
States and Monarchs

A million years ago, in a vast world known as Cynosure, a grand movement occurred. The normally silent and unmoved forces that balance the world moved to defeat a rising force that threatened the seemingly everlasting position of absolute power that these forces had. For the longest time, these forces hated each other and engaged in constant wars, but they all united to annihilate this force and remove their leader from existence. Since then, in this world of Runes, Laws, and Arcane, the legend of The White Lotus continued to pass down in history. It forever lived on as the sole force that shook The World Force to its very core. After a million years, this legend turned into a myth with little to no one believing that it ever occurred. However, the rise of a then-ordinary person would revitalize this myth. The existence that was once thought to have died has come to take back what was his and more!

ChaosEternal · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
5 Chs


The sun is brightly shining in the sky, illuminating the beautiful mountain in the middle of the dense forest. The mountain is grey and made of minerals, but it is filled with trees and is full of life. At the base of it, a beautiful 17-year-old girl is running as fast as she could.

Her hair is disheveled and her eyes are filled with fear. She could only barely hold the iron sword in her right hand as she ran with all her might. Behind her, a handsome lad with deep black eyes and long straight hair was grinning as he menacingly looked at her.

"Jejejeje! There is nowhere left to run!" the lad laughed in a horrifying manner as he tightly gripped the beautifully crusted sword in his hand.

"Aez, why are you doing this?!" the girl cried.

"What do you mean, why? I already sent people to inform your beloved Mr. Talented that I was hunting you down. How do you think he would react to that news? What do you think would happen if he arrives here? Jejejeje!"

The originally dark expression of the girl turned even gloomier after hearing what Aez said. She knew that her beloved would surely rush here after hearing the news. However, she was well aware that no matter how talented his partner was, he could never contend with the person in front of her right now.

The sound of ruffling leaves filled the deadly silence of the forest which caused Aez to grin even wider. "It seems like he's here," he said.

"Garth, run! Get away from me!" the girl said in tears.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I will take care of this," Garth said. He stood in front of the girl, facing Aez. His body was ripped with muscles and his shoulder-lengthed wavy brown hair was being gently blown by the wind. A heroic air surrounded Garth as he defended her woman.

"It seems like you found confidence, huh? No wonder! You are actually at the limit of awakening!" Aez said with a shocked expression.

"It's over now, Aez. You should be aware that you are no match for me now. So, why don't you just quietly stand there and wait for me to kill you!" Garth angrily roared before he charged towards Aez with a punch.

Just as Garth was waiting for dread and fear to fill Aez's face, he was shocked to see that a devious smile appeared instead.

Suddenly, a small red rectangle appeared in front of Aez. The lines of the rectangle are rough. If one looks closer, one would realize that it was made of tiny red Runes! Then, a shield manifested from the red rectangle which intercepted the punch of Garth.

"Argh!" Garth cried. The skin on his right fist was torn and blood was dripping from it already. Just then, he saw a 21-year-old woman with short auburn hair and eyes. She was looking at Garth with sadness as she used her fingers to draw Runes.

"Jejejeje! No matter how talented you are, you are still an unawakened adventurer. You are beyond helpless in front of an awakened!" Aez mocked.

Garth could not help but step back. "Garth," his partner said. She looked at him with defeated eyes. She stared at him as if saying, 'It's over'.

A look of melancholy and fear also appeared on Garth's face. However, he quickly gulped and strengthened himself. "Nothing is impossible! If I put my heart into it, we will survive!" He shouted.

Aez could not help but laugh hard. "You fool! Kill them!" He mocked before commanding the woman to kill the two.

The woman could not help but close her eyes and sigh before throwing two daggers at the poor couple. The daggers are filled with a strong red aura that gave them immense power. The only thing that the couple could do was stare as they were not even fast enough to dodge the daggers.

The ray of sunlight pierced through the forest, revealing four people. A man with a devious and proud smile, a woman with a regretful look on her face, and a couple whose hands are still intertwined while they fell to the ground due to the daggers that were pierced in their hearts.

"Tsk. These bastards," Aez said in disdain before turning to the woman.

"Child, come."

Aez and the woman stopped as they heard the voice that seemed to come from their very heads. Aez tightly held on to the woman, while the latter drew her daggers and prepared to fight.

In the midst of the silence, a green Rune appeared on the surface of the mountain. This caused immediate alarm to the woman.

"Young master, run!" She cried. She did not know what the Rune was, but seeing its color, she knew that it has a power beyond what she can imagine.

However, just then, a gentle breath of life filled the two. The surrounding became warm and comfortable. It was an irresistible feeling of comfort. This caused the two to loosen their guards and look at the Rune in a different light.

"Maybe this is an inheritance of a great master! Boy, my luck is beyond comparison!" Aez cried in glee.

"Let me check it for you, young master," the woman said before coming to the Rune. After touching the Rune, she heard a voice in her head saying, "This inheritance is for someone who is not awakened yet."

She then relayed the information to her young master and warned him about the possible dangers of the inheritance.

"Don't worry! I am sure that this is a fantastic opportunity for me! Hahaha! After I obtain this inheritance, I will show those bastards in the academy just how terrifying I can be!" Aez laughed out loud.

The woman could only make way for her young master. Aez immediately went to touch the Rune which opened up that part of the mountain. After he entered, it closed once again before emitting a warm glow once again.

"Oh, fate, why must thou give such power to those who will misuse it," the woman shook her head in resentment.