
Chapter 3: The Beginning of Pain

Only two hours had passed since my meeting with Evira and company. I was somehow standing a hundred miles away from Yorknew City. In the Gordeau-Certes mountain range. Or I assume so.

They blindfolded me, so the sound of a loud 'POP' and the tranquil noises of nature was the only thing that signaled my transition from the city to the country. Stupid magical shenanigans, at least let me see it!

Four more popping sounds heralded the arrival of more people. The sudden voice of Mayer boomed out from beyond my blindfold, "All right boy, you can take it off." I slowly removed my blindfold to see nature in all its glory. Lush green grass, enormous snow-capped pine trees, and numerous birds flying terrified away from Mayer's bellowing voice. I didn't blame them.

I turned around to see Mayer standing in front of an enormous log cabin. No, that was wrong, log cabin implied some rinky-dinky shack. This thing looked exquisite. The type of thing a world-class architect builds for a billionaire. Three stories of dreams and money.

My mouth must have been hanging a bit too wide as Mayer came and put his massive hand on my shoulder. It felt like a bear was grabbing hold of me, "Ah, I see you are impressed by my home. I built it myself more than a decade ago." He said with pride.

"Uh, must've cost a lot of money. I mean, it's basically a mansion! H-how many rooms does it have?" I spat out nervously.

He chuckled, which sounded more menacing then good-humored, "You would be surprised. I cut the wood down myself, so that took care of the bulk of the building material," Mayer pointed to a clearing of nothing but tree trunks, "Everything else costed, all total, around thirteen and a half million jenny. "

My brain rapidly did the conversion to dollars...it came out close to eighty seven thousand dollars. Huh, I guess they uploaded the value of jenny into my head. Convenient.

"As for rooms, well…there are seven bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a study, an attic, also the gym…"

"A-and you built this yourself? Come on, you had to have some help!" I said in disbelief. There was no way he built this by himself!

"Yes. I built it by myself," he raised his giant hulk hands and clenched them to emphasis his point.

I realize that yes, yes he did indeed build this thing by himself.

"I built it for my wife, rest her soul. Alas, she hated the idea of us living out here. She was a city girl through and through. The thought of isolation drove her mad," The giant said so tenderly and longingly that my soul hurt for him.

I craned up to see Mayer's face. His eyes held a deep sadness at odds with what I knew about him. Or, more accurately, I didn't know him at all.

It was presumptuous of me to think this guy (who could play Gregor Clegane on Game of Thrones without a problem) was just a giant brute. I guess I had all the time to find out who he was during my training.

The sound of trampling grass made me turn around. Five people approached us, two of which were the maids. The other three were new. Well, two of them were entirely new. The last one was at the meeting with Evira. To be honest, I barely noticed her at the time, but now I understood why. She was a mousy woman, withdrawn into herself. She had reddish-brown hair done up in a short pixie cut and wore a black-green suit. Similar to Evira. The woman held a wooden sword in her arms like a bundle of rocks threatening to spill out.

What stood out the most was her striking green eyes. The same color as Evira's.

The other two were twins. Teens that were far too ripped to be anything other than Mayer's kids. They were the spitting image of the man, sans giant walrus mustache. Dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and jacked as all hell. Like miniature Mike Tysons. They both wore white sleeveless shirts with brown suspenders with large, brown boots...

I really couldn't get over the fashion in this world. What year was it? It was all over the place.

They had short, curly hair like their father, but softer, cherubic faces. The most striking difference was their demeanor as they strode forward.

The way I would describe Mayer's attitude and body was indifference. His eyes just passed over things as though nothing held meaning to him. I wouldn't call them lifeless... but he came across as if he was supremely tired. As though he was going through the motions. It was obvious he did care about certain things, but on a whole, the world could die from what I saw of him.

On the other hand, the twins could not have been more energetic if you had shoved car batteries up their asses. They practically skipped towards Mayer and me, wide smiles and million-watt eyes doing more to explain their personalities than any words could. But when my eyes met the twins, they somehow became even more excitable. So excitable they started to cartwheel and flip towards us like Cirque du Soleil.

I immediately panicked.

They started to pick up speed as they approached us. Faster and faster, to the point where they could have seriously hurt me if we collided. I raised my arms in the universal sign of 'stop before you kill me!'

