

Be warned...

Trigger_Black · Horror
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1 Chs


<p>In the depths of the dark web, he wandered into an abyss of forbidden knowledge. The screen glowed eerily as he navigated to an enigmatic website that seemed to beckon him into a realm of secrets and shadows.<br/><br/>A sense of unease settled in his chest as the text appeared on the screen: "What do you seek?" The question hung in the air like a whispered invitation, tugging at his curiosity and prying at his mind.<br/><br/>His heart raced with a mixture of anxiety and excitement. His fingers trembled as he typed his answer: "The truth." The words appeared on the screen, and for a moment, nothing happened. Doubt began to gnaw at his thoughts; perhaps this was all just a sick prank.<br/><br/>But then, as if in response to his doubts, the screen went blank. A sudden chill enveloped him, as though the room itself had grown colder. The air seemed thick with anticipation, and he felt an invisible weight bearing down on him.<br/><br/>A voice, soft yet resonant, seemed to echo from the void. "And what truth do you seek, seeker?" The words reverberated in his ears, sending a shiver down his spine. He hesitated, his mind racing to formulate a response.<br/><br/>"I seek to understand the mysteries that lie beyond our reality," he typed, his heart pounding in his chest. The words materialized on the screen, and once again, the room fell into an eerie silence.<br/><br/>Seconds stretched into minutes as he waited, his heartbeats echoing in his ears. Just when doubt threatened to overpower him, a new message appeared, stark against the black backdrop: "Then seek, and you shall find."<br/><br/>A surge of both excitement and dread coursed through him. He clicked on a link that materialized on the page, the anticipation building with each passing second. The screen flickered, revealing a cascade of strange symbols and words that seemed to dance before his eyes.<br/><br/>As he clicked on the first link, the world around him seemed to blur. Reality itself appeared to shift and warp, and he was plunged into a maelstrom of sights and sounds that defied comprehension. Colors swirled, and dimensions intertwined, leaving him disoriented and breathless.<br/><br/>And then, just as abruptly as it had begun, the chaos ceased. He found himself back in his room, gasping for air as though he'd been holding his breath the entire time. The screen displayed only the simple message: "Seeker, you have glimpsed the edges of the unknown. Are you prepared to go further?"<br/><br/>His heart raced, torn between the allure of discovery and the fear of the abyss. As his trembling fingers hovered over the keyboard, he made his choice. With a sense of determination and trepidation, he typed one word: "Yes."<br/><br/>In that instant, a doorway seemed to open before him, a path into a realm that few had dared to traverse. The screen flickered, and he was once again drawn into the enigma that had captured his imagination. Little did he know that this journey would lead him down a rabbit hole of cosmic secrets, where reality would warp, and the line between the known and the unfathomable would blur beyond recognition.<br/><br/>As he ventured further into the depths of the enigmatic website, a sense of exhilaration mingled with an ever-growing unease. Each click brought him to a new realm of knowledge, a new layer of mystery that he couldn't resist exploring.<br/><br/>Links that appeared as a mosaic of symbols and words led him to revelations that defied the laws of nature. He uncovered descriptions of entities that existed beyond the boundaries of human comprehension, beings that transcended dimensions and reality itself. The more he delved, the more he realized that he was teetering on the precipice of something unimaginable.<br/><br/>But with each discovery, the sense of being watched intensified. It was as though unseen eyes were fixed upon him, scrutinizing his every move. The walls of his room seemed to close in, the air growing dense with an unspoken presence.<br/><br/>Suddenly, a knock at the door shattered his concentration. His heart skipped a beat, and his eyes darted toward the entrance. The air grew heavy with anticipation as he approached the door, his hand trembling as he turned the knob.<br/><br/>Before him stood two figures dressed in immaculate suits, their expressions unreadable. The weight of their gaze bore down on him, and his throat felt dry as he greeted them cautiously.<br/><br/>"Are you the one who sought answers?" the first man inquired, his voice like a whisper in the wind. Panic gripped him, and he stammered a hesitant affirmation. The second man remained silent, his eyes fixed on the protagonist with an intensity that sent chills down his spine.<br/><br/>The first man's questions came rapid-fire, probing into the depths of his intentions and desires. His answers spilled forth, a mixture of honesty and desperation, a plea for understanding in the face of the inexplicable. The second man's silence felt like a heavy weight, a silent judgment that added to his unease.<br/><br/>Then, with a wave of his hand, the second man silenced the protagonist's words. The room seemed to pulse with a newfound tension, the silence between them growing palpable. The first man exchanged a knowing glance with his companion, a silent conversation that sent a shiver down the protagonist's spine.<br/><br/>"Your curiosity has led you down a path you cannot comprehend," the first man finally said, his voice carrying an air of finality. "We offer you a choice."<br/><br/>The protagonist's heart raced as he waited for their words to sink in. A choice? The implications of their statement hung in the air like a heavy fog, clouding his thoughts and filling him with a mixture of fear and intrigue.<br/><br/>"What choice?" he managed to utter, his voice barely above a whisper. The second man's gaze remained fixed on him, an unspoken warning that sent a chill down his spine.<br/><br/>"You may walk away from this, forget what you've seen," the first man offered, his tone almost gentle. "Or you may continue down this path, and face the consequences of your curiosity."<br/><br/>The protagonist's mind raced as he considered his options. To turn away would mean leaving behind the allure of the unknown, the chance to unravel the cosmic enigma that had captivated him. But to continue meant diving deeper into a world of uncertainty, a world where reality itself seemed to warp and twist.<br/><br/>The decision weighed heavily on his shoulders, each choice carrying its own set of risks and rewards. As he stood before the enigmatic figures, the room seemed to shrink around him, the walls closing in on the choices that lay before him.<br/><br/>And in that moment, with his heart racing and his mind clouded by uncertainty, he made his choice.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>[To be continued...]</p>


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