
Stealing Essence At a Glance Through My Conscious System

ALEX CRUZ, a 24 year old rising producer and movie director has a fateful encounter when a mysterious power of unknown origin integrates into his dying body. The power within Alex gains consciousness while Alex develops abilities he never dreamed of. Living his career and previous life's trajectory behind, he embarks on a dangerous journey of love, danger and opportunities. After introduction of spiritual energy in his body in a mysterious cave, his real life starts. Slowly but surely, he will conquer realms as he unlimitedly copies even the talents of immortals, inheriting their memories and experiences in the process. ... Immediately his blood stopped oozing out, and a few seconds later, in a rate visible to the naked eye, all wounds on Alex and his dislocated shoulder, not to mention the huge cut on his thigh, were all healed without even a scar left. The huge chunk of metal on his thigh was spitted out, despite having lodged itself on his right femur. He had broken his backbone when he slammed into the concrete pillar but it also healed completely. ... As a despised orphan who has experienced a lot of hardships, Alex Cruz has other mysterious identities ,unbeknownst to him , and these identities holds powers stronger than the top superpowers countries. With these identities, there are those that wish he doesn't assume them, and the closer to his origin he draws, the stronger the danger looming over him. #Don't be quick to drop the book as the best parts are yet. Give it a chance. #Any places and characters ,instances and names of places, people , companies etc are used fictitiously, with no ill /malicious intent.

Andy_Metaguy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
95 Chs


"Hello Sir."

"Aah? Who is it?"

Alex jumped in flight looking around him. He was about to call the police but someone just called out of nowhere.

"Sir. My name is Aiden Cheng. I'm that child's grandfather. "

The voice was familiar and comprehension dawned on Alex as he turned towards the small screen attached to the camera. At this time, a group of about a dozen faces crumped up on the small screen and he couldn't tell who just talked.

But this voice was the one negotiating with Nathaniel just now.

Seeing a laptop on the table, Alex took it near the bed wondering why he forgot there was a live stream earlier.

He'd have hidden his face.

"Sir. May I ask who are?"

Alex only played arrogant and mighty Infront of the kidnappers but he dropped the act when he realized that it was the girls family.

"Sorry about that. I don't really want to attract any trouble. So I'm not fond of telling my identity seniors."

Alex humbly declined their request, which made the others frightened thinking Alex wanted to continue as the new kidnapper and call for even more outrageous demands.

The old lady, Cecilia Cheng, also Aiden Cheng's wife asked in trembling voice,

"Sir , would you please tell me how my granddaughter is? "

Looking at the young beauty sleeping, Alex smiled kindly and said.

"Honesty I have no idea. She's sleeping or unconscious but she doesn't seem to be in pain. Her breathing is normal, her pulse is a little weak though. You see, I'm actually not a doctor nor have I ever worked in medical related facilities. Hehe."

Everyone looked at Alex in an incredible manner. They mostly thought he was a young rising doctor and that is why he stumbled upon this case, or he was here purposely to extort the Cheng family after defeating the original kidnappers.

"Sir. What are your conditions? As long as you don't harm xuan'er, we'll try our best to meet your conditions."

A middle aged man in his late thirties in a military uniform with three stars on his shoulder spoke. It might sound as a plea but it came off as a command. It was clear he was used to issuing commands.

Alex frowned when he heard that and the fake smile he had forced to look polite vanished.

"Why do I feel insulted by your insinuation Mr military? "

They were taken aback by the change in tone as Alex looked at them with a straight face.

"This,...I'm sorry I don't understand. If I have offended you. Please forgive me."

They were afraid that they might make a mistake of angering him and make him harm xuan'er.

"Mr. Please don't be angry. The young are impulsive. Please forgive him my son. He's just concerned about his niece."

The old lady begged fear evident in her eyes.

"Forget it. Send someone over to take her away. I'll stay here to protect her for the time being before your people arrive. I'll keep the camera on to assure you. "

After saying that, Alex disassembled the small fire arm in his hands in a speed that left a few people in military uniform and suits with mouths open. They had been using firearms for a long time and have witnessed assembly and disassembly of such a pistol, but it was the first time seeing this speed.

