
Stole the Mafia's Lord heart

Katherine Marshall life and career crumbled down before her completely after she found that her fiance who she had been dedicated to for 10 years annulled their engagement and engaged the top Actress, and she was caught up in a scandal, her family disowned her and shamed her publicly,her fans dejected her. However her life took a strange turn,when she came across the heir of the Willows group, he was willing to help her bring down all the people that had hurt her,he was also willing to love her and become her number 1 fan.

Chikamso_Patience · Ciudad
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7 Chs


Katherine stirred from her slumber at the soft tap on her door, assuming it belonged to her neighbor. However, a sudden realization jolted her awake as she recalled the events of the previous night. She was in the house of the mighty Alexander Willows.



Her gaze shifted to the door ,she got out of the bed and tiptoed to the door, she wanted to see who was outside from the key hole,but unfortunately for her this was not that kind of door.


She cleared her throat and asked."who."? Even though this was a stupid question to be asking,since she didn't even know anyone who might live in this villa.


"Miss Katherine,I am thehouse keeper,Master had sent me to check on you." A voice said outside the room,only then did Katherine relax and opened the door.


"Good morning." Katherine said politely to the middle aged housekeeper.


" thank you Miss." The housekeeper said with a bow," Master had already left for work,he said I should tell you feel comfortable around here."



" no no.. Actually I would be leaving soon,you don't have to worry about me." Katherine said.


But the old house keeper shook her head," master has also asked me not to let you step out of the village,until he came back and spoke with you."


Katherine's face fell slightly, she had already planned of boarding a train early today's morning,she wanted to leave a soon as possible,but it seems Alexander also had plans.


Nevertheless, she smiled at the housekeeper and said, "Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate your concern."


The housekeeper nodded, understanding the predicament Katherine was in. She could see the disappointment in her eyes. "I will prepare some breakfast for you, Miss Katherine. Please make yourself at home and let me know if there is anything you need."



Katherine felt a mix of emotions swirling inside her. Despite the unexpected turn of events, she was grateful for the hospitality extended to her by Alexander Willows, even though she was unsure of his true intentions. She decided to make the most of her time at the villa and explore her surroundings while waiting for Alexander to return.


As the housekeeper left to prepare breakfast, Katherine took a moment to freshen up in the guest room. The room was simple yet cozy, and she found herself feeling a sense of peace in the tranquil atmosphere of the villa. After a quick wash, she came to realize she didn't have any spare clothes,she had deliberately thrown her backpack away while running away.



Katherine suddenly heard a knock on the door again, she knew it must be the housekeeper and she felt embarrassed but none the less,she walked to the door and gently pulled it open.


"Miss ,Master said the clothes in the wardrobe has been rarely worn and you should make use of it." The house keeper said.



Katherine felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Oh, that's perfect. Thank you so much for letting me know," she replied with a grateful smile.


The housekeeper nodded and gestured towards the wardrobe. "I will leave you to freshen up, Miss Katherine. Breakfast will be ready shortly. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask."


Katherine nodded appreciatively and closed the door behind her. She walked over to the wardrobe and opened it to find an array of clothes neatly folded.


Katherine stood in front of the wardrobe, a bit surprised to find male clothes inside. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. But then, she reminded herself of the housekeeper's words and decided to make use of the clothes provided to her.


After browsing through the wardrobe, Katherine picked out a comfortable pair of trousers and a loose shirt that seemed to fit her decently. She quickly changed into the clothes and felt a sense of gratitude towards Alexander for his unexpected hospitality.


As she looked at herself in the mirror, Katherine couldn't help but admire the simplicity and comfort of the outfit. She felt grateful for the small act of kindness shown to her in a time of uncertainty.


Feeling more at ease now, Katherine made her way downstairs to join the housekeeper for breakfast. The aroma of freshly cooked food greeted her as she entered the dining room, where a table was set with a variety of dishes,she felt a bit sad immediately,ever since she became a blacklisted artiste,she hadn't had a nice meal since.


The housekeeper smiled warmly at Katherine as she took her seat. "I hope you find everything to your liking, Miss Katherine. Please, help yourself to whatever you fancy."


Katherine thanked the housekeeper and began to indulge in the delicious spread laid out before her. She found herself enjoying the food and the peaceful ambiance of the villa, grateful for the temporary respite it offered her.


As she savored each bite, Katherine couldn't help but wonder about Alexander and his reasons for extending such generosity towards her. Despite the uncertainty that lingered in her mind, she chose to focus on the present moment and appreciate the kindness that had been shown to her.


After finishing her meal, Katherine thanked the housekeeper once again for her hospitality and expressed her gratitude for the clothes and the delicious breakfast.


Katherine decided to stay in the room all day and wait for Alexander,perhaps when he comes back and speak to her ,she would leave immediately.


But then was Alexander willing to see her leave again?

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