
Stay With Me Honey - ENGLISH VERSION

Trapped in a hotel to make the future of an innocent girl destroyed instantly by what she never did. Family, friends, love, and work he never got. Survive in iron bars for 4 years. And when the girl came out, she was even more hated when a handsome CEO who was completely unknown proposed to her. What mistakes did he make in the past? Who is the CEO?

Bukanmanusia · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Proved Guilty

The yellow line has been clearly marked in the room, the number of police officers makes Gita even more nervous. All eyes were on him, many media crews gathered outside the hotel to outside the room where the body was found.

Meanwhile, Gita who was in the room seemed like a suspect, several cameras focused on her. Until a policeman approached.

"Sorry ma'am, can you come with me to explain everything that happened."

Can only shake his head, he was afraid that he would be guilty of what he didn't do.

"Mom" Call the police.

"Yes sir."

After answering, Gita went with the police and the body whose identity was known, namely a businessman named Dirgantoro, was being carried by an ambulance for an autopsy.


Being at the police station to give information of course made him uneasy, especially with him sleeping last night in the hotel room.

A woman sitting on a chair with a policeman in front of her, her gaze really made Gita tremble.

"Can you explain the chronology?"

The question made him confused, what should he answer?

I don't know why Gita feels that something bad will happen to her.

"Just explain ma'am, there's no need to be afraid if you're innocent."

The police's words are true, why is Gita afraid of what is not her fault? He also told the truth.

But the policeman's gaze was full of inquisitiveness, as if he didn't believe Gita's words.

"Hey yo," someone shouted from behind, pulling Gita's long hair so tightly that a few strands fell.

Everyone was surprised, including Gita who got a sudden attack, he was confused who the woman was and why suddenly attacked her.

Gita's hand tried to release the hand of a woman who was considered old, but that person turned out to be more brutal and always said that he was a pelakor.

"Mom never mind, look at all pairs of eyes looking at us."

A man who looked young, maybe he was the same age as himself, the man came and broke up the fight. Calling the woman as Mother, it made Gita know that the man with round glasses was the son of the crazy woman who attacked him.

Gita breathed a sigh of relief, she sat back down as well as the woman earlier. He sat next to Gita, then his son was in the back seat.

"Gita's mother introduces this Yarla, she is the wife of the corpse in the room."

Gita smiled and held out her hand.

"I'm Gita."

The introduction did not start off perfectly, the woman known as Yarla did not accept his handshake. Instead, only a sharp and vengeful gaze radiated.

"You don't have to be so good."

"It means?" asked Gita in confusion.

"I know that you are my husband Nada Anggita's affair, right, and you are the one who killed her just for her money."

The statement that really made Gita very surprised, was accused of being an affair and even worse a murderer. Something he didn't really think about.

However, the names mentioned earlier are almost the same, except that her name is Nanda Anggita. And somehow only one letter was left that was not carried away. This is all very strange, and why is it all so coincidental.

"I'm not your husband's affair, and I'm not a murderer either," Gita replied with great emphasis.

"If the thief confesses, then the prison will be full."

"I answered honestly, I'm Gita. I don't know what happened."

"Strange, bullshit. He must be in that room, and umm . . . you smell like alcohol in your mouth."

"According to what I explained, maybe the police can explain again."

The police, who were initially silent and only watched the verbal debate between the two women, were suddenly told to speak up.

Explaining the chronology of what was said by Gita, but Yarla still didn't believe it and continued to point out that Gita was guilty.


Gita was really confused when the police officer also found herself guilty, she didn't know what else to do. Her parents have done a lot for Gita. The rice fields in the village have been sold out for Gita's tuition fees in the capital. Then only the house remained, but now it has also been sold to pay the attorney. But it turns out that Gita still lost, she lost to Yarla.

Yarla's lawyers are very well known and have won cases several times. And one of them is this case. Palu was already shocked by the answer that he was proven guilty. He didn't do anything though.

His best friend is Rani and Bila who don't want to be witnesses, instead distort the facts and pretend they don't know Gita.

All away from him, where is the friend who is always there?

Gita's identity is very similar to Yarla's husband's infidelity and some messages are kept. Only a photo can state that Gita is guilty. Moreover, Gita's drunken condition that night made him even more blamed.

The 4 year sentence has been set, between sad and grateful when he finds out that he only has 4 years to survive then.

Being in prison without a family made him very stressed and sad. Who will be the backbone of the family, if it is the father and mother who expect their children to be successful and successful. Instead she was just a burden, which should have been on graduation day and was currently applying for a job, but she was silent in a lonely and eerie place.

"I'm not wrong, why are all eyes on me? Journalists and local residents. Even my parents seem embarrassed by this child, is this punishment because I lied to him?"

Tears incessantly dripped, he cried in prison. This is not the plan Gita recorded in his diary. She just wants to make his parents happy with his current graduates, find a decent and successful job according to his abilities. Makes the family name fragrant, but what is scented is a stench.

"New kid, can't you cry. You're like the holiest person here, you know? Shut your mouth, or you want me to tear up," said a woman who was in the same cell.

"Sorry," replied Gita.

But an apology didn't seem enough, the woman got up from her bare chair and walked towards Gita. Surprised when several other women also approached him.

"What do you want to do?"

Not getting an answer, Gita actually got hit on her beautiful face. All her pretty faces were covered in bruises, she was in torment and getting no help from anyone.

"Father ... Mother ....." Gita started while huddled cold.