
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · Cómic
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25 Chs

13- The Key and the Gate (Interlude)

Pandora wasn't having a good day, and the culprit was now lying on the floor in front of her peacefully sleeping...

It all started three minutes ago when an alien presence appeared out of nowhere in the middle of one of the countless parallel versions of Earth, immediately alarming everyone with the slightest amount of spiritual awareness, the way the transport took place denoted haste, many would even call it a sloppy work, but she knew better with the kind of cargo being transported, the simple fact that this world was still standing earned her eternal respect...

After all, she firmly believes that transporting the equivalent of a cosmic nuclear bomb between dimensions without causing a cataclysm of unimaginable proportions is quite a formidable feat.

Now, talking about the "cargo" in question, with his appearance her youngest "son" was already making a mess, it all started when Balor descended into the mortal plane for what he referred to in his own words as

"evaluate a fellow evil spirit from another dimension" and if you add to this, the fact that Zurvan being the control freak he is decided that would be a good idea to "cull the threat before it can rise" by using his casualty manipulation to erase the dimensional traveler from existence, and he almost succeeds if his target didn't become a Campione at the right time that would have happened...


That was all she could say about that behavior, Zurvan couldn't recognize the presence in his target, but she could, thanks to the displeasure she had of meeting one of them...

"Outer gods"

But comparing the presence of the boy and the one she saw before was like comparing the Universe to a grain of sand it was like the version of them that exist in this world were nothing more than a truly defective copy, even calling them a copy was an insult to the real thing...

And the worst of all was that blinded by her innate curiosity she did the dumbest thing she could, she tried to peer in his soul using the connection they now have, and God how she hates her curiosity!!!

Even an extremely superficial probe left a terrible amount of damage in her, even being in a dormant and suppressed state its presence was so strong that until now she could feel it trying to distort her mind and make her body an amalgamation of twisted flesh if she didn't have the full support of this world laws it would already have done it, but she still could hear it, his epithet and name echoing and distorting in her mind

'The Lurker at the Threshold.'

'The Key and the Gate.'

'The Beyond One.'

'The Opener of the Way.'

'The All-in-One.'

'The One-in-All.'


"Yog-Sothoth!" said a voluptuous woman, with goat horns in her head, her eyes were shining yellow with rectangular shaped pupils like those of a goat if Azathoth could be described otherworldly perfect this woman's beauty could only be described as "earthly" her large pert breasts trembled with her indignant voice, her ass stood out even on the throne of bones where she sat, her body instilled desire deep into the souls of those who saw her. was the body of a mother goddess, a "true temptress." And right now she looked to be pissed off...

"Congratulations you won the award for the greatest absentee father of all time," she said in a voice full of sarcasm. And she barely can remember the last time she saw him, but maybe that's because her species originates from a place where time and space don't exist. Or the fact that since they were born they are a "constant" past present and future didn't matter, they always existed exists and will exist from beginning to end. But even that was changing since her grandmother woke up.

And talking about her grandmother "Yog" disappearance has all to do with her since she woke up she is obsessed with "Yog" always talking about how special he is how they were made for each other, everything was okay until she decided to use some fetched plan to free "Yog" from his prison (Outside).

She didn't know the motive of her obsession with freeing "Yog" his "prison" didn't seem to stop him from impregnating her, or any other mortal bitch out there, and talk about absentee father, the number of freaks he's bred out there is incalculable. But she is not much of an example in the matter she used to assume a male avatar to impregnate some mortal women, but what can she do she is still a mother goddess deep down, one of the things that made her the happiest was seeing their faces writhing with happiness (in her opinion) when she poured life into them, this attitude even granted her the epithet of "The Black Goat with a Thousand Young" but in the end nothing beats the feeling of carrying your own children, thinking about it even made her want to get pregnant again... It's decided, get ready Yog-Sothoth when I meet you, you will be very busy...

For now, I must find another excuse to tell the twins about their father's absence.