
Stole the Mafia's Lord heart

Katherine Marshall life and career crumbled down before her completely after she found that her fiance who she had been dedicated to for 10 years annulled their engagement and engaged the top Actress, and she was caught up in a scandal, her family disowned her and shamed her publicly,her fans dejected her. However her life took a strange turn,when she came across the heir of the Willows group, he was willing to help her bring down all the people that had hurt her,he was also willing to love her and become her number 1 fan.

Chikamso_Patience · Ciudad
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7 Chs


Katherine was trying very hard not to cry as she watched whom she had genuinely loved for the past ten years standing on stage with another woman snuggled in his arm, he was smiling very happily as though this was the best day of his life, he had just engaged another woman publicly and had denied ever having anything to do with her,he had even went to the extent of saying that she was the one who was clingy and refused to let him be.


Katherine felt her squeeze title and pain radiated through her whole body,her eyes was red but she tried very much not to cry,after viewing the scene for some more time,Katherine decided to leave,she didn't want to stay anymore,she didn't want to cry over people who weren't worth it. She stood up and left,but as she turned her back on the couple she vowed to revenge.





Katherine came back home to her family's mansion, but to her utmost surprise her luggage scattered outside ,her foster parents stood at the entrance.


" you are finally back,." Mr Marshall said his tone laced in anger." Since you have let Edward marry another woman,we believe we do not owe you anything."


Katherine looked puzzled she couldn't understand what was happening."mom ,dad ,what do you mean.?"


Mrs Marshall took a step forward and gave Katherine two rouding slaps her face,Katherine lost her footing and fell," you lost everything already Katherine,you lost your fiance and even your dignity, you are nothing less than a slut, we want you to leave our family alone ,from now on you are not a member of the Marshalls family." Mrs Marshall said glaring at Katherine with eyes clouded with hatred.


Many paparazzi appeared out of no where and started clicking pictures of Katherine who looked so haggard.


The paparazzi asked questions such as." Ms Katherine what's your next plan?."


" Ms Katherine do you think you can still continue your acting career."?


"Ms Katherine do you think you can still beat actress Lillian."?


So many questions after questions,but Katherine only sat down with her head lowered down as she let out hot tears , at this moment she felt very helpless and her heart squeezed even the more.


Her only crime was loving Edward winters and wanting to make him hers,but at the end she had lost everything,and her family…..


Katherine cried for a very long time but no one comforted her ,she was completely helpless and scared, she prayed for her own death.





Three months later.



Katherine scrolled through her Instagram account,looking at the scornful comments of the netizens.


[Finally the arrogant Katherine have been overpowered.]


[She can't even show her face to the world anymore.]


[ I could remember this same Katherine boasting of having it all, but what happened she had lost it all hahaha.]


They was no one single good comment about her, Katherine knew she had lost everything,the only thing she could think of now was to leave the country and go to another place,where she was a nobody,she wanted to go far away,and she panned to leave tonight.



At 9:30 pm Katherine's phone beeped and she looked at the message that was sent,it was a message from her assistant,she opened thr message." Kate your flight would leave by 10 pm,I have other plans and cannot come pick you,I would advise you to take a taxi but with your current status as a blacklist artiste I would suggest you pack light and trek to the airport to avoid attention to your self."


'Shit' Katherine screamed in her mind now even her assistant had given up on her,but she wasn't so much effected,so she packed up a few things in her backpack.




Katherine walked through the dark empty street


As Katherine walked through the dark empty street, feeling lost and alone, a group of shady figures emerged from the shadows. They were a band of bandits who saw Katherine as an easy target in her vulnerable state.


"Hey there, pretty lady. What's a fine lady like you doing wandering these streets all alone?" one of the bandits sneered.


Katherine felt a surge of fear and anxiety but tried to appear confident. "I-I'm just... on my way to the airport," she stammered.


The bandits chuckled among themselves, moving closer to her. "Well, well, looks like we stumbled upon a little goldmine tonight, boys," another bandit exclaimed, eyeing Katherine up and down.


Feeling a wave of panic, Katherine knew she had to think fast. Remembering a self-defense class she had taken years ago, she tried to keep her composure. With a shaky voice, she said, "Please, I don't want any trouble. I have nothing valuable on me, just let me go."


But the bandits continued to advance, their intentions clear. As they reached out to grab her, Katherine's instincts kicked in. She quickly sidestepped one of the bandits, ducked under another's arm, and made a run towards a nearby parked car.


With adrenaline coursing through her veins, Katherine managed to open the car door and jump inside, locking it behind her. The bandits banged on the windows, shouting obscenities, but Katherine was safe for now.


Breathing heavily, she sat in the driver's seat and tried to calm her racing heart. She thanked her lucky stars for the quick thinking and the self-defense moves that had saved her from a dangerous encounter with the bandits.


After a few moments, Katherine looked around and realized the car was left unlocked. She quickly started the engine, pulled out of the parking spot, and drove away into the night, leaving the bandits behind.


As she drove towards the airport, adrenaline still pumping through her veins, Katherine couldn't help but feel grateful for her narrow escape. She knew she had to stay strong and keep moving forward, despite the challenges she faced. And deep down, she vowed to never let anyone take advantage of her again.As Katherine walked through the dark empty street, feeling lost and alone, a group of shady figures emerged from the shadows. They were a band of bandits who saw Katherine as an easy target in her vulnerable state.


"Hey there, pretty lady. What's a fine lady like you doing wandering these streets all alone?" one of the bandits sneered.


Katherine felt a surge of fear and anxiety but tried to appear confident. "I-I'm just... on my way to the airport," she stammered.


The bandits chuckled among themselves, moving closer to her. "Well, well, looks like we stumbled upon a little goldmine tonight, boys," another bandit exclaimed, eyeing Katherine up and down.


Feeling a wave of panic, Katherine knew she had to think fast. Remembering a self-defense class she had taken years ago, she tried to keep her composure. With a shaky voice, she said, "Please, I don't want any trouble. I have nothing valuable on me, just let me go."


But the bandits continued to advance, their intentions clear. As they reached out to grab her, Katherine's instincts kicked in. She quickly sidestepped one of the bandits, ducked under another's arm, and made a run for it , Katherine ran as fast as she could,but shortly she felt that her breathing was slowing and she was running out of breath, and all of a sudden a blackcar stopped before her, Katherine who had the instinct to live,immediately pulled the car door and hope inside.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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