
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · Cómic
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25 Chs

19- The Crimson Court

3 years later...


Wallachia-Future Romania.

Solomon watched with pride the conclusion of the "Rubedo fortress," where he came with this name? Rubedo is a Latin word meaning "Redness" and also the way alchemists described the last step of the alchemical process of turning common metals into gold or making a philosopher's stone, it means a finished work that achieves perfection, and also apparently his whole theme in this world is related to the red color, so at the end that's what he chose.

And it was a true motive of pride, at this period great constructions like this one can take decades to be finished, and with the level of detail this one has is only possible in the wildest of dreams, despite being called a fortress the appearance is more reminiscent of a palace.

Built on a point of convergence of the ley lines "kindly" provided by some local mages, with the help of all the people he gathered it was even possible to artificially modify the flow of some ley lines to amplify the natural energy flux, It's amazing what people can accomplish when they join hands for the greater good (his greater good), some might wonder why all these people band together to do what he commanded them to do without batting an eyelash?

The answer is that Campiones are this world's magical equivalent of a nuclear bomb, practically immune to magic not of divine origin, the only way to overcome their magical resistance is to give them a French kiss and apply a spell through the lining of their mouths, ambushes of non-divine origin are detected from miles away, and if they succeed the chances of the Campione pulling a super destructive authority out of the pocket in their last moments are very high, and that's not to mention the possibility of self-resurrecting authorities which are extremely common, so the best way to deal with a Campione is to do what they say and pray they don't bother you, what's the best way to avoid abuse from a Campione? Gather under the banner of another one.

"Laiane, how is this new batch of initiates doing?"

"So far the new initiates have been extremely promising my lord."

"Good!" Solomon said in an excited tone of voice.

Right now they are talking about one of Solomon's new projects, when Solomon asked the System about when he could go back to the world of HotD the system said that he would need to wait for an event that would only happen many years in the future when he received this information he decided to do something useful to pass the time and as heretic gods are extremely rare in normal times, Solomon started several projects.

His first project was the continuation of his vampire army idea Solomon realized that simply giving up was the wrong way to do things so he decided to raise the criteria and the result? An absolute success so far, twenty-three individuals were considered suitable for the transformation process.

The results? three individuals achieved stage-VI(Dead Apostle[Inferior]), thirteen reached stage-V(Nightmare), and seven reached stage-IV(Nightkin).

Curiously all of them women, and no, Salomon wasn't being biased, apparently women in general in this world are more talented in magic than men, witches, shrine princesses (Hime-Mikos), and divine ancestors are all women, and even in the rare cases where a man qualifies for one of the categories they are doomed from the start to be the second rate when compared to a woman of the same category, normally Solomon would raise the flag of a conspiracy but he was too busy for that now, and what were Solomon's plans for these individuals? He hadn't yet decided, but he had two main ideas in mind: Creating a royal guard (not that he needs one) and being one of the qualification criteria to receive a title in the nobility system he plans to create.

The second project was the creation of a "magical" research institution, the reason? The magic system in this world was extremely underdeveloped in Solomon's opinion, his latest project was the creation of a system to recruit people with a talent for "magic," and in case the person reacted with unreasonable violence to the proposal even though they were under the subtle use of hypnosis, well, with the reactivation of the vampire army project, they were always in need of more food sources...

In his room, Solomon was ready for his favorite time of the day in the last few years Solomon's shadow seemed to move for a few moments until a woman appeared on top of the bed, Solomon slowly walked over to her and said smiling mischievously. "I'm hungry today, it's okay if I eat you right?"

The woman's face immediately turned red as a tomato. "Stop teasing me!"

"Okay okay, you don't have to be so shy you know?"

Solomon sat on the bed picked up the woman and sat her on his lap their faces inches away from each other, the woman's breathing became quicker her face turned even redder, but before the situation could escalate into something more they were both surprised by someone appearing out of nowhere in the room and the person in question looked furious, which was normal because she had just witnessed the person she thought of as a mother about to be "abused" by a "villain."

Usually, heretic gods do not manifest inside human constructions that don't carry a special symbolism for them, simply because it is much easier to manifest outside where the energy of the planet is much more abundant, but the heretic god in question seemed to be too much pissed off to follow this rule.

"For the love of me, couldn't you choose a better time to show up?"

The woman completely ignored his question.

"Villain, it's time for you to face divine punishment for your sins!"