Just as they were at the point of crashing into me, Mayer turned around and propelled them up with his lunchbox sized hands, the boys using their feet to spring off his hands. They shot up into the sky like cannonballs, rotating so fast I felt motion sick looking at them.

As they flew higher and higher the thought of them landing became sickening. The thought became worse as they easily cleared a dozen meters and showed no sign of stopping. Far as I was aware, most humans don't do so well after a three-story drop, which was easy to tell since they were higher than the house. I couldn't look away as morbid fascination overtook me, the pair plummeting towards the ground like comets.

But with all the grace and dexterity of cats, they twisted their body out of their fetal, cannonball shape and cut their bodies into a 'Y' shape. Mayer shot his hands up and caught each twin in either hand like it was nothing, his body also doing a 'Y' shape as well. The family formed a massive 'V' that came off as embodiment of victory itself.

I couldn't help but clap at their performance. What a way to make a first impression! A big dopey grin was plastered on my face as I stared at the three posing Domos, "Jesus! That was amazing!"

The two of them hopped off their giant father's hands and landed with a lightness that belied their appearance, they bowed low as I continued to clap. With a lurch, Mayer scooped both the boys into his massive arms and gave them a bone-crunching hug, his eyes finally alight with positive emotions, "My boys! You have not gone rusty! In fact, you have improved!"

Both the boys laughed as they responded with their own hugs. In unison they replied, "Nor have you, papa! When you gave us a call we dropped everything and came! We have been quite busy since you last saw us, papa! We have so much to tell you!"

My smile became bigger at the sight before me. I was a sucker for sappy moments. Looking past them, I saw the maids and the mousy woman standing together, their faces similar to my own. I walked over them and greeted with a smile, "Long time no see. Claudette. Briannaisa."

The blonde maid laid a finger on her chin as she looked at me with a confused look, "But... it hasn't been that long. Only a few hours."

Briannaisa shook her head, "He doesn't mean literally. He's just making a joke. "

Claudette's made an 'O' shape that made me smile. I was extremely nervous at the upcoming training, but seeing two familiar faces put me at ease. Even if they were just familiar strangers.

Although their presence here, along with the mousy woman, did leave me with nagging questions...

"So, um, don't take this the wrong way; but why are you two here?" I almost wanted to ask why the guard was here, but I could see a few reasons why she would be here. I couldn't see any for the maids.

The brunette maid bowed slightly, "I understand your concern, but rest assured that we are more than qualified to assist in your training."

Claudette nodded as she took a half-step forward, eyes shining with fire, "Mm'hm, at the very least we can make sure you can recover from your training! Mr. Domo is really slavedriver, so you'll need all the help you can get!" Two fists balled up to her chest as she gave a passionate nod.

I swallowed nervously at her answer.

Speaking of the devil, Mayer whispered right next to my head in a horrifying low voice, "She is correct." I damn near had a heart attack as I rocketed forwards towards the maids.

I managed to regain my composure before colliding into the duo, skidding to a stop with one foot. I didn't scream. Scout's honor.

I turned around to see Mayer looming over me. His sons sat on each shoulder, kicking their legs like toddlers. The pair of parrots looked at me with smiles and amusement in their eyes. Mayer stared down at me like how I would imagine the Hulk would a puny human: with complete and utter dismissiveness. I didn't care for the look.

The boys hopped down from their father's shoulders and simultaneously extended their hands towards me. Before I could even react, they both grabbed my right hand and began shaking it with reckless abandon. They spoke in unison, "It is a pleasure to meet you! My name is Kalvin/Clyde! We are the Death-Defying Domos! What is your name, good gentlemen?! Are you a new apprentice our father has taken under his wing?! How did you meet our father?! Is it true you are taking the Hunter the exam with such little time?! How brave!"

I literally staggered back at the assault of questions. The only thing keeping me in place was the teenagers' iron-like grips over my hand. I held up my free hand to stop them from machine-gunning me with more questions.

"One at a time, one at a time! And can you let go of my hand?! You're crushing it into powder!" They turned their heads to each other before laughing and letting go of my hand. I shook my hand, opening it and closing it to try and get feeling back into it.

