
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · Cómic
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25 Chs

09- The best enemies are the dead ones!

"Who do you think you are?"

"I am the man with an ax in his hand and a heart full of violence that need to be shared."

"Which of you should I share with first?"

Solomon was supporting the ax on his shoulders his face currently distorted in a savage grin, his eyes shining in an ominous yellow.

Before a second could pass they already started a human stampede towards the door of the bus, the man nicknamed "fake" by Salomon was the first to run, which was not a good idea...

He ended up being trampled underfoot by his followers the sound of his bones breaking was like a song in Solomon's ears.

This situation was the result of Salomon using intimidation and hypnosis in conjunction, the intimidation gives them the desire to run away, and the hypnosis amplifies this desire if you add to all this his previous voice command "Get out!" this is the achieved result.

No matter how much Solomon wanted to make them prove the taste of his violence he couldn't kill so many people at this point, it would probably ruin his reputation with the group, the apocalypse has just started people's sense of morals has not deteriorated enough to tolerate the indiscriminate killing of "innocent" people, all he needs to do now is to prove himself reliable and wait he believe that in a week they won't even blink if I start eating some human flesh, and talking about human flesh I am starting to feel hungry...

I will need to create an excuse to separate myself from the group for a while, so I can feed myself, and he has a very good motive to do this immediately.

His lazy system forgot to tell him about something called [Malus], and most important the glaring one that came with his new species.

['Hey I am not lazy!']

'Sure, and I am the cannibal Santa Claus.'


[Vampiric Impulses]

[Descripition: Like all creatures created using (Brunestud of the Crimson Moon), (The Ultimate One of the Moon) also known as (Type-moon), as a basis for their creations you also inherited his defect, but unlike his direct "descendants" the (True Ancestors) know as "perfect vampires", whose blood-sucking impulses are purely psychological in origin your kind the (Dead Apostles) are "imperfect vampires" that have Blood-sucking Impulses of "physiological" nature, you need to feed yourself to stay alive/When suffering from extreme hunger you receive the debuffs (Feeding Frenzy), (Bestial fury).]


Said, Solomon before looking at his group his eyes still shining yellow, he used his hypnotic ability again, this time to make them overlook the strangeness of the situation.

"What a bunch of cowards, they have no backbone at all nowadays."

Said, Solomon, shaking his head in fake disappointment.

"Thanks," Rei muttered to herself but with his senses, she could very well be shouting in his ears.

Normally this would seem like a madman threatening people with an ax, but right now all his group sees is a hero who saved them of a lot of trouble, sees what he said about apocalypse mentality?

Normally putting them out of the bus would have been enough for another person but not for Solomon, at the moment he threatened these people he made them his enemies.

Right now it was temporarily suppressed by the overwhelming fear they were feeling, but Solomon could feel the signs of hostility growing inside of them, at the moment his hypnosis effect ends these feelings will start to rise again of course he could kill them at any time with just one of his toes but what about his group? He can't be with them all the time and at some moments he will be forced to let his guard down what if they attack at that time?

Solomon is not the kind of person that lets his enemies live because they are weak, only shit villains let their enemies grow in strength and he was not a shit villain he is the best of them all ~cough~ ~cough~ he means the best God-Emperor of all times.

So even if they are weak as bugs he will give them the honor of being crushed by him! After all, in his opinion.

'The best enemies are the dead ones!'

So he used one of his new skills to command all the zombies in the area to attack them the moment the bus left this place.

[Comand minor undead Lv 09/10] (Rank E)

[Descripition: Contrary to humans undead are highly hierarchical creatures they usually follow their superiors without question, you now can command mindless undead/ each level is this skill will exponentially amplify the area of ​​effect and the complexity of the commands that can be given to the undead.]

He could almost taste their fleshes using his zombie brother's senses... Shit now he was even more hungry.

And talking about this skill, it was the foundation of his world domination plan.

He seats himself behind Shizuka's driver's seat and Saeko follows by sitting at his side.

After everyone took a seat Solomon said:

"Where should we go right now?"

"We should go to my parent's estate it has strong walls and is easily defendable," said Saya

"Don't be egoistic everyone here also wants to see their families, you are just saying this so you could see them first!" Rei said with an angry expression on her face.

Solomon looked at her and said:

"Calm down, everyone is frustrated right now, but this doesn't give you the right of lashing at people who did nothing against you!"

"Now say sorry to Saya."

Rei's next actions were contrary to almost everyone's but Salomon's expectations he didn't seem to be surprised at all.

"I am sorry Saya." she dropped her head and said in a low voice.

"Good," Solomon nodded and said like a proud parent.

"And beyond that, we have no time to make long travels today it's almost night, and I believe everyone wants a little rest."

"Saya where is located your parent's state?"

"On the other side of the city", she said in a sad voice.

" We need a closer place to stay this night."

Shizuka that was in silence until now suddenly talked.

"Ano, my friend, has a house next door, she's in the military, so she always keeps some guns at home, maybe it could be useful?"

Before anyone could say anything Solomon said.

"This is a great idea our next destination is decided!!!"

Seeing his enthusiastic reaction everyone shrugged their shoulders and agreed.

Solomon closed his eyes and started to grind his new [Control minor undead] skill, controlling the zombies they passed by.