
Stealing Essence At a Glance Through My Conscious System

ALEX CRUZ, a 24 year old rising producer and movie director has a fateful encounter when a mysterious power of unknown origin integrates into his dying body. The power within Alex gains consciousness while Alex develops abilities he never dreamed of. Living his career and previous life's trajectory behind, he embarks on a dangerous journey of love, danger and opportunities. After introduction of spiritual energy in his body in a mysterious cave, his real life starts. Slowly but surely, he will conquer realms as he unlimitedly copies even the talents of immortals, inheriting their memories and experiences in the process. ... Immediately his blood stopped oozing out, and a few seconds later, in a rate visible to the naked eye, all wounds on Alex and his dislocated shoulder, not to mention the huge cut on his thigh, were all healed without even a scar left. The huge chunk of metal on his thigh was spitted out, despite having lodged itself on his right femur. He had broken his backbone when he slammed into the concrete pillar but it also healed completely. ... As a despised orphan who has experienced a lot of hardships, Alex Cruz has other mysterious identities ,unbeknownst to him , and these identities holds powers stronger than the top superpowers countries. With these identities, there are those that wish he doesn't assume them, and the closer to his origin he draws, the stronger the danger looming over him. #Don't be quick to drop the book as the best parts are yet. Give it a chance. #Any places and characters ,instances and names of places, people , companies etc are used fictitiously, with no ill /malicious intent.

Andy_Metaguy · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
95 Chs


Alex looked at the three people frowning as if thinking about what to do. The looks of the three was very complicated. The young lady in black looked embarrassed and evaded Alex's gaze.

"As I said, I'm in a good mood today. Let me give you a chance to write your wrongs. Whether I'll act on you later will depend on your sincerity. Are you willing to redeem yourselves?"

Alex shouted slightly, enough to put pressure on the ones inside and low enough to make sure those outside didn't get alerted. After all, if any of them barges in at this moment, his bluff would fall. And he'd be dead meat. Probably even risking the girl's life. They were armed and he had never been in a physical fight before.

Hearing the golden opportunity of a pardon, how could they refuse?

"Yes sir. Very willing. Very willing."

The camera man who was still knowtowing looked at Alex pleadingly.

The young lady in black looked at her boss who in turn nodded in agreement with a hint of unwillingness in his eyes as that would mean a billion dollars was certainly out of reach.

"Let me get out of hear alive first. No matter what I do, this kid must die. I don't believe he is invisible Infront of my sister in law."

With that thought in mind, all he wanted now was to get out of here. He had been wearing a black surgical mask all along and Alex didn't see the smirk on his face.

"I wonder what you want us to do your excellency. Please advise us."

The fat guy said, and seeing how his Chinese camera guy was capping his hands in front of Alex, he also capped his hands bowing slightly. Soon, three people were all capping their hands Infront of their chests bowing to Alex, three of them side by side Infront of the camera.

The people in Singapore were a little excited seeing this. This was like a movie scene or a cliche novel scene where a hero comes to save the damsel and they fall in love. It looked acted. The script was too perfect.

"Mmh. You look like common sense haven't left you yet. Listen well for I hate to repeat myself."

"I can find you anytime and anywhere if I feel you made a fool of me. And trust I absolutely dislike being disrespected. If you have any such plans , ...."

He left the consequences of what he'd do to them hang to allow room for their imagination. And it was effective as the two men hurriedly assured that they dared not.

At this moment, Sheba said,

\'Master, I just realized I can make someone obey you completely and do as you ask without second thoughts. But we're too week and it can only work for less than twenty minutes.'\

Sheba once again discovered another of her abilities.

"Ooh, and how does it work? "

Alex had already formulated a plan when he heard this.

\'Master. Just touch them and I'll put s little of my power into them and give them a psychological suggestion.'\


With that he gestured to the lady in black and called her over. To him, she may be the biggest threat. She is calm and composed. And there is an elegant aura around her. She's a typical ice queen that he'd pay a high price for to shoot a scene in one of his movies.

"You. Come here."

The young lady walked over cautiously, and Alex asked her name touching her shoulder pretending to put a little distance with her. Then said,

"You'll take them all directly to the police station from here and report all the crimes you have committed so far. You can talk about today but remember not to mention me anywhere. Do you understand?"

