

In the aftermath of a crushing defeat, King Brothlander harbors a dangerous plan for revenge against the Bauthinians, who were instrumental in his downfall. Little does he know that a pair of Elerian envoys dispatched by King Waigni have uncovered his sinister plot. The envoys reveal King Waigni's proposition to aid King Lauihnio in defending his kingdom from the vengeful Brothlander. However, this assistance comes at a price—an alliance that would bring significant economic benefits to Eleria. Fearing the loss of his kingdom's sovereignty, King Lauihnio vehemently rejects the offer, vowing to protect his realm single-handedly, without relying on neighboring powers. Amidst the growing fear that looms over his kingdom, King Lauihnio makes a surprising decision: he releases his incarcerated uncle, Lord Mordian. Though the sorcerer possesses only a limited repertoire of spells, his legendary skill with a sword earned him the status of a war veteran. This unexpected move raises eyebrows, as Lord Mordian once plotted to usurp the throne during the early years of King Lauihnio's reign. Nevertheless, the uncle pledges his unwavering support to his nephew in these perilous times. As the story unfolds, the novel delves into a captivating tale of double male leads—King Lauihnio and Lord Mordian—both driven by their intertwined pasts and shared quest to ensure the safety of Bauthinia. Will they succeed in their audacious endeavor? The answer awaits within the pages of this gripping narrative.

Vicky boy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
41 Chs


The news of king Brothlander and his approaching army spread across Bauthinia. It was an extremely bad news, a tough one to swallow with some Bauthinian citizens believing that the end of the peace and prosperity that was enjoyed for over a hundred years was nigh.

Fear and panic gripped the Bauthinian citizenry and with uncertainty registered in the minds of the Bauthinian people many of them entertained the idea of migration to neighbouring kingdoms while rumors spread of king Lauihnio's greed and lust for wealth as the motivating factor for him joining the Mocinians and the Zimbians to wage war on king Brothlander which they believed was the reason king Brothlander planned a reprisal.

"The thought of these spies makes me sick." King Lauihnio said as he gently swung a silver shafted xiphos to the left and to the right trying to find balance and precision.

"ha! ha!" he thrust the sword forward to thin air as he tried to mimic a warrior fighting on the battlefield. "I wish those bloody spies were in front of me right now, I swear by Heykzan's golden xiphos I would thrust this sword into their bellies, spill out their guts and with pleasure, I will watch them die a slow death, in extreme agony and in pain, they will regret ever stepping foot on these lands and pretending to be part of my people." he gritted his teeth and put up a menacing look.

King Lauihnio wore a blue sleeveless tunic, silver bracers and a gold coloured sandals and with a golden crown on his head and a leather belt strapped around his waist. His outfit made him look rather simple enough while he examined the different weapons that were displayed at the laoian armoury.

"Wow this sword is good, you should try it." he threw the silver shafted xiphos to Lord Garthine Polion. Lord Garthine Polion caught it by the handle and immediately started swinging slashing and thrusting the sword in thin air.

"Wow it is good as you say." Lord Garthine Polion smiled looking satisfactorily at the sword. "it has good balance, you could cut a bulls head with one swing."

"That's if you apply the right force."

"Yes the right force." Lord Garthine Polion said. "it seems you like it my Lord you could have it for yourself."

"No, I kind of fancy axes now - but if you insist, I could add it to my collection." king Lauihnio said. "do you insist?"

"Yes I insist my Lord." Lord Garthine Polion smiled then threw it back to King Lauihnio. king Lauihnio handed the sword to one of his guards. "You forgot to give a name"

"Oh yes eh - I would give it a name later." King Lauihnio snorted. they strolled out of the armoury into the hallway that led to one of the drilling centers where some of the soldiers skirmished among themselves with wooden swords while being inspected by the different captains that were in charge of the drills.

"I guess the news of king Brothlander has spread across the kingdom."

"Yes my Lord." Lord Garthine Polion replied raising his eyebrows looking disappointed.

"And I guess the people reacted with fear and shock."

Lord Garthine Polion heaved a sigh. "The people reacted badly my lord, from reports there is fear and uncertainty among the people especially the civilians and there is News of unrest among the citizens."

King Lauihnio frowned at the statement "Oh great Oridon that doesn't sound good." He whispered.

"However production has dropped as a result of the unrest and the perceived insecurity - my king there are also news of a revolt among the people."

"What?" a cold ice shot through his spine as he looked confused creasing his eyebrows to the center. "a revolt - why?"

Lord Garthine Polion clamped his mouth together. "My Lord they believe the reason for your participation in the joint campaign is out of greed and lust for wealth, they believe you choose to be hostile towards a neighbouring land for monetary benefits not minding the possible consequences that would be a threat to their security."

"That is a bloody lie, why would I think less of my people because of coin, my reason for being part of the joint campaign was to open our trade routes towards the Mocinian coast which would improve our export of grain - are the people unaware of this."

"I believe they are aware your majesty, however their security consciousness have been raised at the news of the spies."

"Those bloody spies." King Lauihnio grunted.

"Your majesty I believe something needs to be done about the unrest so that we could focus on trying to fish out these spies."

"You are right Garthine Polion, but what do I do, in Oridon's name what do I do to fish out these spies what do I do to get rid of king Brothlander, what do I do to get things back to normal again." king Lauihnio was confused and frowned in frustration.

