

..........Two years ago.........

"Let me go you monster",Sana struggled as she kicked her best friend's brother on his legs and dragged his hair away from her face.

"Hey don't resist didn't you want this before,I told you not to play with fire but you decide to actually jump into it"He breathe out and held her legs with his legs and caressed her face slowly as he sniffed her neck and kissed it which caused Sana to stiffen.

"Don't tell me you didn't love me,last year you always focused on me but what happened this year you started liking Jin Soo I mean who does that",He smirked and started kissing her forcefully causing tears to flow from her eyes.He released her and cleaned her tears slowly and smiled.

"You know I never wanted to do this but you pushed me to the brim",He loosened his grip that had Sana at an advantage.

Sana kicked his groin as he shifted to the other side and growled in pains as She immediately stood up and breathe heavily then looked for a stone or anything to save herself after looking for a while she found an iron rod and held it to him as she hit his hands and legs out of anger but not his head cause she didn't want him dead.

"Pervert,Monster",She shouted as she hits him with the rod and left in a hurry leaving him in pains.Few minutes after she left a masked person came inside the room and saw the guy on the floor groaning out of pains.

"Who are you?",he groaned and sat up painfully as the masked person removed the mask.

"Ma ri,What are you doing here?",he asked confused as she picked up the rod and swinged it around.

"Hmmmmm,I was just hanging around this area when I heard some sounds and decided to check it out but turns out Sana killed You",She smiled innocently as he stared at her confused.

"What do you mean killed?,I'm still alive",he said confused as Ma ri sneered and clicked her tongue.

"Well I will kill you myself",She chuckled and raised the rod and hit his head twice and started laughing like a maniac.

"You are going to pay for this Ma ri ,I'm your brother for goodness sake",he growled in pain and held his head.

"Brother....", She chuckled and sat on the bench near the bed,"You know ever since we were little Dad and Mum always neglected me but now they will focus on me and the blame will go to Sana even though she didn't do anything,that poor girl".

"You are a psycho",her brother shouted as she smiled cackled widely then her eyes turned deadly.

"I guess you are just finding out my elder brother",She hit him on the head and then he died on spot.

"Sorry but I have to make everything mine",She walked forward and checked his breathes to check if he was still alive when she confirmed he was dead she threw the rod away and left.

The next day when Sana was still scared from the yesterday incident while in school all of a sudden the police came and dragged her away because they found a CCTV camera that only showed Sana leaving the basement.

"Please let me go,I didn't do anything I didn't kill him",Sana shouted and cried as the female police took her away into their van. Many students came to watch the scenery and couldn't help but shake their heads.

"Wow,would who have thought a gentle girl like her would do something bad",A girl said and shook her head as a student came rushing to the hallway and shouted.

"Guys,she murdered Dae Hun,A student shouted as the remaining student gasped as their face was filled with shocked.

"Does Ma ri knows about this?"

"Of course she would know it's her brother we are talking about"

"But I refuse to believe that Sana would actually do something like that"

"Me neither"

While the students were saying their minds Sana was taken to the Detained room for investigation her family came and saw how miserable she looked.

"Dad, believe me I really didn't kill him",Sana pleaded.

"Yes I know you won't do anything but you just have to cooperate with the police okay I trust you",Her dad hugged her and patted her back.

Few minutes later Sana was taken to the questioning room for investigation.

"So can you explain why you were at the basement yesterday and why you were there the exact time the victim Dae Hun was there?",The Detective asked patiently not wanting to scare her.

Sana took a deep breath and started,

"Yesterday night I was at home helping my youngest brother with his homework when I saw incoming call from Dae Hunwhen I picked it up he said he needed my help with some projects I didn't want to go but then I thought about my relationship with his sister so I had no choice but to go,we meet at a Cafe and then he led me to a basement I thought he wanted to take something inside so I didn't follow him when he noticed it he forced me inside and tried to rape me",Sana broke down and started crying and cleaned her tears with the back of her hand.

"I couldn't look for any openings so I hit his groin and then took a rod and hit him with it but I didn't hit his head",she shook her head and started crying heavily.

"You said you hit him but not his head how are you that sure it didn't hit his soft spot on his head",The Detective asked again shocking Sana.

"No,I knew I didn't hit his head I didn't do it please", Sana begged and cried heavily.

"Since you have already confessed that you hit him with a rod your penalty will be decreased but you still have to serve your punishments",He stood up and left as Sana started crying heavily.

"I don't want to stay in prison please",Anna shouted and cried heavily.