
Steel Of Troops: New age

Once upon a time, 2 adults and one girl came to the theatre named: SUBHASH THEATRE. The film name: STEEL ARMY.

Their name was:

First boy called: Alexander

Second boy called: Henry Park

Girl named: Habo Subae

The film story is one boy will experimental with a steel. Then one chemical will Flip out from his hand and, It will spray to the steel. The chemical reacts and it will generate with a protocols and shaking and producing very dusty, After Ten seconds it has blast over the experiment room "BOOM". A Sound has hearing bye his mom "Help me Help me". His mother suddenly go and look. Very smoke is their because blasted. None is seeing but one thing is coming in little. The mother looks carefully that has an a steel. His mother things that "A robot can walk because thus have a battery attached within but it blast means that cannot reawake but this steel can walk how is it possible". Then the steel will make a steel army. It will kill many person and blast everything. After some days three superhero's will come over the problem with their powers. The place is now become beautiful. The film has over.

Alexander, Henry Park and Habo Subae will go to sleep in their house . Henry Park has dreaming that we can make a videogame which related to the film that which has seen now.

The game name is: STEEL OF TROOPS: NEW AGE

The night has finished. Alexander his decided to make a robot named : Chicky

The robot his an girl and have some special features like: Scanning,Mechanism Arms,ETC. And Henry Park his decided to make a Suit that have the power of 5 ELEMENTS. Alex and Henry make their decided thing means element suit and chicky. They four go out to look the city. Now they are near railway tracks. Habo looks that the two rails are going to hit because these two rails are in same track. Habo says to Chicky,Henry and Alex that the two rails are going to hit. Henry and Alex said – We want rescue the peoples that who travelling in train. We can start our first mission: rescuing peoples in the train. Chicky is activating the fly mode and high speak mode. This mode is helps to speak loudly. Chicky tells that "all the passengers pls listen the two trains are going to hit so for a safe all go to the lastest compartmental of the train. I am saying to all only. So do this immediately". Habo Zoba is wear the suit and he is doing a temporary track with hard stones. Alex and Henry is going inside in the second train and they two is looking for the emergency brake.

Applied the emergency brake. Then also no way to stop the train fastly because it is going to hit the train. Henry call the Chicky to come here. She comes. Henry says that the remove chain of engine and coaches connected chain. Chicky tells "ok". With hers Mechanism set. she removed the chain. The coaches are going slow very fastly. The train also go to the temporary track and the solo engine also stopped without any crash. They all come to the house and Henry said that we can create a game with related the film that the we gone last Friday.

[today is Saturday]. Henry: aah, we can do.

Alex: Hmm, ok we can do but it is hard but we can.

Habo: ok, you to decided automatically I will said ok. We can ask our helpful robot Chicky.

Chicky: ok ok ok. I will also help you but one condition my battery is low so I want to eat the electricity.

Alex,Henry and Habo are laughed so much. The make the game. The game is an machine. When the making the machine they didn't see one furious problem. After making the machine they get inside the game. Started. A sound is coming when starting the machine: dhoop dhoop,tap tap. The fault is dimension. When they start the game, the dimension will transfer means cartoon dimension transfer to real dimension. So now the problem is the game enemies will come in the real world because the dimension has transfer.

Thank you for reading the vol 1

In part1 I will show that how they go inside in the problem

But in part2 show that how they over the problem