
887 Come to my commerce chamber.

Because he was not certain what the consequences would be if he spoke up about the matter.

The most important thing was, he did not believe that Xiong Qianyang would agree.

And at that time, after much deliberation, Gu Chen decided to bring it up again.

"Actually, if you don't mind, you could join my commercial association," he said.

When Gu Chen had finished this sentence, it was visibly apparent that Xiong Qianyang was taken aback.

Xiong Qianyang looked at Gu Chen, and for a moment, it seemed as though he didn't quite understand what Gu Chen had just said.

He had not anticipated that Gu Chen already had his own commercial association.

The last time he saw Gu Chen, Gu Chen was a loner who had to handle many tasks personally, in Haicheng he was all alone with no one to turn to for help—he came to the association's banquet just with Old Yuan by his side.

But at that moment, before Xiong Qianyang could even respond, the beautiful sister next to him couldn't wait to interject.