
Juri's Playfulness

With Setsuna-nee occupied by Sakuma who was acting like a rigid robot whose joints hadn’t been oiled for years, Juri successfully got away in her affectionate gesture.

Of course, she probably had a prepared excuse for it even if Setsuna-nee caught her. Despite how she seemed to throw her propriety away when it comes to me, the girl still had proper control of herself.

Last night was an example. Instead of losing it and taking that moment as a chance, she held back. If I have to guess, she took precautions because we were out in the open. There’s a probability that it might not end up favorable for us or my relationship with Satsuki if someone saw us getting intimate there.

Taking note of that, I somehow started wishing to learn her unique take on exercising restraint. Sometimes, I was too impulsive despite my attempts not to be one.