
Star of the dawn

I know you might be lost but so am I, it still feels like I'm new to this world we call our planet Star of the dawn because when we first settled her it was dawn but the stars were out it was beautiful. Most humans couldn't live on earth so the magical humans made a magic door way from here to earth and we call that door way the hole of no return emperor Demiquos told us the humans want our people dead. We still have an army it is called the Nova League but we haven't needed to fight for 1000 of years since the war killed all the magical creatures sure there are few living like the unicorn kingdom still lives. So does many of the animals but most of the humans with powers have died other than three when I was younger I thought it was two till last night. Adam and I were the last descendants of the rebellions magical humans. But now so is Brian and if he knows I'm alive I'm as good as dead. Right now my advantage is he thinks I'm dead other than that he's stronger and faster than me but not stronger than Adam so now I need his help.

"To ask this favor is a lot I know you need to worry about your daughter Jade but right now I need you something bad happened...we're not alone" I couldn't make eye contact with Adam I could feel his eyes starring holes threw me trying to understand what I meant then he realized.

"What did he do? How do you know? He he why you jumped? We're you going into the human realm? We're you going to leave me?!" He began to cry "your all I have Elena I was trying to spy on you the I heard you scream and ran to an open windo just as I was you holding on for dear life so what happened?" I was speechless if he wasn't spying I would be dead right now. Now I must tell him what happened.