
Stealing Essence At a Glance Through My Conscious System

ALEX CRUZ, a 24 year old rising producer and movie director has a fateful encounter when a mysterious power of unknown origin integrates into his dying body. The power within Alex gains consciousness while Alex develops abilities he never dreamed of. Living his career and previous life's trajectory behind, he embarks on a dangerous journey of love, danger and opportunities. After introduction of spiritual energy in his body in a mysterious cave, his real life starts. Slowly but surely, he will conquer realms as he unlimitedly copies even the talents of immortals, inheriting their memories and experiences in the process. ... Immediately his blood stopped oozing out, and a few seconds later, in a rate visible to the naked eye, all wounds on Alex and his dislocated shoulder, not to mention the huge cut on his thigh, were all healed without even a scar left. The huge chunk of metal on his thigh was spitted out, despite having lodged itself on his right femur. He had broken his backbone when he slammed into the concrete pillar but it also healed completely. ... As a despised orphan who has experienced a lot of hardships, Alex Cruz has other mysterious identities ,unbeknownst to him , and these identities holds powers stronger than the top superpowers countries. With these identities, there are those that wish he doesn't assume them, and the closer to his origin he draws, the stronger the danger looming over him. #Don't be quick to drop the book as the best parts are yet. Give it a chance. #Any places and characters ,instances and names of places, people , companies etc are used fictitiously, with no ill /malicious intent.

Andy_Metaguy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
95 Chs

Do I look like a Subordinate to you?

Back in Daram Island, Alex had confirmed that his physical power was akin to a fifth level black belt master when suppressing his power and only using ten percent.

Standing at the side holding darts, Diego looked at 'The Twins' with more apprehension than Alex. He did not attack Alex as he let him catch his breath. As for the dark killer , he rushed up to attack Alex while he was exhausted, hoping somehow he can taking advantage of Alex under estimating him and kill Alex.

Just as he rushed up, a dark figure materialized in the periphery of his vision as bright spits of fire came tearing the wind towards him, making him retreat immediately.

"Are you not ashamed of yourselves? Two grown men harassing a kid? Lets see who dares to move him."

Holding a fully loaded rifle with one hand, Samson Graham staggered and stood between Alex and the two.

Alex was moved. This was one of the two people with a brighter essence. His was the best followed by the other shadow ranger Joe. Diego was the fifth with a gray essence and 'The Twins' was the one with the darkest.

The essence represents their true selves and as expected, this guy with the purest essence among these people regained consciousness and immediately stood up for the weak.

"Samson Graham. What is the meaning of this? Are you confused after hitting your head? He is that solo agent you have been looking for. Alex Cruz. You're here to capture him and now you're standing in my way? Do you know what you're doing?"

'The Twins' spoke in a slow but clear voice, that almost shuttered Samson Graham's resolve.

"I would indeed follow the games if you were captain Lewis, but the person I am talking to now is a ruthless killer. Compared to this kid, I would rather defend him to the death than see you get a hold of him…are you okay there?"

Without loosing sight of the dangerous assassin, Samson Graham glanced at his fallen comrades and at the disheveled Alex, checking if he was fatally wounded. Alex nodded slightly. His clothes were unsightly but he had already recovered after releasing his spiritual energy, loosing interest in the fight.

'The Twins' was shaking in anger, because the blood thirst and killing spree he had envisioned today had been impended time and again. Now the guy  he was also tasked of eliminating was also alive and him choosing to stand on Alex's side might make Alex save his life.

"Damn. Its all this boy's fault. Today looks like I can only retreat first and plan my next move especially now that everyone is distracted."

As he thought of escaping first, he pressed a button in his watch pretending he was rubbing his wrist, calling the helicopter to come. Unbeknownst to him, the helicopter had already been commanded by Sheba in his name to fly back to Manila city, for the mission was a failure and everyone had died. Even the voice calling was 'The Twins' on his last breath. The mission had been reported a failure, and a terrible one.

