

Ana, as people call Kiana, a beautiful eighteen year old girl, lives with such a perfect family, a normal life vanishes instantly since her older sister Naya decided to commit suicide, her older sister's departure forever changes the meaning of a family for Kiana.  The first love pinned on her father just disappeared when a secret was revealed for real where the cause of her brother's death was an affair committed by her father, the girl's hatred deepened when she was made a bet by her own father and was forced to marry a cold, flat man.  and cruel.  This is where Kiana's life journey begins again, big problems arise when love begins to exist, misfortune befalls the girl again where the husband's infidelity is happening right in front of her eyes, it doesn't stop there like thousands of knives are stabbed, it's revealed who the woman who was cheating on her father was when  it made Kiana feel very devastated, plus the cause of her mother's accident which was planned by her best friend's biological mother.  With all these complexities, will Kiana be able to survive in the midst of her young pregnancy or choose another way to save her future child from all the problems she is experiencing?

Yoong_Fa · Historia
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Part 4

it made all the mourners shed tears, how could they not also feel the loss of a twenty year old girl, beautiful and very kind, all the mourners tried to calm Liana at this time, screams after screams made Naya's funeral flooded with tears, now after that the chest containing the princess's body was buried deep in the ground and left only memories for the middle-aged woman. The mound of red earth and filled with red roses and a stone with the words Naya Putri Jarvis had been planted there along with a beautiful photo of a girl who had died.

Liana was no longer able to scream she just sobbed as she rubbed the tombstone and the photo of the princess, she could only lament everything that had happened, some of the mourners one by one had started to leave, all gave words of condolences directly to the woman who was sitting limply and leaning on the bed. the shoulder of a teenage girl named Gisel, now the bright light from the sun has replaced the dark night, Liana is still lamenting the departure of the princess, the cold atmosphere begins to pierce the bones, Gisel tries to give understanding to the woman who is slumped beside her.

"Auntie come on it's ten o'clock at night, it's not good for Auntie's health to continue to be outside in the cold, this will damage Auntie's health."

"Then what about Naya? She's colder in there," he said with his eyes still staring at the beautiful photo of the princess. "Bi sis Naya is already in heaven, she is calm now, Aunty can't go on like this, Sis Naya will not be happy there, she is a good girl the creator loves her so much why now the creator wants to take care of her, come on Auntie doesn't want to see Sis It's sad isn't it?" said the girl softly, Liana just kept silent with tears that kept falling down her cheeks.

"Bi on, if Auntie is sick later, who will take care of Kiana? Aunt still has Kiana she still needs Aunt, come on." he said helping the woman to stand up, Liana just took a deep breath and kissed the tombstone bearing the name of her eldest daughter.

"Naya, mother, come in first, son, take care of yourself, mother will always miss you, dear," he said with tears still streaming down the middle-aged woman's cheeks.

Gisel very carefully carried the middle-aged woman's body to go inside, a quiet atmosphere began to be felt where there was only the sound of the clock ticking loudly in every corner of the house, a man standing not far from there looked at Liana who was on her lap to climb every stair.

"Liana I want to talk to you," said the middle-aged man and looked sadly at his wife and made Liana's steps stop.

"Liana I'm sorry, I-"

"Son, can you take Aunt to your room, Auntie wants to rest now," he said, ignoring her husband's words. Gisel looked confused she just nodded slowly and continued to support Liana's weak body to climb every step. The middle-aged man just kept quiet and looked at his wife who continued to walk without paying attention to her presence. "Son have you tried to contact Kiana?" he said slowly.

"It's Bi but Kiana didn't answer it," said the girl slowly.

"Bi, this is Naya's sister's room," he said, seeing the middle-aged woman open a room that was usually where Naya's son was.

"It's okay son, Auntie just wants to rest here," he said and entered the room, the distinctive aroma was still very strong there, where the princess's clothes were still hanging neatly made the woman shed tears again, Gisel was very careful Carefully began to lay the middle-aged woman's body to lie on the bed. "Son, you can sleep in Kiana's room," he said quietly.

"I'm going home Bi, tomorrow there is an exam ah yes Auntie must eat first yes," he said and was about to walk out.

"No son, Auntie will eat later, calm down you also have to rest right?" said the woman with a forced smile, Gisel just smiled softly and closed the door of the room, Liana inhaled every scent of the princess's hair that was still left in her favorite void, the distinctive aroma made her remember her eldest daughter who was gone, her tears again wet the cheeks of a middle-aged woman which looks very sad right now.

While the teenage girl Gisel was descending each step and walking out, when she was about to leave she accidentally heard someone talking through the cell phone, a romantic word came out of the man's mouth, Gisel walked quickly as if she didn't hear anything, she was stunned when the man's voice greeted him.

"Gisel," he said casually making the girl's footsteps stop.

"Yes uncle?" Gisel turned around and bowed slightly respectfully, sure enough the man that Gisel heard earlier was Jarvis.

"You're going home?" he said and approached the girl. "Yes Uncle, it's very late," said Gisel very politely. "Why don't you just stay?"

"Tomorrow there will be Uncle's exam, so I have to study."

"Hm... okay for a second," the man nonchalantly called out to a man standing not far from them. "Go home with Pak Ahmad, yes, it's not a good night for girls to go out alone."

"No Uncle I just use the motorbike."

"Don't refuse it son, your motorbike will be delivered later. Come on, let's get in the car, it's eleven o'clock at night. You want to study, don't you?" said Jarvis with a friendly smile, Gisel just nodded slowly and got into the four-wheeled vehicle that was waiting for him earlier, the car started to slowly leave Jarvis' luxury residence, he looked back and saw Jarvis again holding his cellphone and smiling slightly when answering the phone that. Gisel also remembers when Liana didn't listen to her husband's words. With all her thoughts the girl took out her cell phone again and called Kiana dozens of times but her friend still didn't answer her phone.