
chapter 45 Hide And Seek

After three hours they heard a cry of a newborn baby .Darsh stood up in worry for sanjana. He doesn't want to lose her at any cost . After half an hour the doctor came out of the O T , holding a newborn in her hand .

Prajakta went near kedar , and gave the baby to him .

"Congrats, after so many years of wait you are blessed with a baby girl in your house uncle ji "

Kedar took the girl with shaking hands ,

Darsh was more furious now , he turned prajakta aunty grabbing her by her elbow " "Don't you tell me that you killed my wife for this ' he stated in gritted teeth .

Piyali came forward" darsh control yourself " ,sorry for his behaviour prajakta ,he is just worried for sanjana"

"I understand that ,well good news is that sanjana is also out of danger, but i have to share one more news with you"

Darsh was relieved that sanjana is safe but now worried about the next news .

A nurse came out of the OT holding another newborn. Prajakta took the baby and give it to darsh