"Yeow, jeez. Um, ye-," and then that strange compulsion that came over me when Evira asked a question reared its' ugly head again. Before I knew it I stood stiff as a statue as I began rattling off answers, "My name is James Ha-Tao Long." My eyes widened at what I said, but my mouth and mind continued on autopilot, "Mayer has been tasked to train me by Evira, at the request of my Aunt Flole."

None of this was true! I looked helpless at Mayer, who looked on dispassionately. I tried willing myself to stop, but all I could do was helpless spew out the information uploaded to me by Zelle, "I am not an apprentice, so much as being tested by Lady Evira and trained by Mayer. Yes, I am taking the Hunter Exam in three months," I looked on at horror at the two grinning boys and their father.

I stepped back, shaking my head as though that would remove whatever command made me answer like an obedient drone. I stared up at Mayer and jabbed a finger in his direction, "What the fuck?! Three months?! Are you all crazy?! How the fuck does Evira think I can pass something trained soldiers and mercenaries die taking? Are you fucking out of your minds?!" I roared at the trio of muscled fools.

From the limited information uploaded to my head, only the best of the best passed the Hunter Exam. And the worst of the worst usually died.

I rather not take an exam that can get me killed. At that thought, I shook my head in disgust at what I was getting into. Maybe a year, maybe, super maybe, but three months? No fucking way. That was a death wish.

Mayer grunted, "Hmph, that's why we start today. Evira did not tell you everything, and you do not know everything, boy. Evira has tasked me with briefing you on everything else she left out. That nonsense you spouted out? That is part of your cover story."

He raised a massive arm and flicked his index and middle finger inward, calling over the mousy woman. She came over, still holding the wooden sword as if it threatened to fall out of her arms at any given time. The Domo twins made room for the woman, standing on either side of their father. As she stood in front of me... the feeling of familiarity came over me. A deep connection that I couldn't quite place.

A connection that made me confused and angry.

"This is your 'Aunt Flole'. She is Evira's sister, making Evira your 'aunt' as well. That is the official story on this Earth. On any database in Yorknew City, you are designated as her nephew," Mayer gestured for my fake aunt to continue this farce.

The woman, who Evira had the nerve to make my aunt, continued off from where Mayer ended. She spoke gently "Hello James. From your face I can tell you're angry at this. But you need an identity, and making you related to us was the best way to keep you safe."

"Yeah? I don't believe that. You could've made me an orphan instead of part of your family! A new recruit or something!"

I'd have gladly accepted that. Way more than being part of a criminal organization's family. I've watched enough Gangland to know how unhealthy it is to be related to the leader of a criminal organization. Now I had a target on the back of my head, and anyone that had a grudge against this stupid 'Tao Long Family' would be more than happy to put a bullet through aforementioned head.

Secondly, I don't know these people. I really don't want to know these people. I barely understand what is happening, and yet I'm supposed to act like their relations? The fuck?!

Aunt Flole sighed and mustered through my anger, "I understand your frustration, but there are rules to a criminal organization. Do you really believe an orphan would warrant this type of assistance?"

She spread an arm out to the group next to her to emphasis her point.

Mayer grunted, "As counter-intuitive as it sounds, being associated with a mafia family will keep you safe. Especially with us."

Flole nodded in agreement, "You could do far worse than us. We aren't so bad."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "Yeah? You're going to tell me you all are a bunch of 'good' criminals? Give me a break..."

Mayer snickered, "You are right, our 'family' is no different than any other group of criminals. We kill, we steal, we sell drugs. Racketeering, money laundering, blackmail; you name it, we participate in it. The Tao Long Family is as wicked as they come." I stared at him in shock. He wasn't even trying to hide how bad they were.

Flole looked embarrassed at the blunt description of her organization, "He's right. We are criminals, there's no way around it. I'd like to think we are better than the other families... at the very least. We try to minimize the collateral damage of our actions and much of our revenue comes from legal sources."

Mayer rolled his eyes so hard I almost thought he was having a seizure. Even Flole sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

Before I could respond, Mayer cut me off, "Enough, boy. We can stand here all day discussing the right and wrong of it. The only truth to be found here is that you have no choice in this matter. Be us saints or sinners, we are the lot you have been bound to. You best remember this: seldom do you get to choose your allies, especially ones as powerful and as willing to assist you as us. Make the most of it. I believe the phrase, 'Do not look a gift horse in the mouth' applies to this situation."

