
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 029- Yui regains her memories!

Yui quickly adapted to life with Rifat, Asuna, and Suguha. She was fascinated by their relationships, and she asked many questions about their love for each other. Rifat and his girlfriends were happy to oblige as they all grew closer to Yui as the days passed.

Asuna took on the role of the big sister, teaching Yui how to cook and clean. Suguha became the playful sister, taking Yui out for walks and showing her the beauty of the game's virtual world. And Rifat became the protective older brother of Yui.

Despite the fact that they were all in a game where death was always lurking around the corner, the four of them managed to create a small sphere of happiness and love around their home. They spent their days exploring the 21st floor, going on dates, and enjoying each other's company.

But even in this peaceful environment, Yui would still sometimes show a painful look. Rifat knew the reason behind it but he was still hesitant whether it is wise to let her regain her memory this early since she has yet to fully integrate with them.

'Let's promise her for now to give her some hope. As for taking her to the place where she could actually regain her memory, that should wait until I am fully confident that she has already managed to consider us as her family.' Rifat thought.

As the days turned into weeks, the group made little to no progress in helping Yui recover her memories. They asked her questions about her past and tried to trigger any memories that might be buried deep within her subconscious but there was no progress at all.

Asuna and Suguha had a soft spot for Yui. They wanted nothing but to let yui get back her memories, but they didn't know how. Knowing that they have already managed to enter yui's heart this past few weeks, Rifat knew it was time for her to get back her memories.

So he suggested that they should take her on a journey to explore Aincard, hoping that it would trigger some memories. They set out on their adventure, with Yui riding on Rifat's shoulder.

During their travel, they encountered a few challenges and obstacles, but they faced them together without any problem. As they fought side by side, they began to grow closer to Yui, and she also started to open up to them more and more.

Asuna and Suguha would also take turns carrying Yui, talking to her and telling her stories. Rifat would walk alongside them, holding their hands, and watching over them. They would pause every now and then to admire the beautiful scenery of Aincard, and Rifat would take the opportunity to steal a kiss or two from Asuna or Suguha.

They continued their journey, hoping to find some clues about Yui's past. They visited many places and met many people, but nothing seemed to trigger Yui's memory. Asuna and Suguha started to worry that they would never be able to help Yui. But with Rifat's encouragement, they managed to remain optimistic.

One day, they stumbled upon a mysterious place that they had never seen before. They decided to investigate, and Yui seemed to recognize it. As she led them to the inside of that place, they found a strange device. When Yui touched the device, her memories suddenly came flooding back.

Yui remembered that she was an AI designed to help players in Sword Art Online. She had been programmed to protect them and keep them safe. But doing to not being to so because of the restrictions, she began to fall into depression until she met Rifat and his groups as she watched being happy every day despite all the struggles encountered by them in this death game.

Being motivated, she decided to watch them from close distance and that's how Rifat found yui stalking him.

They were all overjoyed that Yui had regained her memories. But their happiness didn't last long as they quickly found out that Yui is going to be wiped out by the cardinal system as it no longer regards her as a program under the system.

Rifat knew it was time for him to act. Without letting anyone notice, he asked Akihiko Kayaba to use his GM privileges and directly override the decision of the cardinal system and make her like other normal players. In order fool everyone, Rifat went further to fiddle around with the cardinal system and type some random keywords and made it look like he was trying to hack it and pretend that he was trying his best to keep Yui from disappearing.

"Thank you so much big brother." Yui hugged Rifat as she started crying. She just heard the notification from the cardinal system informing her that she will no longer be considered as a foreign object.

From now on, she will be free and stay with his big brother as a player. This news brought tears of joy in her eyes.

She knew it was all because Rifat and without him she would just disappear from this world. And for this, she is eternally grateful to him.

"Silly girl! As your big brother, it is my duty to keep you safe and secure. So, there is no need for you to say thank you. It would make us look distance." Rifat put his hands on her cheeks as he carefully wiped the tears that were falling from her eyes.

Asuna and Suguha were watching this interaction with a smile on their faces as they couldn't help but develop a little bit of proudness in their hearts because of how caring their boyfriend is to others.

They returned home, and Yui settled back into her life with Asuna, Suguha, and Rifat. But things were different now. Not only Yui regained her memories but they had also all grown closer during their journey, and their bond was stronger than ever.

There were not much days of vacation were left at that point. They knew that once they gets back to the guild, everyone will become very busy and it will be very hard for them to live like this. So, they didn't go anywhere else and just spend their time with each other in the home enjoying each other's company.


---Back to the Guild---

"What happened during my absence?" Rifat asked his red haired secretary. Though most of the players like Rifat was on vacation last month, the players who were tasked with intelligence gathering was still working overtime.

'I have to thank Argo for this. She managed to keep those players doing their jobs without any kinds of complain. Even though there are there are real life incentives that I gave them in order to make them work for me, it can't be denied that she really did a good job handling them.' Rifat thought to himself.

Since Rifat was on vacation the last month, he totally isolated himself from any kind of guild works in the past month. He even went as far as to reimind others (except for his future harem targets) not to contact him unless anything serious happens since he didn't want his bonding time with Asuna and Suguha to get interrupted because of some works in a game.

"Well, something did happen during your absence. Since the last week, we have been hearing about a guild a lot. Even though it is newly created, its guild master seems to be a top level player and has managed garner a large amount of supporting among the players. If nothing is done, they could become the second largest guild after us." Rosalia replied in a very serious manner.

"What is the name of this guild?" Rifat asked in a curious tone.

"Knights of the Blood Oath."

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