
straight to shrewd #BL

I don't know how I came to be in his room. I have no idea how I was against his door now, staring into gray eyes that looked like burning embers. One minute I was outside his door yelling at him for being rude to Diane, the next I'm pressed against his door with my heart thudding like crazy. Wait, why the hell is my heart thudding at this very confusing situation?? And why am I staring at his Lips??? "Now you're in my Space Xander, what do you think I'll do with you?" He said in a husky voice and I felt my mouth go dry. Fuck My life... How do you tell yourself you're straight as an arrow this second and the next minute you're staring at your neighbour's lips???

Thelma_Nwaorgu_1977 · Ciudad
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1 Chs

Chapter One

I've always been a happy-go-lucky guy. Everyone who met me always said the same thing: Friendly. I prided myself on being able to smile no matter what. Even when my Mother left , I smiled that day as I watched her drive off leaving me and my siblings behind with Dad. I still offered to braid my sister's beautiful blonde hair. And told Dad to read me a bedtime story that night. Dad had hugged me tightly that night and told me everything would be okay and I'd hugged him back and told him the same thing . And Dad cried that night in my arms. I rubbed his back and kept telling him everything would be okay and then when he was done and left my room, I went to bed with a smile on my face. And from then on, my comfort words were "Everything will be okay" .I was used to comforting people.

My life was basically smooth because I never let anything weight me down. I was quick to let things go and always joked around, always ready to have a good time and it earned me lots of friends. I was also smart. I was a 3rd year student at NYU at the moment , studying Communication arts . I was happy with myself and life. My looks definitely made life better.

I had brown wavy hair that stopped at my nape and light brown eyes with a square jaw. I wasn't bulky in the muscle department and I didn't want to be. just lean muscles and defined abs. a fit body was what I had and the girls loved it so I was okay.

I stayed at a student apartment close to school. it was a building with 14 floors and I stayed on the 12th. I was just entering the building after a stressful day at school. I was going to throw myself on the bed immediately I got into my room. I saw a guy just about to enter the elevator. There was only one elevator in this building which meant that if the guy took the elevator , I would have to wait and i was absolutely too tired to even think of it

"Wait!!!! Hold the elevator!!!!!" I yelled just as the guy was about to enter and started jogging. The guy looked at me and entered the elevator. i got there just in time to see the elevator doors close. "Asshole!!!!" I yelled. What kind of a fucking dick was that guy??? I almost pulled my hair out in frustration. surprisingly the elevator stopped at the 12th floor "Would you look at that??" I said to myself. The guy was on my fucking floor. I waited for the elevator to come back down and slumped to the ground immediately I stepped in. I was so tired and I needed a massage badly. in fact, I needed to soak myself in a hot tub. just thinking about it made me sigh. The elevator got to my floor and I got out. I Wondered which of the closed doors that asshole was in. Or maybe he didn't stay here. maybe he came for a visit.

"You're an asshole , you elevator hogger!!!!!" I yelled in the hallway. at least if the asshole was in any of these rooms , he'd hear that. I smirked as I opened my door and stepped inside. I didn't bother with the lights and just headed straight to my room . I threw myself on the bed, clothes and all. I sighed in satisfaction before I dozed off.