Instead of throwing it away, Alex put the components in his inner coat pocket.

"We're in room C507 in Manila metropolitan medical center. I have other plans so hurry."

As he was talking, he realized that the camera on the other side was shaking, and a few minutes later, it became clearer and with a better angle. Now, more than thirty faces sitting in what he can say is the most elegant room he had ever seen were looking at him.

"This is embarrassing. "

Seeing how everyone was looking at him, all with serious and expectant faces, the atmosphere was very awkward.

Alex didn't see the old couple and the crying couple in this group. However, new more faces were visible and he actually recognized one of them.

"Isn't that the most popular actress in south east Asia? Zoey Cheng? "

Then remembering how the old guy was named Aiden Cheng, Alex suddenly remembered.

This guy was actually the second richest in Southeast Asia. No wonder he felt that name ringed a bell.

And this girl, among the best in the industry. Her main competitor being two twin sisters from India, Aisha and Anika Varvani.

Alex could only dream of working with such an godlike existence like Zoey Cheng, and now here she was looking at him like he was an incarnation of a deity.

There were other young ladies with the same imperious and noble elegance, from the way they carried themselves, and their temperament.

Despite having cultivated a poker face for a long time. Alex felt overwhelmed with all these people gazing at him. However, he was thick skinned and he seemed totally unputubed by their gazes.

There were also elegant people who had progressed in years and who certainly belonged to the top of the society. They seemed calmer compared to the younger generation.

A few young men were also around, with the one who caught Alex's eye being a gentleman with an expensive black suit, white shirt and a black tie. He was certain these were all branded but he had no idea what brands they were.

The young man was standing behind the others who were seated, hands folded Infront of him, eyes closed.

"What an interesting guy. I can feel intimidation all the way from the camera mostly from this guy."

Finding nothing more interesting, Alex tilted the camera to the pale young lady on the bed, as he felt her pulse again and made an okay gesture with his thumb to the camera, then sat on the chair the kidnapper had sat on earlier, making sure the camera only took a part of him and concentrated on the girl named Xuan.

After sitting down, Zoey Cheng and a few young ladies were quite disappointed when the feast to their eyes was disrupted. Being in the upper society and in the entertainment industry, Zoe Cheng had a lot of admirers in the millions, but most of them that were actual suitors were in the hundreds.

However, when you use a filter system and remove their family background, remove their parents money and also the connections given by their family, these young scions after her wer wall rubbish.

The ones in the entertainment industry like her were even more rubbish because all the wanted was the influence they'd get after announcing they were dating Zoe Cheng.

They were after her beauty and influence which irked her especially with her grandparents as an epitome of long years of happiness and love together.

This guy just now saved the whole Cheng family in a tricky situation, and he was so handsome and heroic that Zoey Cheng developed a liking to him.

It seemed like one of her movie she had acted had suddenly come to life.

However, just as she was feasting her eyes on the handsome guy, he pointed the camera elsewhere.

If the guy was truly a good guy, she wouldn't mind having a date with him.

Zoey Cheng was in Malaysia to film an advert when she was called about her sister's kidnapping.

She flew over quickly when the shoot was half finished. Same as almost everyone else here, they had rushed over when they received the news.

Some of them came when the negotiations were taking place, just in time to here the ridiculous demands from the other party. A billion dollars was nothing to this family as only three of their properties needed to be liquidated, that's if none of them had a cent left in their accounts.

But the problem was that those bastards actually wanted it in cryptocurrency. This is very hard to trace and even though it's traceable through the Blockchain technology and the emmergence of crypto forensics, whose to say what would happen to xuan'er the moment they pay.

Everyone had been in a fix , and Alex came just in time making it seem a little too good to be true.

Despite his good looks and elegance, most of the people in this room are suspecting Alex to be the leader of the kidnappers. He looked powerful or at least it sounded so but he didn't even harm one of them.

"Of course he can't harm his own people."

They thought.

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