
Stormbound: Chronicles of the Wind Mage

A 12-year-old boy discovers his magical ability lies in the element of wind, considered the weakest and rarest among mages. As he embarks on a journey guided by a mysterious voice, he questions the true power of wind and sets out to uncover its potential in a series of adventures.

Hemal_Prajapati · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: Unavoidable Destiny

Arthur lay unconscious on a bed in the royal hospital, surrounded by his distraught parents, Marqus and Iliyana, tears streaming down their faces. A gentle knock interrupted their solemn vigil—thup.. thup.. "Come in," Marqus called out quietly.

The door opened to reveal a figure accompanied by guards. Marqus's eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the visitor. "Your Highness, why are you here?" he asked, incredulous.

King Frederick Winshield entered solemnly, his presence commanding respect even amidst the tension. "Am I not allowed to visit a boy who hangs between life and death in his bed?" he replied softly.

Marqus struggled to find words, touched by the king's unexpected gesture. "I didn't mean it that way, sire. You have already granted my son a room in the royal hospital, which is more than enough. But your personal visit... I will remember this day forever."

The king's presence here held a deeper significance. Wind, often regarded as the weakest element due to its mysterious nature, held untapped potential. If Arthur could defeat Mirion with a single attack, it hinted at his understanding of wind's true power. King Frederick Winshield was not foolish enough to overlook someone with such formidable abilities.

While Arthur lay unconscious, King Frederick personally looked after him, visiting every day as if Arthur were family. While this was good for the kingdom, not everyone was happy about it.

In a dark room, Gridion Sailma, Mirion Sailma's father, sat with his face hidden in shadows. Someone entered quietly and greeted him respectfully, "Glory to Lord Gridion."

"Ah, you're back, Burmark, my trusted butler. What news do you have?" Gridion asked eagerly.

"Sir, as you told me, I sent an invitation to the king, but he declined to come to Mirion's funeral," Burmark said cautiously.

"What? That can't be," Gridion said angrily.

"Yes, sir. Not only that, but he's visiting Arthur, the one who caused your son's death, in his hospital room. Arthur is now being treated at the royal hospital, favored by the king himself," Burmark added, his voice showing both concern and intrigue.

"This is absurd!" Gridion exclaimed furiously, hurling his wine glass to the ground. "Not only did the king refuse to come to my son's funeral, but he's also supporting Arthur. It seems the king has forgotten all our family did to aid him. This is unbearable. Arthur Cifer, you will pay for this!"

"Sir, I suggest you hold your tongue for now. If anything were to happen to Arthur, we would be the prime suspects," the butler cautioned.

"You're not wrong," Gridion conceded darkly. "Very well, then. I will bide my time. But mark my words, Arthur will pay dearly. He will shed tears of blood," he added with a malevolent laugh.

About a month had passed before Arthur finally opened his eyes. Feeling groggy, he asked in a sleepy voice, "Where am I?"

Gimir responded immediately within his mind, "Oh, Arthur, you're awake! I can't believe it. You've been unconscious for almost a month."

"A month?" Arthur repeated.


"What happened? Did I win the duel?" he asked with effort.

"Yes, you won the duel," Gimir replied happily. "Not only that, you killed Mirion."

"Mirion is dead?" Arthur asked, shocked.


"Then how did I end up here in this room?"

"Your body couldn't handle my powers even for a short time, so you ended up here," Gimir explained.

"I see. Can you tell me what happened in this past month?" Arthur inquired.

"Firstly, the king himself came here daily to check on you."

"The king? Why would the king be here?" Arthur wondered aloud.

"Well, I'm sure the king has his reasons. Secondly, I think you're going to have a little sister or brother," Gimir added.

"What? How do you know?" Arthur asked, surprised.

"I sensed another soul when your parents came to visit you earlier, and your mother's belly has grown in this past month," Gimir explained.

"Oh, really?" Arthur exclaimed softly, his voice filled with happiness.

As this conversation unfolded in Arthur's mind, suddenly the door opened.

A person carrying a plate of fruits entered the room—it was Iliyana, Arthur's mother. When she saw Arthur lying with his eyes open on the bed, she was shocked, and the plate slipped from her hands. Tears welled up in her eyes as she rushed to Arthur's bedside.

"Arthur, you're awake, my son!" she exclaimed with a gentle voice, tears streaming down her cheeks. She took hold of Arthur's hand tightly.

"Mom, please don't cry," Arthur said softly, lifting his other hand to gently pat her head.

At the sound of the dropped plate, Marqus hurried into the room. Seeing Arthur awake, he couldn't hold back his tears either. "What happened, honey?" he managed to say through his own tears. "Arthur, my son, you're awake!"

Both Marqus and Iliyana cried tears of relief and joy as they gathered around Arthur, their emotions overflowing in that precious moment.

To be continued...

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