
Story Ideas!

A Novel comprised of drafts for future books. This novel is dedicated to the most liked book draft. If the novel draft gets a ton of likes, I will make a full-scale novel for it. Again, this is not a real novel with any sort of plot. If you want such things, make sure to check out my other works. P.S (Cover art is not mine. Contact me if you want it taken down)

Inflameous · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Goodbye, World!

"Why must you go, Master?" A girl by the name of Abegail Heart pleaded, Wondering why her teacher is going to retire. The same thought passed around the room, filling the heads of fourteen other girls, all in the same fit as Abegail, white Gi with a violet sash, making them all look the first-rate.

"Ah, my students. I am not going anywhere for long. as you have been training hard, I have also been doing so. Except for me, I have to take a couple of days off from teaching all of you, but I will never stop thinking about seeing all of your faces when I get back. If I somehow don't come back, which is a very low chance, of course, I would like you all to remember me how I am, and continue with your training.

"Although I won't be here to manage your training, the techniques I taught you will make you be able to practice them anywhere, even without me coaching you. With everything I taught you, it is not impossible to say, with practice, that you can take over the world with your skill and determination. So, my daughters, I will take my leave, but keep me in your heart at all times." I said, going around the room, giving hugs and kisses to all of the girls.

My name is Lucian Bennet, a Dojo owner in the hills of Mojin, far away from any civilization. The girls I train are all rejects or lost from villages and families who have mistreated or abandoned them. The techniques I teach are very hard to learn but easy to execute once learned.

With years of experience, but no one to teach, I decided years ago that I would find someone, or multiple someones, to teach all of my moves to, which lead to spending my savings on an old hut out in the mountains. With a few odd looks from the people I bought the property from, I established my Dojo, 'Devil's Students'.

I named it as such as my name is Lucian, which could be known as Lucifer, AKA the devil, and students is, obviously for the girls that I teach. As for why girls, I did so because all of my moves, although it requires a bit of strength, are mostly about skill and using the opponent's strength against them.

The skills themselves range from close combat, misdirection, speed, and a bunch of other fighting techniques. Another, more lecherous reason is that I find seeing these girls exercise gives me a lot of material to, ahem, spend a bunch of time alone, if you get what I mean. Anyways, I will miss them.

Seeing their tearing faces, I was having second thoughts about going away. But, I have already said my goodbyes. All I can hope for is for them to group and make it past their teen years and mature into strong, almost too strong, adults, able to fend for themselves against the dangers of the world.

"*Sniff* But what are we supposed to do without you here? What would happen to use should something happen while you are away. what if you get killed? What if WE get killed?! What if-!" A smaller girl named Charlotte Lewis said, hands shaking, as well as her voice. I quiet her down with a slow pat on the head.

"Shhh...I won't be gone long. If you miss me, just think of the past couple of years we have spent together. All of the trips out to the mountains, the fun games we played, and the meals we had as a family. Do you see? I am never going to leave you, as you all have a part of me in your hearts and minds." I said with a soft smile on my face.

Some of my students cried even harder, while some whipped away those tears and tried to comfort the others. One of the more mature students name Beth Simons walked up to me, face a little puffy. Although I treated them as students, they were also like a family to me, and unto them as well.

"Were exactly will you be heading, Master?" Beth asked, congested a bit.

"I will be heading up the mountains to the very peak, were I will be spending some time meditating and perfecting my minds fortitude. I have trained my body to its extent, so all that is left is the mind, which is said to be your most powerful weapon." I said to her with confidence. Honestly, I could not say what I am hoping to accomplish by going so far up.

In those mountains are beasts, frost bite, and the ability to get lost in mere seconds. However, what I said is true. From the times of old, it is said that their lurks a power that is said to enforce ones mental prowess, which is the only thing I am lacking to reach the pinical of human ability.

"Alright, but should you not come back, we will do our best to find you, and also fulfill your wishes." Beth said with a bow. Though I don't know what she meant by that, I do appreciate the gesture. Nothing should go wrong with this adventure, so she is fretting for nothing.

Clapping my hands, all the girls stood at attention, facing the entrance to the Dojo, which was just a thick tarp blocking the air from getting inside. "Goodbye, everyone! I hope you continue to train like I taught you. I should be back soon, so you won't have to wait long! And, as always, take care of each other!" I said before pushing aside the canvas and stepping out into the brisk night air.

All I had on me was my Gi, silky black with a dark red sash, and a pair of slippers. Not only is it about finding this supposed miracle, but also about training my resolve to find such a thing. steeling myself, I took one last look at my tiny Dojo before hopping off the deck, making my way to the mountains.


Authors note:

Hey guys! This is one of the starters for another novel I could write. if you liked how this is going, be sure to comment on the chapter so I can know if I should make this full scale or not. Also, thank you for supporting my novels.

Sincerely, Inflameous