

Demon Den, Meal Hall.

The Meal Hall served as a cafeteria, providing three free meals a day for the prison guards who were stationed at the Demon Den.

It was free.

At meal times, the popularity of the Meal Hall would surge.

Although free food couldn't possibly be very delicious, it was still Spirit Food, and it filled their stomachs, so aside from the very few Cultivators who were too proud to partake even in the face of death, most guards including Wang Chen would come here for some Spirit Rice.

There's no reason to pass up on free food!

They also offered set meals at the Meal Hall, and after Wang Chen got his portion, he sat in a corner and slowly began to eat.

All the while, he listened to various voices around him.

"What on earth is this Wormhole?"

That question was met with derision from many, "If you really want to know, it's simple. Why not crawl in and take a look, or stretch an arm inside to feel around?"