
Stealing Essence At a Glance Through My Conscious System

ALEX CRUZ, a 24 year old rising producer and movie director has a fateful encounter when a mysterious power of unknown origin integrates into his dying body. The power within Alex gains consciousness while Alex develops abilities he never dreamed of. Living his career and previous life's trajectory behind, he embarks on a dangerous journey of love, danger and opportunities. After introduction of spiritual energy in his body in a mysterious cave, his real life starts. Slowly but surely, he will conquer realms as he unlimitedly copies even the talents of immortals, inheriting their memories and experiences in the process. ... Immediately his blood stopped oozing out, and a few seconds later, in a rate visible to the naked eye, all wounds on Alex and his dislocated shoulder, not to mention the huge cut on his thigh, were all healed without even a scar left. The huge chunk of metal on his thigh was spitted out, despite having lodged itself on his right femur. He had broken his backbone when he slammed into the concrete pillar but it also healed completely. ... As a despised orphan who has experienced a lot of hardships, Alex Cruz has other mysterious identities ,unbeknownst to him , and these identities holds powers stronger than the top superpowers countries. With these identities, there are those that wish he doesn't assume them, and the closer to his origin he draws, the stronger the danger looming over him. #Don't be quick to drop the book as the best parts are yet. Give it a chance. #Any places and characters ,instances and names of places, people , companies etc are used fictitiously, with no ill /malicious intent.

Andy_Metaguy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
95 Chs



Alex was oblivious of the battle that was taking place between the Blackcrab Mercenary group and Samson's men, as he closed his eyes in contemplation inside the taxi. He felt physically uncomfortable because of the tight fitting outfit and decided to first go to a boutique and buy some clothes. He new a good stall near his workplace in metropolitan road and told the driver to drop him there. He didn't have enough money yet to go on a shopping spree in the mall, an experience he had looked forward to all his life but never got a chance. A single branded suit in the mall would cloth him for months in a normal boutique.

He believed that as long as what he wore was comfortable for him and those around him, it's decent and right for the occasion, nothing else matters. He remembered how his Aunt Clara from the orphanage used to tell him when he would admire something expensive.

"Son, there is something we call ego and it's a very dangerous enemy and a very sly one. And the most terrifying thing is that he attacks you and makes you believe he is your friend. The more you believe him, the more he eats you up from inside out. "

Alex had not comprehended these words and had asked his aunt, who loved it when Alex called her mother. She didn't have children of her own so she cherished children to her last breath.

"Mama, I don't understand, what does he look like? I will run away when I see him and won't believe it when he says he's my friend. Friends should not hurt each other."

The young Alex had said with an entirely different impression of ego in his mind. He had viewed it is a huge hairy monstrosity.

"Good boy. You learn well. But ego is an enemy you can't see with your eyes. When people want expensive clothes, play with expensive toys, even hangout with the rich children and forsake the poor ones, all this is the result of ego. When you feel better than others and want the best and expensive things and clothes, even if they don't make you happy but you just want to feel cool, that's because you have been attacked by the enemy ego."

Ruffling the young boy's hair, the elderly lady explained patiently with a smile.

"Aah, haha. Mama is the best."

Alex smiled remembering how he had not comprehended anything she said then. How could he settle with a self made toy when he could get a new one?

But later in life, he had appreciated and lived in the light of all Aunt Clara's profound teachings, whose comprehension came one after the other as he grew up.

His line of thought was interrupted when he realized he actually had a much deeper understanding and appreciation of Aunt Clara's wisdom, when he scrutinized the experiences he had got from Sheba. Remembering how everyone she touched she'd copy their experiences and memories, Alex wondered if he'll ever have any secrets.

Remembering that Sheba is probably listening to his thoughts right now, he shuddered subconsciously.

"Sheba, you said you didn't know where you come from, but you can steal other people's memories and experiences when you touch them. Right?"

Alex asked Sheba telepathically. He just had to think and formulate his thoughts as a dialogue and Sheba would know which one was him thinking and which one was addressed to her.

\'Thats correct master.'\

Sheba sounded in his mind.

"Then since you're basically a part of me now, doesn't that mean you have stolen something even greater than others? Perhaps my lifespan or something?"

Alex was obviously nervous and couldn't shake it.

\'Master, I have come to the conclusion that I am incapable of harming you, unless you decide to take your own life, or should you act contrary to your true self.I certainly don't know when, for what or for how long I have existed, but my personality is based 80% on yours. The only thing that can be said to be taken from you is a little of your essence, which is the purest among the thousands I have come across so far by over 70%. Since that is the case, I naturally cannot hurt you. However...'\

"Wa..wait a minute. Go slow."

Alex cut her short wondering what this essence was and how it was going to affect him.

\'Yes master.'\

"What is this essence and how does it affect me when you take it? Also, why is it greater than thousands others?"

\'Essence is the base or the core of anything. This is the determinant of your true nature. I would not have taken initiative to integrate myself with you should your essence have been impure. I have a rough idea of what I'm capable of doing under one if an impure essence. When I took a part of your essence, it means my personality is 80% yours. I would not do what you would not do. Also, afterwards I regenerated using your special genes which I can also assure you they're far greater than a normal humans.'\

Sheba sounded inside Alex's mind, who was concentrating closing his eyes making the taxi driver think he was dozing, but he didn't disturb him.

"My genes are stronger? How so?"

Alex asked expectantly.

\"I'm sorry master, I don't know anything beyond that your genes are very strong. Also master you should know that there is a genetic code restraint that might have been implanted forcefully to make sure you don't use your genetic heritage prowess. With that restraint, you can only be a normal person for the rest of your life.'\

"Sheba. Please explain slowly. You're loosing me. Let me get this right. I have very strong genes, which someone blocked to make me a normal person? Are you saying I'm abnormal to begin with?"

\'Master, I can feel your powerful genetic energy. It's leaking very little and that is enough to make you use telepathy all this time. Otherwise you might have been drained of all energy long ago. The only way to break this restraint is becoming stronger, or having someone strong break it for you.'\

\' I'm currently looking for ways to make you stronger master, for only with more power can I better serve you. when I have a viable solution, I'll let you know.'\

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