

  "Mom, haven't you cooked another dish? " he asked.

  "No, son." Mother replied.

  "Don’t mind me, Zander. I eat whatever is on the table. I am not picky about food. I'm used to eating simple, home-cooked food." Don Augusto said.

  He did not say a word but continued to eat. Don Augusto caught his attention by sneezing.

  "Zander, can I invite your mother outside? We won't last any longer outside," he said.

  He looked at his mother and she just remained bent over and continued to eat. He is not numb so as not to feel that Don Augusto has a different motive for coming here to the house. He knows it because he is also a man.

  "I don't have a problem. Ask mom if she will agree," he replied.

  "Your mother agreed. You are the last person I ask, but since you agreed, thank you." Don Augusto said.