I twisted my mouth as I chewed over his words. He was right. Even if these guys were terrorists, a criminal empire, or even an evil government; I had little choice in the matter.

Oh god, I hated my luck.

I frowned and looked away, "Alright, alright. I still don't like any of this, but I recognize the...logic of your decision. I'll keep up appearances, for all our sakes, but we aren't family and don't consider me part of your mob. No matter how virtuous you think your mafia is," I declared as I stabbed my finger in their direction.

Mayer looked like he didn't give two shits. He grunted, "Fine, not like your words mean anything. Flole, anything else you wish to add?"

She folded in on herself as she looked down, saddened. I could feel my heart go out to the woman, but that sympathy was crushed by the cold awareness I was press-ganged into, well, a gang. She shook her head in response and Mayer grunted, "Good. Now we can get to the whole point of this farce."

He turned around and walked towards his cabin. A gigantic barn was right next to his home, large enough to fit a herd of elephants in there. The rest of the group followed.

Mayer wrapped his hands around the huge door handles and opened them like someone would open a screen door. As the rest of the group entered through the giant gates, I tried moving the doors and found I couldn't even make them budge. I sighed in frustration and entered the barn.

Inside the barn were various vehicles and training equipment laying around. In a pile were large, worn-out weights that looked straight out of a circus. Various weapons were hanging all over the places, decorating the barn and giving it the vibe of a Shaolin monk temple. Staffs, broadswords, daggers, katanas, spears and more were all lined neatly racked against the walls.

The floor of the barn was simple dirt, but it was even and flat so there wasn't an issue walking across it other than the dust we kicked up. Above us were various ropes, gymnastic rings, and horizontal bars that looked straight from a circus. In the middle of the barn was a large circle made of what looked like stone. As we entered it, I could see dark stains in the middle of it.

The twins hopped up to grab a pair of rings and a horizontal bar each, effortlessly pulling themselves up and hanging on them without issue. The maids waited patiently while Flole stood next to them. I turned to see Mayer wheeling a large motorcycle with a sidecar from the back of the barn. It was old and rusty, with a green and brown paint job that made the vehicle look like it came from World War II.

"Just like we planned. Briannaisa, you're with me. Claudette, prepare the food. Flole, the stick. Kalvin and Clyde, get the gym and your lessons ready. James, take your shoes off." Mayer snapped off precise and quickly.

"Wait, what?" I stared at him dumbly. Flole walked up to Mayer, handing over the wooden sword to Mayer. He tested the weight, swinging it in his left hand with grace and skill. The giant nodded, seemingly satisfied by the weapon.

Then he smashed me over the head with it.

I fell backward, roaring in pain at the impact against my skull. I held my head in horror as I half expected my skull to be indented. I gingerly held the site of the hit...

Only to find there was no injury and no lingering pain. It was the opposite: I felt like an exploding firework. Adrenaline and energy filled my body as I clenched and unclenched my fists. After the initial impact and pain, whatever that stick did gave me an overflowing amount of energy.

I popped up on my feet and bounced around like a boxer. I felt like I could take over the whole world.

"James, take off your shoes," This time I followed his instructions immediately. While the stick didn't give permanent injures, it still fucking hurt worse than anything I ever felt. I rather take off my stupid shoes.

After I slipped my shoes and socks off, Mayer straddled the large motorcycle and pointed toward the barn entrance, "Now run."

As Briannaisa entered the sidecar I was tempted to ask why, but I thought better of it. I spun around on my now bare feet and took off.

And that was the beginning of my three months of hell.

The first two kilometers weren't bad, but after the third kilometer I was already breaking down. A little less than two miles (3.2 km) and my lungs and throat already burned something terrible. My legs and body began to give out. I hadn't run in years... and now I was running as hard as I could force my out-of-shape physique to go.

The only reason I couldn't slow down was the madman on a motorcycle driving right behind me. Every time I started to slacken my pace I would hear the revving of the motorcycle as it inched ever closer. The threat of being run over always works great as a motivator. It definitely lit a fire under my ass.

