
Stealing talents Because I Can

An unconfident but smart and cunning boy reincarnates in a cultivation world where he has the power to steal the talent of anyone weaker than him. Follow him on his journey to conquer the world, using his system which gives him a lot more immoral skills. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bit clearer here. The Mc is unconfident, but also ready to step on anyone to survive and achieve his goal. The skills he will receive will be more immoral, like stealing talents but also others like making someone his slave or using other people to strengthen himself. Basically, he will be a demonic cultivator. On an R18 note, I am not sure if this will have R18 content but I am leaning on no. And if it will have r18 content, it will be like one sentence but never full-out smut scenes. If you have any ideas or constructive criticism, please tell me. I would appreciate it a lot.

NotCoockie · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Junior Fighting Competition

3 days later

In these 3 days, he had done a lot. In the morning, he started cultivation till lunch. Where he would take a 30 minutes break before practicing sword techniques till evening. And then lastly he cultivated another 2 hours before finally being free.

He didn't do this because he wanted, but because his master was forcing him. She was a true cultivationaholic, which she was pushing onto him.

And although he was cursing her inside his head, he could already feel the effects.

But in these 3 days, only 1 exiting thing happened, he had received another quest.

[Quest Name: Junior Fighting Competion

Objection: Compete in the Junior Figthing Competition.

Deadline: Unlimeted

Reward: Depending on the ranking.]

Even before receiving the quest, he had already heard of the Junior Fighting Competition from his master. It was something which was held every year one months after the Talent Testing.

All disciples who had joined the sect that year could participate, but almost always an inner or core disciple had won.

The competition was a great way to determine someone talents in fighting because the realms of most disciples would be quite similar.

And although he knew his talent was the best of his year, he still wasn't very confident. And this was the reason why he had done his best to follow his master's training plan. Because he wanted that maximum reward.

"Wei Ming, it's time to practice". His master said while entering the room. He looked at his master, who had a cold face without any emotion. This made it clear to him that his skill, Immoral Feelings, was something that needed time.

He picked up the wooden sword next to him, which weight much more than a normal wooden sword, and went outside to practice his sword. While his master was cultivating next to him.

27 days later

On a large stone platform, you can find 2 young people. A boy and a girl. The boy had white hair which was whiter than snow and black eyes which had a big contrast with his hair. And despite being a boy, he looked even prettier than the girl.

This is of course Ming, while the girl is outer disciple. And they were currently fighting for the Junior Fighting Competition.

Ming was staying on defense, wanting his opponent to attack first. And after a few minutes, the girl couldn't handle it anymore and attack.

She swung her sword side ways, infusing it with the little qi she had. But the sword got blocked by Ming, who used this opportunity to make her lose balance.

Once she lost imbalance, Ming quickly attack again. Now kicking her with his leg, making her fall on her butt before putting his sword next to her neck.

"Winner, Jiang Wei Ming". Yelled the referee.

And while his sword was on her neck, he couldn't believe he had so easily won. Maybe he was actually truly talented.

He quickly jumped of the stage and went to his master. Who was sitting in the stand of out peak. And despite being older than his body was, he couldn't help but smile. He had never won a fight.

"Good job". His master said with her expressionally face. And he couldn't believe she praised him. This caused his smile to become much bigger.

He sat down next to his master while looking at the remaining fights of the first round. He remained here because the second round would begin and end today. So he still needed to fight.

And after a few hours, it was his turn again. And now his opponent was a boy who was a Inner Disicple.

The greeted each other like mandatory in a fight between dsciple, before the fight started.

Ming again used the stratigi of waiting on his opponent to attack first and counter attack then.

And while this boy was more patient, in the end he still lost and attacked first. The boy was attacking with a thrust, which was more difficult to defen.

So Ming decided to go side ways and slach the sword from below. then he wanted to continue with a kick. But the boy was able to block by putting his sword between him and Ming's foot.

Since Ming's foot contained a lot of strength, the boy was pushed back a lot.

After being blocked, Ming quickly started with attacking again. Now using the tricks his master taught him. Which was too much for boy and he eventually gave up after being lightly injured a lot.

"Winner Jiang Wei Ming". The referee yelled. And Ming quickly went to his master who directly returned to their home. Not spectating the others fights.

The Junior Fighting Competition changed depending on if the amount of disciples were even or uneven.

If the amount were even, which they were this year. There would be firstly 2 rounds of fighting. Eliminating all the losers.

Then the third round would be a trial were only the top 64 or 128 disciples went to the fourth round. Only numbers which were easy to fight in competition.

In an uneven amount of disciples, the third round would come first. They did this to get the desired amount of disciples.

He returned to his abode with his master. But instead of getting rest. His master thought otherwise. She forced him to think about his flaws. While practicing on them for the rest of the day.

The next day

Ming currently found him before a ain't door, being surrounded by a lot of other disicples.

He had heard from his master what the next round would be. And it was quite simple. They would enter this door which would transport each disciple to a different small realm.

Therre they would fight waves of golems which had a certain amount of strength. Each wave having stronger and more golems.

Once he entered the door, he found himself in a totally empty space, but he quickly adapted at the change.

"First Wave, Eniciating". Said a strange voice.

Suddenly a wooden humanoid doll fell from the sky. It stood up and started attacking him.

But with only a swing of his sword, he had already cut of the head of the doll. Which signalled the end of it.

After waiting for a while, he heard the voice again.

"Second Wave, Eniciating".

And suddenly he found 2 wooden dolls before him. But they weren't much more difficult than the previous doll and were quickly dealt with.

This went on for another 2 waves, which he quickly dealt with. But in the fifth wave, things changed.

"Fifth Wave, Eniciating".

And now instead of finding the expected 16 wooden dolls, he found 1 stone doll.

And although he was able to deal with it, it definitely was much harder than the previous round.

"Sixt Wave, Eniciating".

And now as expect, he found 2 stone dolls. Ming was able to deal with this round. But in the seventh round, he was able to deal with 3 golems before being knocked unconcious.

Scene Break

"Junior sister Jian Wue, congratulation on having found a dragon". Said a elder next to her. The elder was talking about Jiang Wei Ming, who they could see fighting the waves.

And although there was no ranking in the round, he was the person to go fathers of every disciple. And he even almost got to the eight wave.

A lot of elders, even those from other peaks were congratulating her because the fighting talent Jiang Wei Ming showed coupled with his spiritual root put him on the level of e genuis among geniousess.

And only a few elders he could say they went as far as Jiang Wei Ming in this trial. And those who could were all the leader of their generation in the sect.