
Bumping into Stacy

"Mom, Jenna. Wake up."

He said, shaking their tired forms as Jenna lazy wave her arm at him as she snuggled deeper into her sister.

"Nn~ No more, I'm tired baby. Let me sleep for a bit, mm~"

As for Beth, she just lays there with a content smile on her face as she wrap her arms around her sister and pulled her in closer. Enjoy her body heat as she sleep in her bed, gathering her strength to go on with the rest of her day.

A warm smile was on his face as he watch them sleep in each other's arms, before sighing in regret as he have to break it up. Shaking them awake one more time, he said to them,

"C'mon guys, we have been missing for an hour now and I think your family members will be looking for us soon."


Was their reply as he watch them fall asleep with their breathes slowing down and they barely moved after that. Sighing in defeat, he allowed them to rest after being very rough with them, but mostly Jenna.

As Beth pushed her way beyond her comfort zone and hurt her a bit. He shares the blame with her as he didn't ease up on Jenna as he played along with Beth's actions. Luckily, everything is now ok and no one was serious hurt.

But it still got him thinking about the liquid that heals women down in his basement called, [Tantric sex], but he has mixed feelings about it. This liquid can only heal others quickly, but it cannot fight against diseases or even restore a person whole.

If one of his women was diagnosed with cancer, this liquid will not work on it as the cells are reproducing as it was supposed to be doing. As he thoughts went deeper into the subject, his eyes never left their sleeping form.

When a look of determination appeared on his face as he thought,

'Looks like it's time to expand the secret base even wider and replace some liquids. I just need to figure out how to get rid of the liquids I don't need safely. I don't want to affect the world.'

He continued to think about it as he went to take a shower in his parent's room, leaving his sleeping lovers in the bed. He then proceeds to wash away the sweat and sexual juices from his body with water and soap, but no shampoo.

After drying himself of with an towel, he walk out butt naked as he went to pick up his clothes. Taking one last look at his sleeping lovers on the bed, he could only chuckle as he put back on his clothes.

Giving them one last kiss on their heads he left them alone as he made sure to lock the door behind him. He didn't want anyone walking into the room and seeing them naked and getting the wrong idea.

As he was walking down the hallway, he accidently bump into his cousin Stacy as she was coming out of her room. Her head down as she look at her phone in her hand, not even paying attention to what was in front of her.

He barely turned in time as she collided with his chest, making him stumble back into the empty hallway before he fell down as he then lost his footing.



He said in surprise and his cousin also let out a small scream in fright as they collided and she lost her grip on her phone. Her eyes went wide open as she saw her cousin fall down to the ground. Scurrying over to his fallen form, she fretted over what to do first.

"I-I'm s-sorry...W-what do I-I do...?"

As he lay groaning in pain on the floor, he could only let a small chuckle as he could only think it being karma for treating his aunt roughly. Ignoring the stuttering words of his cousin next to him and the throbbing pain at the back of his and back.

'I guess I deserve it from messing with her mother, not that she knows it. At least I can get closer to her without making it seem forced and without their parents interference. I can go without being in pain though. Haha.'

Letting out a pain chuckle in his mind, he open his mouth as he eased her worries.

"...I-it's alright...nnn...just help me get up..."

"Y-yeah, sure..."

She trailed off and with shaking hands, help him up from the floor. Grabbing his upper arm, she help him get to his knees as he used the walls to steady himself. She was filled with worry as she watch him he touch the back of his head as he then hissed in pain.


"H-here, let m-me take a look."


After getting his approval, she let go of his upper arm and carefully move behind him. Searching for any signs of blood at the back of his head, but she found none, much to her relief.

"I-I don't see a-any signs of blood, but I can see a bump at the back of your skull. S-should we get your moth-"

She was saying before he interrupted her with a loud NO, which made her flinch in fright, not that he could see as he was facing forward.

"No! No, I-I don't want her to know about it, ok?"

He pleaded with her as he turned around and faced her, leaning against the wall.


She had on a conflicted look on her face before agreeing with him in the end. Still, she felt guilty for not paying attention to where she was going and got her cousin hurt in the process.

"Besides, I can just put ice on it to make the swelling go down and take some pain pills for the pain. In a few hours, I will be decent enough to go through dinner. This will be our little secret alright?"

"Alright, but let me help you walk to your room and I can grab a small bag of ice for your head."

She stated without giving him a chance to deny her actions as she helped him walk to his room. Not that he wasn't going to deny her request as this was a perfect chance to get closer to her.