"'The Twins' do you think I did not know you had been commanded to kill the whole team? I did not become who I am today by being a weakling. Don't think that just because I am not a cold blooded killer I dare not shoot you both. You even provoked these guys to create chaos so that we might die in the confusion. Right?"

Samson Graham felt his scalp becoming numb in anger, as his strength decreased because of excessive bleeding.

The two black belts were fast but not fast enough to dodge bullets, and even a weak marksman like Samson Graham posed mortal threat with a gun. So they dared not attack recklessly.

"Why is that helicopter not coming?"

'The Twins' wondered. He tried to maintain a calm attitude but he was very anxious. After all, this is his first time encountering a situation like this where he was disadvantaged and no apparent exit strategy.

At this time, Alex stood up quietly looking at the bleeding Samson who was forcing himself despite being on the verge of collapsing any moment.

"Mr. Graham, you should have that wound checked now. You're loosing too much blood now. I will take care of things here."

Alex spoke, suddenly appearing next to Samson Graham who had no time to express his astonishment, before loosing consciousness when Alex tapped on his shoulder.

A slither of spiritual energy had entered his body, making the guy sleep and stopping all the bleeding around the wounds.

"Diego. I want you to do two things for me. One, continue taking care of those kids, two, make sure your cartel doesn't get in my way ever, and three, you never saw me and you left no one alive here. If you are clear with this, you can leave now. You can collect the rest of your weapons if you want to. "

When Diego heard this, he was excited. These terms are very easy indeed . He cupped his hands expressing his gratitude in reverence, as he quickly collected the darts on the ground. However, he only collected only a fraction as the others were either hundreds of meters away or damaged.

"Ooh, one more thing, this island is a no go zone for your likes henceforth, especially that Jean Santos. Who knows what might happen to trespassers? And more so this cliff. You can leave now."

Diego bowed slightly before setting off , completely merging into the bushes. He wanted to go around the waterfall and descend in a less steep part of the  escarpment opposite where Alex stood engrossed in his thoughts.

Alex wanted to protect this island not only because of the orphanage, but also because of the new found treasure trove. He wanted to rebuild the whole orphanage and make it grand, a home that can offer even better care and nurture kids no less than those well funded orphanages where kids live noble lives.

He even thought of building a whole education system and a school run and operated inside the orphanage, one that can compete favorably with international standards. Perhaps graduates from that school can even be personally invited to powerful universities.

These thoughts even excited Alex.


\\' Yes master?'//

"Is there a way to get the Santos estate?"

\\' Master, it is not impossible. However, you cannot use your own money or power, but through a well known third party. It should not be a problem as most the land belonging to the Santos family was confiscated or cheated from small farmers. '//

"I see. Do you have an idea?"

\\' You can use the Cheng family master. They can buy this estate easily by swaying public opinion, and if legal matters are concerned, it can also be solved because there are records of the original owners of the land, despite most of them having no legal title deeds to the land. These people can be paid a rightful amount with the going local land prices, and there should be no problems in the future. Then the Cheng family can give the estate as a gift to the Masaya orphanage, which …'//

"..Which will also boost there public image. You're a genius Sheba. That is a win win situation, and they don't loose a penny because I will pay them every penny. Looks like I will have to have that dinner with the Cheng family soon."

"Hey, who are you working for?"

'The Twins' who could no longer tolerate the silence queried, at least to know whom he had offended this time. His master had a habit of sending eyes and ears when he was on missions, and if his master was listening or watching, this kind of information would be invaluable and even if he died, his mission would be considered half-complete. 

"I almost forgot you were there. Tell me , why do you love killing so much? And why are you so different from Lewis Kekoa?"

"tch..Cut the crap. Don't compare me with that weakling. I live by the jungle rule so even if I die today in your hands I will have no regrets. Just satisfy my curiosity and tell me who your backer is. Whom do you work for? China, Russia?"

"Do I look like a subordinate to you? Don't worry, I will not make it difficult for you. What are you looking the sea for? The drone or the helicopter?"

'The Twins' was shocked but tried to hide it, wondering whether Alex had other people that had already made a move on the drone and helicopter.

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