Mayer's cabin sat directly between the Gordeau Desert and the Certes mountain range. The transition between snow and desert was abrupt, but more jarring was the elevation change and sun. The steep descent made running a hell of a trial; with rocks, hills, and shrubbery doing its best to faceplant me into the ground. Somehow Mayer's bike could keep up with the treacherous terrain, ever behind me like an approaching buzzsaw, much to my displeasure.

Worse than the terrible footing was the sun. The further we ventured into the Gordeau Desert the hotter and brighter the sun became. Clouds vanished as oppressive heat bore down on me; shelter from the hanging ball of fire becoming scarce and distant. By the seventh kilometer there were no trees left to protect me: just a flat, sparse prairie that quickly disappeared into dead desert dirt. My exposed skin becoming bright red and painful.

On the eighth kilometer, a rock smashed into one of my feet sending me sprawling headfirst into the hot desert earth. I dropped like a sack of potatoes and rolled on to my back and stared at the culprit: my right foot.

The toe was swollen and bloody, with the nail being completely torn off. In fact, both my feet looked like shit on from my lack of footwear that Mayer so graciously ordered me to take off. The only upside to it all was I couldn't feel the pain from my toe, but only because the rest of my body was in even worse pain from fatigue, dehydration, and sunburn.

As I stared entranced by my injured foot, Mayer came over and smashed me on the head with his wooden sword. Instantly I jumped back up screaming, "What the fuck is wrong with you!" Only to find that all my aches and pains were gone, and I was infused with stamina again. My toe was also back to normal...

Well, healed enough would be correct; my toenail didn't magically grow back, so now my toe looked like a fleshy nub.

I turned back to Mayer, who responded by pointing to the horizon. I thought about asking a question before I noticed his other hand carrying the stupid wooden sword. All I could do was sigh in anger as I continued my death march into the Gordeau Desert.

This went on for hours. Mayer yelling every kilometer I passed and me doing my best to keep moving forward. Every time I would collapse or injury myself the giant asshole would hit me with the stick. He wouldn't even talk or comment on anything after he did it. Just point in a direction and I would be back to running. Occasionally he would ride up next to me and Briannaisa giving me water to drink.

I would have loved to say it was all pointless...but it wasn't.

The next time I collapsed was at the seventeenth-kilometer mark, which meant I was ever so slightly improving. My feet hurt less, while the sensations in my lungs and heart moved from 'oh god they're going to explode!' to 'this is death, this is what approaching death feels like'. I assure you it was a very subtle, yet noticeable change.

Much more noticeable were my legs and body, which felt stronger every time I had my ass beat with that damn stick.

At the twenty-fifth kilometer mark he ordered me to stop. I fell on my ass, sucking breath as I did my best impression of a fish on land. I turned my head to find Mayer and Briannaisa getting off the bike.

"You have a ten-minute break. Briannaisa will ease your fatigue," said before nodding to Briannaisa who mirrored it back.

She walked over to an empty space and waved her hands. Before me was an oasis. An honest to god oasis. A pool of liquid heaven in the middle of this wretched hellhole. There was even a palm tree next to the water like a cartoon. I rubbed my eyes several times to make sure I wasn't going insane.

The maid bowed and gestured for me to hop in, but before I could hop in she directed me to take off my clothes, "Uhh, I didn't know Mayer was referring to that kind R&R." I stood there, a foot away from paradise, looking like an awkward teenager as I rubbed the back of my head.

An enormous vein popped out of her head, her face turned redder than my skin. Rage was plain on her face as she spoke through clenched teeth, "No you idiot, so you don't get them wet."

Like rusted gears, my thoughts struggled to turn until it suddenly clicked, "Ooooooh."

Man was I tired.

After giving my clothes to her (she faced away from me as she did, thank god) I hopped into the small pond and relaxed. I instantly felt my body relax: tight and strained muscles soothed away by cool water. Aches and pains disappeared. As well as the sunburn, scratches, and bruises I had gained from my numerous tumbles across the desert floor.

It felt like I was in heaven. No, this is heaven. Drool leaked from the side of my mouth as I laid my head back against the palm tree. I started to drift to sleep. That was until Mayer spoke up, "You need to pick up the pace."

