

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 10. Informing Timothy

Megan had the urge to vomit when she woke up the following morning. She quickly emptied her stomach's contents in the lavatory. After finishing, she felt lightheaded and rested on the floor for a bit to gather her energy. Megan cleaned up, went through her morning ritual, and got ready for work after feeling a little better.

Today, Megan believed, was one of those days when she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and as a result, she was not in the mood to do anything extraordinary. She opted for a straightforward, knee-length formal dress and combed her hair. She made the decision to skip makeup today. She made her way outside after reaching for her handbag and laptop bag.

Tammy pointed to the food on the table and said, "I was going to call you for breakfast." She also had already gotten ready for work.

Tammy drew closer to them, "You look tired today."

Megan gave a nod. "I'm feeling weak right now because I just got my morning sickness."

Megan was forced to sit in a chair that Tammy had taken out before she joined her.

"Are you certain you'll be okay to go to the doctor's clinic alone? I don't think you should drive in that situation of yours."

"I'll be alright. I guess I will not drive my car today. You can take me to the doctor's clinic and when I'm done I'll take a cab to my workplace."

"Alright, what time is your consultation?" Tammy enquired.

"10:00 AM"

"So let's hurry up to eat so you won't be late," she said.

Megan ate what she could, they talked as they ate, and when they were finished, they cleared the table.


As soon as the Doctor entered the lobby, she recognized Megan, one of her most beloved patients. She gave Megan a side hug before leading her into her office. Doctor Taylor was a tall woman in her early thirties with long, brown hair who was also very amiable. She sat down behind her desk and Megan sat across from her.

"What leads you here, sweety?"

"I'm here so you can advise me what to do because I took a pregnancy test night ago and it turned out to be positive. I'm so baffled, I don't even know where to begin."

"I presume you've been sexually active," Dr. Taylor responded.

"I grabbed some after pill but the pill failed me. It was just a one-night fling, a month earlier," Megan confess.

"The pill doesn't work out for certain people and it can be due to numerous reasons."

"I assume I'm part of the unfortunate ones then," Megan added.

Dr. Taylor sadly nodded. "However, you'll be alright; what abnormalities have you observed in your body recently?"

"I have so little to no appetite, I now hate most of my favorite foods, my breasts are hurting, and I had my morning sickness today," she said. Dr. Taylor nodded, noting something on her record.

"Do you have some cravings?" she questioned. Megan shrugged her shoulders.

Dr. Taylor escorted Megan to the testing area after asking her a few more private questions. In Taylor's office, Megan pulled out her tab and checked some unanswered emails while she awaited the findings. Additionally, she called a few of her clients. The doctor finally entered with the results after what seemed like an eternity.

As soon as she was seated at her desk, she said "It's confirmed. You're four weeks pregnant."

Megan nodded weakly as she tried to grasp the notion that she was already a mom-to-be, something she knew she wasn't prepared for.

Doctor Taylor gave her the test results, a copy of Motherhood magazine's introduction, and some prescriptions that she had written. Taylor regarded Megan as her daughter because she had been a patient to her for almost ten years. Dr. Taylor was deeply concerned for Megan since she was uncomfortable about the situation despite how accomplished and hardworking Megan was.

She moved to sit down next to Megan in the vacant chair. She asked, staring into her eyes, "You will keep this baby, right?"

Megan gave a nod. "I'm not ready for parenthood but I have no option but to prepare for it, when the tests I took at home turned out to be positive, all I did was cry because I knew my life was going to change completely."

"Is the father aware?" Megan shook her head.

Dr. Taylor grab her hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. "You'll be alright, Megan," she assured.

"I know you've got a lot going on now, but I want you to see this pregnancy as a gift. A little girl or boy has selected you to be its parent, and I'd like you to be happy about that. You're going to have a baby of your own who will call you mommy and will look up to you in everything, I assure you, it's the most incredible feeling in this world."

"I want you to appreciate everything concerning this pregnancy," the doctor said. "I want you to worry less, put you and your child's health first, and then work can come later. Eat nutritiously and on time, take your prescriptions, avoid stress and remain hydrated." Megan gave a glum smile.

"Thank you Doc, you gave me the inspiration I needed."

She grinned and said, "You're welcome. At your next visit, which is in three weeks from now, you'll be able to hear your child's heartbeat."

Before leaving, Megan stopped at the hospital pharmacy to pick up all the required drugs after having more conversations with Doctor Taylor.

When she stopped to check her bag for her car keys on the way to the parking lot, she realized Tammy had driven her there.

Megan took a cab and provided the driver with her office's address.

She pulled out her phone and started searching for Timothy White as soon as she was seated in the back passenger seat of the cab. She searched for him by reading a few articles, but she most notably took down his company's address. He is working in White's AI Company. Megan refrained from reading the extensive dating rumors about Timothy.

She had a strong suspicion that he wouldn't be pleased when she told him she was expecting their child, but she was determined to do what was necessary of a mother and tell him today. He had a right to know, after all. Timothy's company's address was given to the taxi driver by Megan, and he pulled over at Whites AI Company.

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