as everything was getting more confusing, the kariba's are extinct tribes, so imagine seeing more than one now is.... and what's with the tomb thing?, is Abby grandma for real? How does she know much of it, than what was written on the children blurbs and just how much does Abby know about this so called tribal people.

"The Kariba's huh? " frank chuckles still not ready to believe.

"How accurate are your grandma words" Henry asked.

"75%accurate " Abby answered.

"So what if they are the fearless Kariba's like been recorded in history, who cares? well... we've died enough...time to do what we humans are best at" Henry stood up, his expression has darkened and his voice cold as ice.

Hi guys sorry for the late update...Is Smith really dead and what’s with the new discovery... stay tuned to know what will happened next.

Have a nice day and thanks for reading

FA3zycreators' thoughts