
Starting with Gojo Satoru's Six Eyes in Apocalyose

Nathan, an otaku, was chosen to be a host of a system which he can choose the theme of abilities. Before signing the consent form, the system confirmed him, "You can get awesome superpowers of anime characters!" Just like that, he was sold.

Chaotic_Clara · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs

1- Choosing the theme of Abilities, Anime!

It should have been a normal day for Nathan. Surely, today was the first day of final exams but except for that, it should have been normal. Nathan would've gone into the exam room and wrote down the answers as much as he could remember and hoped he would pass. But, who would have known that, just before he went into the exam room, a commotion would start? A student bit down another student's neck to the extent that the bone could be seen. Then the student who was bitten repeated the process to another student. Soon, the room was in chaos.

Nathan froze for a few seconds before he was able to shake himself up. Then, he started running.

Those zombies weren't that fast, considering their speed was inferior to that of ordinary humans. But, Nathan's speed was also inferior to an average human.

Just as he ran, the door was opened and several zombies rushed out to chase anyone who was not bitten yet. Nathan could only run for his life.

Nathan's legs quickly got tired from running despite running for a few minutes. However , he knew that was to be expected. He had been a shut-in otaku who rarely exercised. It was already a miracle that he didn't turn out to be an obese man. He was only twenty one yet his body was already suffering from his life style. Practically, his legs were aching and he felt like he was going to fall down if he were to run for a few more seconds. In his whole life, he never regretted the life he led, having thought that his life would be the same even after graduation. He was reaping what he sow now!

Nathan's face truned ugly at the realization.

He didn't want to die!

He forced his legs to run even though his legs felt like jelly at this point. Soon enough, he saw a room he could possibly hide in. The room was most likely a storage room with only about four to five meters in width. However, the door was sturdy and there was no zombies nearby.

"Just a little bit more!" Nathan girtted his teeth as he dragged his legs to the room. The zombies following him were not far away anymore so he knew he couldn't afford to stop running.

"Is that how anime protagonists feel like when they are pushing through their limits?" Nathan couldn't help but think even at the critical moment before shaking his head of the thought. He rushed into the room successfully and closed the door behind him, locking it instantly. At that moment, he heard a voice rang in his head.

[Potential host for Customizable Abilities System is found. Congratulations for meeting the requirements to become a host for System.]

"What?" Nathan blinked his eyes in confusion. He thought for a second that he was hearing things before he passed out due to exhaustion.

When he woke up, he was in an unfamiliar space. The same voice he heard before passing out rang in the space.

[As you passed out before signing a consent form to be a host to system, you are not an official host yet. Do you want to sign the consent form now?]

"Consent form?" Nathan frowned. It seemed like he didn't misheard due to exhaustion, after all.

A system with customizable abilities!

It sounded too good just by the name!

"Can I really customize the theme?"

[Yes, you can choose the theme of the abilities you can get from the system.]

"Then, can I set the theme to anime?"

[You can set the theme of abilities to those of anime characters. Do you want to set it?]

"Yes." Nathan answered after a while.

[The theme is set. However, the system will activate only after signing the consent form.]

A consent form?

It sounded fishy...

That was exactly what it made him frown.

Nathan decided to figure out what was happening first before signing the so-called consent form. As much as he wanted the system, he wouldn't choose to sign the form without knowing anything.

"What is the consent form you speak of?" He asked.

An emotionless voice spoke, [Here is the consent form. Please a look yourself.]

Then, a paper could be seen flying over to him.

Nathan caught the paper and started reading it.

It was more like terms and conditions he had read before but a paragraph quickly stole his attention.

"Since you're a candidate to become a host for the system, as long as you've chosen to be the host, you'll integrate with the system. However, that means all of your actions are being monitored by the system. Naturally, there will be benefits for you as long as you become the host. You may get awesome superpowers of anime characters to survive in the Apocalypse as you've chosen the anime theme. In turn, your memories of the system will be deleted if you refuse to be the host."

In short, he would be strong enough to fend for himself as soon as he got the system! Nathan realized that.

Even if he didn't fancy being monitored by the system all the time, having enough strength to fend for himself in the apocalypse was too tempting !

Not to mention that he was an otaku and he could get awesome superpowers of anime characters through the system!

Any otaku would go crazy for that!

Nathan's eyes lit up in excitement. But, he still took his time to complete reading the document.

And after reading for a few more minutes, he got an understanding of what was written on the document.

He was going to be a host right after he signed the consent form. By becoming a host, he would have to complete some missions issued by the system and as long as he completed the missions, he would get rewards. Naturally, he will also be monitored by the system. If he were to fail the missions to a certain degree, the system would induce punishments in turn. The worst case scenerio is that he would lose everything he gained from the system and the system would leave him after wiping out his memories of the system. However, if he were to refuse to become a host, his memories regarding the matter would also be deleted.

Nathan guessed there might be some powerful individual behind this system and maybe they wanted some entertainment or that sort, judging by the whole monitoring process.

Even so, Nathan was still excited to become a host. It was not only because he was an otaku but also he wanted to survive. He was willing to increase his chances of survival and he knew himself that he wouldn't last long in the apocalypse with his physique.

'It's obviously better than dying out there!' Nathan thought, then he bit his thumb enough to draw blood before putting his thumb on the paper. The bloody thumb made contact with the paper , leaving a fingerprint on it.

[You have signed the consent form and therefore, you became a host for system.]

After that, he was transported back into the storage room.