"Wh-what? I'm running as fast as I can. By the way, why do you keep screaming out the kilometers I run?" I said in a tired, rest drunk haze.

He grunted, "It took you more than six hours to run twenty-five kilometers, that is embarrassing. As for why I am keeping track of your distance, is it not obvious? Or would you rather run in silence with no understanding of your progress?"

When he put it like that, yeah, I can see why he would yell the kilometers. But his attitude towards me bordered on antagonistic. It seemed like he hated me. I told him as much.

"What's your problem with me?"

Mayer glared back with his piercing blue eyes. He was trying to make me back down from my question, but I had just run twenty-five fucking kilometers and was butt-naked in a pool of water; literally nursing my wounds. There was only so much a man could take.

More to the point: I was going to see my way through to the end. If there was one thing I learned in life it was not to quit when things got tough. So why did he despise this whole situation so much? If I'm being trained, I'd like it to be under someone who actually believed in me and wanted me to succeed.

I saw no such faith from Mayer.

We stared at each other, neither of us willing to budge. It went on and on, with both of us doing our best to light each other on fire via eyesight alone. Ultimately no one backed down. Mayer continued his frightening gaze (and I did my best not to wilt) as he broke the silence, "You are quite perceptive, though I did not bother to hide my contempt."

He closed his eyes as he turned away, opening them up to stare at one of the mesas that dotted the landscape. A look of remembrance came over him.

"When I took the Hunter Exam I had to climb a ten-kilometer mountain. On average it takes professional climbers, with equipment and preparations, one to two months to climb such an obstacle. We had only three days. Without any equipment. Many died."

My trainer turned to Briannaisa, who was staring at us with a mixture of concern and understanding.

The giant motioned with his head, which the maid responded, "During my exam I swam thirty-three kilometers. A number of the applicants drowned or were eaten by magical beasts."

I could only stare at them in horror. It was one thing to have a vague knowledge of the Hunter Exam, another thing to actually hear the experiences.

Mayer broke me out of my panic with his gruff, booming voice, "Speak with Kalvin or Clyde, both of them took the exam separately. Or Claudette and Flole; everyone that has come along has experienced what it is like to take the Hunter Exam. All of them had years of training and experience before entering the exam. Instead of someone who has even the barest of experience, some base to start from... I have you."

He sighed as he stared at me, but this time with pity, "I do not hate who you are, James. I hate what you are. You are someone in over your head, with no idea what is in store for you. Most of all, you are weak. I will be honest with you: It is only day one and all I see is an enormous amount of work. I intended for you to run one hundred kilometers, yet I fear we must settle for far less. We do not have tim-"

Mayer looked on in confusion as I pulled myself out of the pond. Briannaisa turned away in shock at my sudden nudity, shielding her eyes in horror. I grabbed my clothes and put them on. Walking past the two, I got back to the last place I stopped. They both looked on, though with different looks: Briannaisa was confused and worried, while Mayer simply stared...

He stared at me, not saying a word. I could see him appraise me as I stared at him expectantly, eager to start running. Eager to prove him wrong. Anger pushing me forward...

He smiled and spoke, "You had four more minutes of rest. You will regret it, James."

I smiled back, a fire churning in my heart and mind, "We'll see. Tell me when."

"No, not in that direction." He pointed in the opposite direction, where his house was located, "We are heading back. And you can start now."

And with that I ran, I ran as hard and as fast as I could. Propelled by the will in my heart and the desire to show, not only Mayer and Evira, but to myself I had what it takes to do this.

Was I the wrong person for the job? Hell yeah. Were there better people? Without a doubt. But hearing Mayer's disappointment and his honest opinion of me sparked a fierceness inside me, one that came out every time I was underestimated.

A rage to prove people wrong.

So I ran, ran as hard and as fast as I could. I did come to regret not taking the full ten minutes, but I would never regret my choice to keep running. To not settle for less.

I would run his hundred kilometers.

And while my body could give up, I never would.


Hey everyone! I hope everything is going well!

Yeah, I'm making up geographical places. I'll do my best to make them sound and feel as similar to canon as possible.

Until next time dear readers!