
The Beauty in his Imperfection

Third-person POV

Golden sunlight bathed the busy avenue like the night would never come, bestowing leaves a dusty-brown contrast.

Man in suits held strides through the alpha city, carrying suitcases in urgency like nightwalkers near their closing time, yet, polished stilettos paced the pavement elegantly like they had eternity.

Lowering the car's window, Jane rejoiced as the breeze blew into her skin delicately. She blinked several times to take in all the stupefactions her eyes captured.

They passed by the Tower of London, a fortress that was once home of Royals, now, embodying the ghost of great kings and queens.

Everything seemed like a man-made painting, it was so beautiful that it wasn't fair. A reminder that London was the ancient core of nobility.

Raven watched Niklaus gazing at Jane, she was glad he was finally trying to peel off his heavy past and give himself a chance.