"I am as confused as you are my king, I just pray that this threat posed by king Brothlander does not mean that our kingdom that has been known for its peace and prosperity reaches a state of Oblivion."

"No!" king Lauihnio snapped. "I will not allow that, not in my time, my father did not fail his people, my grandfather did not fail his people none of my predecessors who ruled these lands failed their people and since they didn't, I would do everything within my power to protect my subjects, the doom of Bauthinia would not come to pass, not while I am king." The king said looking straight at Lord Garthine Polion.

"You have to come up with something, you give the orders we follow."

King Lauihnio nodded. "yes, I know what to do." he said.

"And what may that be your majesty?"

"A lockdown, no one comes in or out of the kingdom."

"But my king what about the merchants, and other medium scaled business men and women of Bauthinia, they would be affected."

"Garthine Polion I have to order a lockdown in Bauthinia, there are spies lurking around our streets and with this lockdown they would not be able to supply king Brothlander with logistics."

King Lauihnio then cleared his throat. "There has to be a lockdown, yes it would affect the businesses of our citizens but these are perilous times and our security comes first."

Garthine Polion put up an agreeable look and shrugged. "Okay my king your wish is our command we just hope the lockdown does not take too long - however what do you intend to do during this lockdown my king?"

King Lauihnio put up a one sided smile. "You know ever since the Elerians talked about the presence of spies in our lands I have found difficulty trusting anyone -" while he was talking a captain walked to king Lauihnio and whispered some words into his ears. king Lauihnio nodded in satisfaction then turned to Lord Garthine Polion. "That's okay." he said to the captain.

Lord Garthine Polion was confused as he had no idea of what just happened, was the king keeping so secrets from him, he was yet to find out. "Is there any problem my king?" he asked.

"As I was saying ever since the Elerians talked about a spy in our lands I have found great difficulty trusting anyone, my wife, my noblemen even you. but you are so lucky Garthine Polion."

Lord Garthine Polion found some difficulty understanding what king Lauihnio had just said. in confusion he shook his head. "My king I do not understand you, what do you mean by saying that I am lucky."

King Lauihnio chuckled. "You see ever since yesterday some soldiers were at your residence ransacking your possessions and searching for some evidence that were meant to prove you to be a spy but -"

"My king how would you ever think that I would betray the crown, why should you think I could be so wicked to betray my own people." Lord Garthine Polion snapped squeezing his face in enragement with the expression of disappointment towards the king.

"You dare raise your voice on me Garthine Polion." king Lauihnio was shocked and felt a bit angry at Lord Garthine Polion's recent gesture.

"I am sorry my king it was out of anger." he said facing downwards.

"The next time you raise your voice in anger on me you will be sorry - kneel." Lord Garthine Polion knelt down with immediate effect towards king Lauihnio.

King Lauihnio turned from him and looked towards the open space were the soldiers were skirmishing. "However the soldiers searched your place - and nothing was found."

Lord Garthine Polion took a deep breath feeling relieved of the tension that had struck him. "Praise be to Oridon." he whispered.

"I intend to send soldiers to search the residences and properties of all my noblemen including my barons." king Lauihnio said "captain go get me my seal."

the captain bowed then rushed away from the balcony to get the king's seal which was in the possession of some servants that escorted him to the Garrison.

"You may rise." Garthine Polion stood up and dusted his knees. "All the Chambers of the palace would be searched including that of my wife, and my children.

"That means you are declaring a state of emergency in Bauthinia."

"Yes I am declaring a state of emergency in Bauthinia."

"You believe this would work."

"It has to work."

"What if it doesn't?"

The king frowned at Lord Garthine Polion. "could you be positive for once Garthine Polion." he said. the captain came back with the seal and a blank scroll.

"Don't you think it wise to contact Lord Cantrio of your decision before declaring a lockdown in Bauthinia?" Lord Garthine Polion asked.

"No, Lord Cantrio is ill, anyways he would find my decision wise and intelligent."

"Does that mean his house would not be searched?" king Lauihnio smiled.

"His house would be searched. king Lauihnio wrote the order on the scroll declaring a lockdown in all of Bauthinia and ordering the immediate search of the houses of all the noblemen of Bauthinia.

However he excluded the search of holy places like the Oridon temple and the sanctuary of the cytix priests from the bill.

"Make sure everything on this scroll is done with immediate effect, you are to send words to commander Egron, he is to lead the operation since he has also been found not guilty." He folded the scroll and handed it over to the captain after putting his seal on the scroll.

"Yes your majesty." the captain darted away from the king's presence in order to deliver the king's instructions as quick as possible. "The soldiers that participate in this skirmish fight well, I like them." king Lauihnio said resting on the balcony.

"Yes my king, the possession of good swordsmen in our army gives us an advantage when engaging on ground combat standing foot on foot with the enemy."

The king heaved a sigh. "yes it is advantageous to have good swordsmen in the army especially on the battlefield but the truth is no matter how skillful an army is with the sword, the more numerous army would always have an advantage - the numbers and a good battle plan have always proven to be the catalyst of a successful campaign or even a defence." king Lauihnio said.

"Well then let's just pray our soldiers are enough to defend us from king Brothlander and his goons."

"I pray so too Garthine Polion, I really pray so."