
Story of a girl named Ruby

The story is about a girl who thought unicorns are real

Tehreem_Hamood · Fantasía
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Story of Ruby

Once upon a time there was a little girl name Ruby, she was 7 years old, she was very poor , back in the old days when queens and kings ruled the world, ruby wrote a book about a unique animal with a body of a horse and a horn like a rinosarus, Ruby said that "outside of this world their are animals u never seen before " as her mother laughed and said "don't be silly everyone knows that outside the gates are monsters! " but ruby wasn't going to believe that one time ruby snuck into the place of the royals, it got her into a lot of trouble and they were about to throw her in the dunjun because of how guilty she became but ruby's mother cried out loud and said "please! Just ask her why she did that, I promise! She didn't mean it!"

Luckily they asked her the reason why she snuck into the palace and she said John! ( Who was the prince ) to-told me to co-come! She said while shaking of fear the king said "LAIR! my son won't invite a filty peasant over like you! As he said John spoke up " father! Sorry...

It's my fault . As the king stood in silence his face turned red as for him no should be in my palace without my permission. But suddenly he saw a book in ruby's hands he snatched the book and started reading. When he was finished he said " wow! This is a amazing story , who wrote it? As ruby shaking of fear said " Me. Ur majesty, I wrote it. The King's mind lit up " hey u raby "

She said "It's ruby " he said " whatever it is, I want u to life with us " ruby's mothers eyes filled with tears and said " oh my lord! "

(Later on)

They both got a beautiful room , her mother loved the taste of richness, while ruby couldnt sleep all night.

(the next day)

Ruby came out early in the morning wearing her normal cheap clothes. The maid said "oh my, ur majesty u can't be out looking like that , ur a princess.

The maid dressed ruby up and ruby wondered " hmm I haven't gotten my book back when she down stairs to look for her book, saw the king selling it to a weird looking lady dressed in black. She forgot about that but still couldn't forget the reason why the kind invited her in. The next day the king came to her room and said said " hey u, write another story will ya? And write it longer then last time.

Ruby had no choice but to follow the orders but then she saw the same woman outside she lived on the first floor so she jumped out the window and ran to the lady and said "hey u went outside the walls! U broke the rules!

As the lady sushed her she said " come with me u brat! And ran out the walls and surprisingly the gates opened for her as rubys eyes sparkled seeing the outside. Ruby quickly pulled her hand away and ran outside in the jungle where she saw the animals she never saw before she said " oh my God! The thing I drew it's the same thing as the unicorn came running towards her she got scared and tried defending herself by her hands. And the unicorn suddenly started flying the unicorn flew so fast that ruby couldnt even see it fly. Then the creepy jungle started to seem like ruby's dream. She met many animals .

(after several years)

The time was over no kings no queens. Ruby had her own place to sleep and surprisingly ruby never aged nor she died she was one hundred and twenty years old now but looked like a fifteen year old . Soon after some hunters came to hunt down animals and found ruby because of her strange hands and body they saw her as a monster and also as gridy people they took her to a scienctist who needed a subject to work on they took her and got a lot of money in return. Whatever the scienctist did made her stronger than before after years and years of torture ruby was able to escape the cruel world she was one of the most famous current situation.

Once again Ruby was found but she was unstoppable now

She became a girl who looked like from was from a different planet who looked like a goddess with Pink hair with a white dress she controlled The little Ruby, she was not an always a sweet little angel the World was gone, or so she thought, John was still alive he was a Prince with the power to live forever, John brought Ruby down and then the world was normal again.

But Ruby needed her revenge on him, she was no normal Girl she came back to the World with another girl's body, and she became the bad kid in the City. One time. ruby was in 7th grade, One day the school announced that everyone will get a partner and they have to help each other anytime, anywhere. Ruby got a partner named Emma, Ruby hated Emma and never helped her. One day Ruby got into a fight with a boy. Emma was the one taking her to the nurse's office. Ruby, never said thanks to Emma from that day they were the worst friends. Emma tried everything to get rid of her. Then she met John, she was raging mad to see him. And became her true self but Emma was a special one too. Emma helped John best Ruby and she was able to hide then Ruby thought of her life old Life everything.

Thinking about being a better person. so she came back and apologized. And told them she will become a better person.

(After one year)

One day, a boy wanted a lot of kittens. One day he found three kittens but one of them was black and he didn't like that so he took the other two in. And left the black kitten to freeze to death but Ruby saw the kitten and took her in. Ruby treated the black kitten like it was her child. ill name her Kelly said Ruby One day Ruby was outside when she saw some kittens running toward her and started meowing then she saw the boy with a knife in his hand ruby took the kittens in immediately. John saw ruby and said, " u did really changed huh?" Ruby smiled looking at him, as time goes on John sees how much Ruby changed and after a year they were married and had a kid ruby named her kid after her mother, her daughter, mary believed in unicorns as well and Ruby said to mary " ofc their real u can go see them when ur grown up.

After 10 years

Ruby was finally getting old

One day someone attacked the city

They killed Ruby and John and Mary was left all alone before Ruby passed away ruby gave mary her bracelet it was a red bracelet with Ruby's name. Ruby said " remove my name and write urs don't let this tradition die"

After her parent's death, she became evil, she got a job at a fast food restaurant. and she would put poison in the customer's order she kept on doing this but got caught afterward. when she got out of jail she started teasing little girls who thought unicorns are real. One time he went to a jungle to look for some unicorns and to her surprise, she found one but she never told anyone that unicorns were real. she never found love because of her criminal record and her bad behavior. One day she went back to the same jungle she went to before because she wanted to sell the unicorn. but the unicorn attacked her. But she was able to catch the unicorn. She went to a scientist which looked very similar to the evil scientist her mom drew and it was the evil scientist! She immediately attacked him and surprisingly the unicorn helped Mary and the unicorn flew her out of that place, that the unicorn became her favorite animal to trust she told the Little Girls that a unicorn is real and the girls were surprised to see a real unicorn and she apologized to everyone for being so rude and her mother, Ruby, was proud of her the most.


Age: 10