
Starting in Akame Ga Kill with... Eh? Super Robot??

After getting crushed to death by the collapsing Unicorn Gundam Statue on his vacation, a man was somehow revived in Akame ga Kill with an overpowered system related to mecha. Truly an ironic turn of fate but he what could he do except doing his best to not waste this second chance? "Oh and because it's Akame ga Kill then she must be here right? Hahahahaha~" And maybe claim some yanderes for himself along the way..... A/N: It's my first time writing so don't expect big brained plots because it will be some kind of wish fulfillment. And for the harem? Exclusively of crazies! Mentally stable women don't belong here!

Plan_C · Cómic
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34 Chs

Chapter 21: One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall (Part 2)

From the ghastly crack in space, the Getter Emperor's Forces ultimate adversaries finally emerged….

The two strains of Hive Fleets from the first wave and the past two months of skirmishes showed up once more. Yet this time, the continental sized queen hive ships could be seen oddly leading the charge like disposable grunts.

Though it kind of makes sense if one saw and knew what were the new strains of Hive Fleets following right behind the Tyranids and Zerg and why they were treated as mere shock troopers in this final battle….

Their shape resembled none of the First Wave the Emperor's Forces had encountered but it wasn't unknown by the transmigrator, Ryoma Nagare as once again he had seen this type of space bug colonies.


The abbreviation for Space Terrible Monster Colonies originated from the super robot series Gunbuster and Diebuster.

So what made these new hordes of space monsters even more horrifying than the Zerg and the warpless Tyranids? Simple, If Tyranids and Zergs that only devour the planet's biomass could be called a menace of the universe in their respective realities, what about STMC which could drain the entire fuel of a star in just a decade at most as younglings?

Right, younglings! Their younglings could survive the extremely harsh environment of a star's core then drain it from the inside! And if their younglings are already that powerful, then how about the adults? How terrifying could they be? No wonder the Zergs and Tyranids capital ships were used as disposable shock troopers as there were these bigger and meaner hordes of space beasts behind them.

["No, it's not just them…. there are Buster Legions in their ranks too!"] exclaimed Ryoma in slight surprise and interest as he rescanned the Great Hive's fleet once more.

Mixed between STMC ranks were strains of space monster colonies similar to them but their colors were dominantly red and orange, charging forth into his first line of defense like a crimson tide.

The Buster Legion, a defense system set up by humans in the distant past of the Diebuster timeline to protect the Sol System from the threat of STMC. And the legion consists of many classes of evolved Buster Machines that have taken on the appearance heavily resembling the space monsters.

["HAHAHAHAHA Interesting! Interesting!"]

Yet, this terror striking Great Fleets only made the man laugh boisterously and his Zhen Xuan Wu even clapped its six hands as expression of his joy.

Was he wrong in the head? Oh right he was….

["You seem to be having fun, dear… mind sharing it with me?"] asked his wife with peaked interest as she felt his genuine happiness which was akin to a kid receiving his desired christmas gift.

["Hahahaha… Imagine dear, two irreconcilable nemesis, created with the sole purpose of destroying each other, are now united against me! Against us! Isn't that hilariously thrilling?!"] Explained him briefly as he paused his laughter.

In their native reality, STMC wanted to annihilate humanity while Buster Legions were created by humanity as their absolute defense system against the former so it wasn't strange to say that they existed for the annihilation of the other. But now? These two were united under the banner of The Great Hive to exterminate him, the greatest threat to their home and it brought genuine joy to himself!

["Pffft–hahaha It's indeed funny, you're like a thief who barged inside a married couple's house in the middle of their biggest quarrel. And when they saw you, they finally found someone to vent their wrath!"] She too laughed as she thought further about their current predicaments.

["I know right? Though it wouldn't be the battered and beaten body of this handsome thief that the police would see~"]

["But the bloody and mangled corpses of the unfortunate couple! AHAHAHAHAHA"]

[Ehm! Master and Harvester, with all due respect…. we have only 10 seconds remaining before our first contact. Your orders please?]

