

In the aftermath of a crushing defeat, King Brothlander harbors a dangerous plan for revenge against the Bauthinians, who were instrumental in his downfall. Little does he know that a pair of Elerian envoys dispatched by King Waigni have uncovered his sinister plot. The envoys reveal King Waigni's proposition to aid King Lauihnio in defending his kingdom from the vengeful Brothlander. However, this assistance comes at a price—an alliance that would bring significant economic benefits to Eleria. Fearing the loss of his kingdom's sovereignty, King Lauihnio vehemently rejects the offer, vowing to protect his realm single-handedly, without relying on neighboring powers. Amidst the growing fear that looms over his kingdom, King Lauihnio makes a surprising decision: he releases his incarcerated uncle, Lord Mordian. Though the sorcerer possesses only a limited repertoire of spells, his legendary skill with a sword earned him the status of a war veteran. This unexpected move raises eyebrows, as Lord Mordian once plotted to usurp the throne during the early years of King Lauihnio's reign. Nevertheless, the uncle pledges his unwavering support to his nephew in these perilous times. As the story unfolds, the novel delves into a captivating tale of double male leads—King Lauihnio and Lord Mordian—both driven by their intertwined pasts and shared quest to ensure the safety of Bauthinia. Will they succeed in their audacious endeavor? The answer awaits within the pages of this gripping narrative.

Vicky boy · Fantasía
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41 Chs


"Why do you ask?" Lord Mordian turned to his nephew.

"Well it is a question I have been pondering over for some time now." King Lauihnio replied.

"What do you think?"

"Well I think the numbers would always have an advantage because you know - they are many." King Lauihnio shrugged.

Lord Mordian grinned. "Well I think that the army that has the advantage is the army that has a capable and intelligent leader."

"What?" king Lauihnio creased his eyebrows to the center looking confused given the unexpected answer his uncle gave him.

"The decisions of a leader is what determines the success or failure of an army during a war."

King Lauihnio shook his head in disbelief. "I always thought the numbers are the most significant factor to consider when at war."

"Neither is a numerous army of skilled swordsmen an advantage - my years of fighting thought me something very important."

"What?" king Lauihnio asked.

"The wars I fought over the years taught me that an army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep - don't worry you would understand with time." Lord Mordian patted his back.

King Lauihnio shrugged. "Can't pretend I am not surprised at your answer." Lord Mordian smiled.

"Uncle can I discuss something very private with you?" King Lauihnio turned to his uncle looking anxious. Lord Mordian was taken aback by Lauihnio's sudden movement.

"What is it?" he asked.

King Lauihnio glanced at the guards that stood around the drill center where they were. "it is a big secret, I need to take you to my room." he whispered.


King Lauihnio locked the door of his chamber by passing the wooden bar through the iron hoops built into the wall. Lord Mordian glanced around King Lauihnio's chamber and was left astonished.

"Wow did you put up some new renovations?" he asked.

"Well yes actually."

"It is much more bigger and beautiful than when your father used this place."

"Well Thank you uncle - anyway about the reason we came."

Lord Mordian turned to him. "Yes what was it you wanted to tell me?"

King Lauihnio took a deep breath. "I don't know if you know about this already but you are going to be the third man in all of Bauthinia to know about this."

Lord Mordian looked confused. "what do you wish to tell me Lauihnio?"

"The dragon egg - have you ever heard about it?"

Lord Mordian looked relaxed now. "Come on Lauihnio being the right hand man of your father how would it be possible for him to conceal such secret from me - I know about the dragon egg that was discovered by your great grandfather - they say the old man was on a hunt for some meat until he discovered a big golden egg with some mystical writings that no Wiseman, scholar, cytix priest, mage or witch has been able to decipher till now." Lord Mordian said as he took a seat that was situated close to King Lauihnio's golden desk.

"Have you seen it before." king Lauihnio looked sheepishly at his uncle.

Lord Mordian laughed. "Come on Lauihnio yes I have seen the dragon egg, three times - anyway I know you are keeping it somewhere around the palace even in this room.

"Since you say it contains some mystical writings do you think it contains some dark power, even magic?"

Lord Mordian kept silent for sometime.

"Uncle I asked a question." king Lauihnio said looking impatient. Lord Mordian heaved a sigh. "yes it contains power, unimaginable power that no man can phatom, the power that emanates from that egg can lead to the death of many innocent people if placed in the wrong hands."

King Lauihnio clamped his lips and nodded slowly. "hmmm now that is why you wanted to overthrow my government?" king Lauihnio asked.

"Yes - I knew your father king Fordanio had already talked to you about the dragon egg and given the type of person you were, I couldn't risk it."

King Lauihnio smiled. "but you failed." he said.

"Yes I failed but I am however happy that my fears which motivated me to plan the coup did not come to life." Lord Mordian said looking at king Lauihnio with a bright face.

"Yes I changed, all thanks to my wife, my beautiful, pious wife."

"You mean that witch of a woman you were coaxed to get married to?" king Lauihnio frowned.

"My wife queen Lana is not a witch, she only loves to spend quality time with the gods that is all."

"Anyone who spends such time with the gods is considered more than just a person - those holy scrolls they aren't normal writings and the Serran, the first and only time I glanced through that book I wasn't myself for about a week." Lord Mordian said.

"What happened within those days?"

"I saw spirits and it took a lot of incantations and sacrifices before I could stand before you today in one piece."

King Lauihnio looked surprised. "How old were you?"

"About ten or so."

"How were you able to get in contact with the Serran?"

Lord Mordian grinned "Uh, in my childhood days I was-"

"You were quick as a hare and stubborn as a goat an adage of yours I would never forget."

Lord Mordian turned to King Lauihnio and smiled satisfactorily. "You don't forget do you - anyway I was inquisitive and I was able to sneak past the cytix priests only Oridon knows how I did that."

"What did you see in the Serran?" king Lauihnio looked inquisitive.

"I swear by Oridon's mace I remember nothing of the Serran. only waking up to see a bunch of cytix priests, holy sisters and healers attending to me - and a disappointed father."

"Were you punished for that?"

"Oh yes - as a kid I was sent on exile to Eleria with my father making sure I learnt the ways of war under king Raggi the king of Eleria by the time, it is a taboo to read the Serran if you are not the arch cytix priest and trust me I learnt how to respect rules and regulations the hard way."

"Wow you never told me that."

"Yes, being your mentor I felt ashamed of speaking to you about my stubborn past, please don't ask further questions all you should know is that you should hold your wife in high regard, hide nothing from her and most importantly do not mess around with your cork on the maids without her permission because she is a witch and there is nothing you can do about it."

King Lauihnio frowned. "My wife is not a witch." he said. Lord Mordian shrugged. "believe it or not I don't care - do you have some wine here, I am thirsty." king Lauihnio went to a transparent cupboard and got got a jar of wine and a silver goblet then served his uncle.