
Kiss Monster

After leaving the gymnasium. I waited a bit downstairs for her. She got her chance to escape and I even got to see Fukuda trying to chase after her. Chii didn’t notice him though.

Good for him, I guess? No. It was not good for him when he watched Chii run toward me without stopping at a certain distance. The girl jumped in my arms as if she waited for long to do that.

And when I caught the girl, I looked at him without returning a triumphant grin. It’s not needed anymore, after all. If he couldn’t accept the reality that he already lost even before the fight started, then there’s no redemption for him.

In any case, we hurriedly left that area, to avoid other curious eyes that might see us. Whether he followed us or not, I couldn’t care less. He could hurt himself more, that’s his life anyway. But he would never see Chii in a vulnerable state. If I noticed him nearby, I would quickly cover her with my body even if we were not doing something risqué.