
Stealth Spirit Stone

Althair Valfredo is the youngest son of the King of Nier Valfredo. They are kitsune race nobles, nine-tailed fox demons. There was chaos in the castle because the dog demons suddenly attacked the castle of the Valfredo Clan. The dog demons are led by the Holy Dog or Inugami. Prince Althair also lost at the hands of Inugami named Kentaro. Luckily the Inugami didn't finish off Prince Althair completely. To be precise, they didn't realize that Althair Valfredo's power was still there. No one was aware except for Verrold. Verrold was a loyal servant of Prince Althair. Verrold then collected Althair's soul particle and manifested it into the Spirit Stone, also known as Holistoon. With the Spirit Stone, Althair will later be able to rise again. Unfortunately, Althair's body was already destroyed. So, Verrold as Althair's loyal bodyguard is tasked with finding a container for his master. Then, they meet humans named Takumi Akazawa dan his girlfriend. Can Verrold find a new container for Althair? And can Althair be resurrected?

Yasaran · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Shino Tatsuya


I had arrived at the cramped house we rented.

Now, I have no reason to hold on. Will I just be forgotten? My hopes of becoming a hero who would save my village from the curse had vanished. I want to be remembered as a hero by them. But, maybe I can't last that long.

Originally, I had planned to study at the Magic Academy as a great achievement of mine. Even though I'm no longer in this world after that, at least everyone still remembers me as Shino Tatsuya who fought for his village.

They would all say that the village's release from the curse was the result of the hard work of Shika-sama's youngest son, Shino Tatsuya. Everyone will be happy when they are in our once beautiful village.

But, all that hope was shattered, nothing left. My willpower must be blocked by this damn illness of mine.

Is it still possible for me to start from scratch? I only have a month's time, as the doctor said earlier. I really don't believe in his analysis, but my body is also an ordinary human body, apart from the magical abilities I've learned from childhood. Magic can only be learned. Even though I am a descendant of Tatsuya, but if I don't learn magic, of course I will become an ordinary human, not a magician like my predecessors.

Then I thought again, can I save my village like my father asked me that time? Kami-sama, is it still possible for me to last more than a month? Maybe, I should start the countdown from now on.

This situation is so complicated.

In the first place, Eva Nee-san was the only one who could save me, now actually falling in love with her own prey.

Actually, it's not death that I'm afraid of. Really!

I'm just afraid that until then, I won't be able to free my village from the curse.

Then, not to mention I have to answer to Len. Now Kentaro appears again. I must be able to guarantee the lives of the two dogs, because I am their master. Even though I was never treated as an employer by the two of them. Especially Kentaro, who only appeared a few days ago. He is very wild and comes home only when it is time to eat.

I still want to be their master. I don't want to die just yet. The two of them would be stranded if I wasn't around. Thinking of that makes me sad.

Alright, now I have to make a list of good deeds like studying magic until my breath stops. Then, work hard to make money so Len and Kentaro don't starve if I die. Then, give happiness to all residents in my village. I hope they will always be happy. Whether or not I'm on their side.

However, still have time for me to do it all?

"Shino?" A voice interrupted my thoughts.


To be continued ....