
Starting the Multiverse journey from SAO

Inexplicably gifted with a unique system, Rifat is granted the power to journey through an endless array of anime and novel worlds. With the ability to create and distribute subsystems to various original characters, he quickly rises to the top, becoming the most powerful and feared character in every world he enters. But his ambition doesn't stop there - he also indulges in the pleasures of each world, growing his own personal harem and living life to the fullest. Join Rifat on an epic adventure as he conquers one world after another and fulfills his ultimate desires. Warning: 1. Read this story as wish fulfillment. That way, you will not be disappointed if the quality is not up to your standard. 2. English isn't my first language, so you might find some grammatical errors. 3. I am still an amateur in writing, So, please be lenient during giving reviews. Support Me: p@treon.com/gfdsa

Gfdsa · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 013 - Protest!

Few Hours Later-

After Rifat called them, they all came and tried the missions one by one. Except for few, others managed to complete the missions and get their own unique jobs. The reason for such a high rate of success is because they all participated in the beta test. So they already knew how to fight those monsters and the procedure of completing the mission.

Kirito like in the original got the unique job 'Dual Swordsman'. Asuna on the other hand got a job related to Rapier. Some of her unique skills are-

[The flash- When your hp is lowered to the red bar, your overall speed will increase by 50%]

[Dual Master- In 1v1, when your hp is lowered by half, you will have 10% additional attack damage.]

[Quick draw- Your sword draw speed will be increased by 100%]

Suguha, Misumi and konno Yuuki, they all got sword related jobs. The only two that got totally different types of jobs are Asada and Argo.

Asada became an Archer. Some of her unique skills are-

[Eye of truth - When activated, your eye will enable you to see the weaknesses of the enemy. You can only use this skill three times a day.

Note: This skill will not work if your enemy is more than 10 level stronger than you.]

[Unlimited Arrows - You will have unlimited numbers of normal arrows in your arsenal.

Arrow spawn rate - 1 arrows/sec]

[Sniper- Your left eye can zoom in and while the right eye can lock onto a target on a distance for total 3 times a day

Warning- If the enemy is more than 10 level stronger than you, locking will not work and you chances of missing the shot will increase by 50%]

Argo on the other hand managed to become a Ninja. Some of her unique skills are-

[Shadow clone Technique- You can make one clone using your shadow. It will have half of your hp but there is no restriction in using your other skills.]

[John Cina(You can't see me)- You can blend yourself to your surroundings and become invisible to others. You can use this skill for two times a day and the skill duration is 30 seconds.

Note- This skill might fail if your enemy has some observation skill of same or higher level than yours.]

[Master Assassin- If you can strike an enemy from behind and catch them totally off-guard, their health bar will be directly dropped into red zone.

Note: This skill will not work if your enemy is more than 10 level stronger than you.]

Only Rika, Rosalia,Agil and Ayano didn't manage to get any hidden job. But Rifat wasn't that much worried since he has some other plans for them. Just like in the canon, Rifat plans to let Rika become a blacksmith and fully support her with all the resources that she needs. Same goes for Ayano. For her, once she get gets her pet, he plans to cultivate it with the best resources available to make it a powerful helper for her.

As for Agil, he will be a merchant like he was in the canon. The only difference this time is that he will be working under Rifat. Lastly, Rosalia will remain as Rifat's assistant even in the game. So, even though they didn't get any powerful job, they will not losing out a lot since the tasks that they will performing are less dangerous than others.

'Damn, all of us became really OP. I mean, in 1v1, any of us can beat other players even if they are beta testers like us without even breaking a sweat. But that is a good thing for us. At least, none of us will die in this game unless we get outnumbered by a lot. So to avoid such a situation, I must build the guild as soon as I get my hands on the guild token from floor 3.'

"Everyone, let me say a few things before we go to other places to farm xp or log out for the day. First of all, those of you that didn't manage to get a job, no need to be upset too much since we might still have some quests in the higher floors where we can get unique skills for ourselves. So, there is still a chance left for you guys." Rifat first addressed everyone and gave some encouragements to those who failed to complete the missions.

"As for those who managed to get a unique job, don't be too complacent too early. Even if we have managed to get some powerful skills, the most important thing in this game is to increase to nerve reaction. If your nerve reaction can't keep up, then all of your skills will be useless and even a lower level player with better nerve reaction will be able defeat you easily."

"I should also remind you of the fact that our skills can still be upgraded. So, keep looking for those quests that will give you extra skill points and try to upgrade those that you would need most in a battle. That's all I wanted to say. Now, let's separate and go do our own thing." Rifat concluded his words as he said goodbye to everyone and went to farm xp on his own.

Two hours went by as the time finally came to the point of Akihiko's declaration of this being a death game. Some of Rifat's teammates already asked him through the chat why there is no log out option.

Although Rifat already knew the reason, he feigned ignorance about the matter and told them that he will look into it. Now finally Akihiko announced it being a death game along with the statistic of deaths that already happened during this period.

Even though the number is way smaller than the canon, it shocked the people present here as they went crazy. In this peaceful era, people rarely encounter any hardship let alone being so close to death. So, suddenly hearing that they might die, it made them go into frenzy as they started shouting insults at Akihiko or just directly fainted right there and then.

'Guess, I should tell my make up story to them now.' Rifat knew if he delays any longer, some might get suspicious of him and it could cost him a lot. So, he opened up the chat and send a message to meet him at a certain location in half an hour to all the acquitted people that he knows are playing SAO.


While Akihiko was scaring the players to the point of peeing in their pants, something else was going on in the real world. Even though Government did notice the people to not to remove the NerveGear from the head, the number of deaths was still raised to two digits.

The main reason for this is because of the delay of information being transferred to other people. Even though the government announcement was published on every television, newspaper, streaming site, some people still did not get the message due to them being busy with other things and not opening up any of these things to receive that message from Government.

By the time they received it, it was already too late and their loved ones already died because of their negligence. Now, a lot of people are protesting outside the Argus company demanding justice for their loved ones. If not for the police standing guard outside the company, these people would have already vented their anger by demolishing the company.

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