
Ch4-I reject my humanity!

Natsuki POV

At the abandoned plastic factory, black smoke was raising into the sky, and a fire was burning a rusty metal. There stood a young girl in black gothic Lolita.

As an 'Attack Mage', she has to deal with sorcerous disasters.

'These flames are hotter than normal flame. A magician? A Witch? What is their intention for burning this abandoned factory?'

Suddenly, a burning pipe falls. A loud noise of metal echoed. A young woman dressed in exposed cloth appeared. In her left hand carried a red grimoire.

"You finally show yourself, Witch of the void! I thought I have to burn the entire island before you show up!"

"Witch of hell, Ifrit. What business do you have with me?"

Ifrit, the witch of hell, is one of the Library of Criminal Organizations members. Her appearance here means that Itogami island has a grimoire they want.

"So, are you here to distract me while your friends trying to find a grimoire? You should know that it was pointless right? I can capture you easily here."

After her word, Natsuki created magical chains.

The chains tried to bind Ifrit but she dodge back before they could.


The grimoire in Ifrit's hand shined red, a flame was shot toward Natsuki.

Natsuki teleports behind Ifrit.

She created chains on the ground surrounding Ifrit's movement.


Ifrit created a fire dome to cover herself.

After the collision, the fire dome and chains were evaporated.

"Eat this! Fire tornado!"

Ifrit controlled the flame nearby to create a whirlpool of flame.

She blocked Natsuki's teleportation with this move.

"Burn to ash!"

After a while, a flame whirlpool vanished.

Ifrit tried to find Natsuki's burnt corpse but nothing was presented.

"Sleep well."

A voice was behind Ifrit.

Before she could turn her head she was blacked out.

Natsuki uses chains to lightly hit Ifrit's head.

She had teleported behind Ifrit when the whirlpool started to form.

A whirlpool indeed restricts her teleport but it doesn't mean she can't.

She uses the safest area to avoid the attack which is Ifrit back.

'An eye of the storm is indeed the safest place.'

The fire around the factory began to extinguish.

The sky turned dark and the rain began to rain.

'The incident is resolved so let's go back to Ketsu kun.'

Just as Natsuki was about to teleport back, a clapped sound came from behind her.

"Impressive, you defeat Ifrit without breaking a sweat. As expected of the witch of the void."

Natsuki turned her head toward the source of the sound.

"Aya, what're you doing here?"

"What I'm doing here? Isn't it obvious? I was the one who instruct Ifrit to determine your strength."

"But why? Aren't we friends? What is your goal in fighting me?"

'I do know that she is a witch like myself but why did she do this?'

"Friends? HAHAHAHAHA! What a joke! I have never thought of you as a friend, to begin with!"

"What about Ketsu kun? Do you also think that he's not your friend?"

"HAHAHAHA! Do you think I care about that weakling in the first place? The reason I even talk to him is that you care about him!"

'This is madness, is this the real Aya?'

While Natsuki was talking to Aya, Ifrit suddenly stood up.

"Hah, you girls are so annoying. Stop talking and get the grimoire already."

'Get the grimoire? Now I understand, they want that grimoire in my memory. If they have it the world will be controlled by them!'

"Tap tap tap."

A footstep sound came from behind Ifrit.

"Coming here is indeed the right thing. Now I could watch the full power of the witches."

"Ketsu...kun. Why are you here?"

Ketsubou POV

I was walking toward the three witches.

In my jacket were a stone mask and a sharp piece of glass.

"Ketsu...kun. Why are you here?"

I heard Natsuki's voice asking me why I'm here.

"I'm here to save you Natsuki. I saw it, your power was impressive but you can't fight two witches at the same time."

"Did I hear it right? This weakling wants to save you, witch of the void! HAHAHAHA! It's so funny. What can mere humans without a magical weapon can even do!?"

"Ketsu kun run! You can't fight them! A normal human can't defeat a witch! It's impossible!"

"I know. Being human means having limits. No matter how hard I thought I can't find a solution to free you from the magical prison. As long as you are human..."

"What do you mean Ketsu kun!"

"that's why...I reject my humanity! Natsuki!"

Ketsubou grabs a sharp piece of glass and slits his wrist.

Blood flows out like a waterfall.

While the witches were in confusion, Ketsubou used his blood flow hand to grab the stone mask and wear it!

"I'm moving beyond humanity! Beyond witch!"

The stone mask extended needle-like legs. It pierces Ketsubou's skull and grows a rainbow light.


"Ifrit kill him."

Aya said calmly.


Ifrit shot a flame toward Ketsubou.


Natsuki tried to defend Ketsubou but Aya came in front of Natsuki.

"Your opponent is me, Natsuki chan."

A flame shot hit Ketsubou. His body falls while being burned.

"What's that about moving beyond witch? All talk but no bit. Dumbass."

Ifrit walked toward Ketsubou corps.

But what she saw is not a human burnt steak but a pile of cloth being burned.


A chilly voice was near Ifrit's ear. She tried to turn back but her throat was pierced by something.

'My blood was being drained!'

Ifrit used the corner of her eye to see the naked Ketsubou using his hand to pierce her throat!


Ifrit tried to beg for her life but she was already a mummy.

"Thanks for the food."

After he said that everything was silent.

Natsuki was shocked when she saw Ketsubou kill Ifrit by draining her blood dry.

Aya was shocked for a different reason. She was shocked because she didn't notice how can he teleport behind Ifrit's back in an instant.

"You are next!"