
Static X Gear

A short story about Gear(Richie) finally tells Static(Virgil) his true feelings for him.

FreakYin48 · TV
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Static X Gear Act 1

This Comic is based off the Static Shock the series.

It's about how Gear (Richie) tells Static (Virgil) that he has feelings for him and things begin to change.

Chapter 1: Night patrol

Static and Gear are out on their nightly patrol like always and without any kind of crime being podcast or viewed they decide to head back to their headquarters.

Gear: Yo Static…

Static: Yeah?

Gear: When we get to the hideout there's something we need to talk about.

Static: Yeah sure Gear. But why don't you tell me now? Or wait til the morning?

Gear: No, it has to be when we get to the hideout. Please?

Static: Ight, Gear ight.

They both went silent until they reached the hideout, Once there Statice got himself comfortable and took out his mask. While Gear walked towards the table and took off his helmet facing away from Statice before he slowly turned around with a scared look on his face..

Richie: Virgil… I...I lo… I lo… I lo... I lo...ve me some chili fries (chuckles nervously)

Virgil: Uh Rich, I've known that. Come on man, what's really up with you? You can tell me we're best friends.

Richie Sighs

Richie: Look… I think. No I know… I'm in love with you, Virgil.

Virgil: W...what. What did you say? You're in love with me?

Richie: Yes but let me explain.

But before Richie had the chance to explain, Virgil quickly got up and put on his mask. Then ran outside and got on his disks and flew away. Richie just stood there at the door watching Vig getting as far away from as possible.

The Next Day

After what happened between Virgil and Richie. When Richie told him that he's in love with him, Virgil has not shown up to school nor patrol for at least 2 weeks.

Women 1: Richie… hey Richie!

Richie: Huh.... Huh. Oh hey Daisy. W...wh...What's up?

Daisy: Hey are you ok? You look awful and where is Virgil? He hasn't shown up for 2 weeks now.

Richie: how should I know I'm not his keeper. (frustrated tone of voice)

Daisy: Heyyy. What happened between you two?

Daisy walked up to Richie when he turned around. When she was close enough she noticed tears falling from his face. She placed her hand on his shoulder. Richie turned back towards her and hugged her, but before she knew it she pushed him back.

Daisy: Richie, you want to talk about it after school?

Richie (sniffs): Yeah sure that'll be cool.

Daisy: Cool then let's meet at the party right after school.

With that Richie got himself together, wiped away his tears and they both went straight to their next class before the bell rings.

Act 2 coming soon...