Surprisingly , the lady noded obediently. She had been very dissatisfied when he touched her shoulder just now, but her face turned to the normal cold after a second as a wisp of Sheba's power entered her body and headed to the brain..

Everyone including Alex was dumbfounded.

Especially the boss was the most surprised. He even had the idea that she is probably the one who sold them out to this young bastard.

" What's your name.?"

Alex asked the lady.

"Sarah Wu."

She replied with no emotion on her face.

"No wonder She looks Chinese."

Alex thought as he looked at the other two who were still wondering what just happened to their cold faced queen.

"You two. Come here."

Pointing at the fat guy and the camera guy, he beckoned coldly.

"You seem to be the boss here. What's your name?"

"Yes. I'm Nathaniel De Rosario sir."

The fat guy answered meekly as Alex patted his shoulder and removed the gun hid in the guys inner pocket.

"Why does that name sound familiar? I'm very sure I've heard it several times before. Huh. Forget it."

Alex thought as he wondered why even the face was a little familiar after removing the guys mask.

"Master. You can order them now. I have passed on a part of my consciousness to them. They will do whatever you tell them within the next twenty minutes."

"Great. That's great. You're honestly awesome Sheba."

Alex praised Sheba as he looked at the three. And down at the decent watch around his left wrist.

"This is what you will do. Take your men outside and take them with you to the police station. Report yourself to an agent who happened to be your namesake, Nathan. Tell him everything you have done without leaving a single detail. That way I'll consider my business with you done.


Alex increased his voice and continued,

"...if you don't end up in the police station, that is if within ten minutes you're still not in the police station, then that will greatly ruin my mood. I could get to you here and I can get to you anywhere. I'm I clear?"

The three noded obediently and when he gestured for them to leave, they bolted out of the room.

The three only wanted one thing. Report themselves to the police. This drove them crazy like an insatiable craving that would only be sate when they get the task done.

Even Alex was surprised. Isn't that a little unscientific?

After issuing the order, Alex felt somehow drained of energy and was suddenly tired.

"Sheba? This..."

\'Master, passing on the order needs energy to wrap that suggestion inside their heads. My power is directly related to yours master. That is why I'm looking for hints of availability of opportunities to make you stronger. I have a great compulsion just like the one you just issued, to make the master stronger.'\

Listening to Sheba, Alex was surprised.

"Unless someone left such a compulsion, doesn't that mean like you're programmed to make me stronger?"

\' Yes master. But the so called program is not made of algorithms or what you're thinking. Rather, it's the same kind as the one that drives living creatures to procreate. Just as males often fight to the blink of death to have a chance to mate, I have the same intensity of that urge ingrained within my very being. That is why I agreed to merge with you master for a being with a pure essence can hardly be corrupted by greed of power.'\

"Sheba, I'm getting a headache please. Let's talk about everything later."

Massaging his temples, Alex looked at the gun in his hands and didn't know what to do with it.

When the three got out, they asked the confused men to follow them immediately. In a half walking half running pace, a group of 'doctors' with a suited man and a lady in black filled up the elevator while others took the stairs.

The intimidation from these men was incredible. Other doctors and nurses jumped out of the way when they saw this, while others closed their rooms in fear. Two minutes later, several cars roared away from the parking lot.

Alex had walked to the refurbished window and watched as the cars sped off and breathed a sigh of relief. Holding the gun he got from Nathaniel, he went to the sleeping girl and felt her pulse.

He felt her breathing and was satisfied when he realized she was just drugged to sleep.

Looking at her up close and touching her wrist, Alex was pleasantly taken aback by her beauty. Her skin was so tender and supple, but completely pale and devoid of any color.

Her facial features were several leagues above Annie Craig, his ex whom they broke up less than 10 hours ago.

According to Alex, Annie was already a top beauty, surpassing many influencers and cerebs, and thanks to her mother's teachings otherwise she may have eloped with the many rich men who had pursued her before.

And that top beauty was now several leagues lower to this young girl.

She was about seventeen and she was Asian. She looked very pitiful and fragile that Alex didn't know what to do.

Alone with the unconscious young beautiful girl in the room, Alex was thinking about what to do when someone suddenly spoke, startling Alex, who obviously didn't show it on his face .

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