The dutiful system maid once again reminded her easily side-tracked Master of the urgent situations at hand. Like, their final battle was finally here so how could he joke around like that?!

'[Especially without including me– Ehm!]'

Intrusive thoughts are scary….

Moving on….

["Sorry for that… then all fleets…"]

Following his Rebellio raised right hand, the cannon muzzles of his ocean of mechanical constructs shone brighter, preparing to unleash their true might against the rapidly approaching colossal tides of crimson at moments notice.


Thus, as Their Emperor's decreed, the nightmarish emerald supernova burst forth once more with power way beyond its first predecessor as the fleets no longer used the type-E Getter Beam but the genuine one with 100% of its original destructive capability, blanketing the dark space with malevolent emerald hues. Space and time itself would already be shredded apart if they weren't protected by the stabilizing domain.

So as it tore through the void, the all devouring emerald tsunami finally reached the impending crimson tides of enraged protectors of the universe, ramming through their first layer of Zergs and Tyranids capital ships.

Yet it turned out the Great Hive had learned its lesson as their Hive Ships no longer used protective spores as shielding, but their own psychic power, their own soul. And this dangerous trade off was a cheap price to pay to root out the threat to their Great Mother.

And the sacrifice of the first and third hive sister brethren was proven to be worth it as no longer their protections were obliterated by the emerald wave of death easier than a hot knife through butter as it needed a few moments before it successfully tore through the defense made out of their souls and annihilating them for good.

Nevertheless, those extra few seconds were all they needed. Their sacrifice wouldn't be in vain as with those few moments bought, the second hive sister's brethren, their ultimate weapons, finally able to reach their nemesis and now they would attempt to break through their ocean of mechanical constructs to reach the core of the cancer parasitizing their Great Mother's life.

Thus, the Getter Emperor's mechanical armies and The Will of The Universe's hordes of guardians finally clashed in the largest war since time immemorial…

The insect hordes fired their all out assaults of bio weapons as they reached the ideal range to counter attack for their opening greetings against their mechanical nemesis, trying to melt them into metallic soup.

Yet the mechanical armies' energy shields and armors endured astonishingly well with only some parts pierced and melted as they had analyzed and adapted to The Great Hive's bio weapons in the past two months long skirmishes.

And their retaliations didn't lose against the Great Hive's ferocity for high caliber getter beam rifles, mega particle cannons, cluster missiles, and more were blasted into the incoming chitinous sea of crimson. Boring gigantic holes all over the place into the Great Hive solid formations.

Though they obviously weren't enough to wipe out the crimson tides completely, even the prior emerald supernova wasn't capable of annihilating all of them because when billions among the Great Hive ranks fell, billions others would immediately replace them.

Such as the trademark tactics of insectoids….

They truly didn't discard it even if they now were trying to contest the mechanical armies using quality.

So failing to erase the bugs with ranged bombardments, the ocean of mechanical constructs were now forced to be entangled with the crimson tide of bugs in deadly and utterly chaotic melee, initiated by the clashing of beam saber from the Jegan in the frontline position of the mechanical army against the shell of the cruiser class space monster spearheading the charge.

The faster than light impact from a space monster 3000 meters long almost shattered the whole structural integrity of the Jegan. But, the green mech which was akin to an ant in front of the mountainous cruiser class was able to hold out long enough to overcharge its beam saber and thrusters by converting the absorbed kinetic energy from the impact using its Getter Ray reactor, turning the saber into a gigantic pillar of light, melting the shell, scorching the flesh, and splitting the cruiser class into two uneven carcasses before another cruiser class space monster shaped like a spear punctured it through.

Yet, as the a.i of Jegan calculated that it wouldn't be able to be of help to its allies after sustaining such severe damages, it self-destructed, turning into a small orb of emerald singularity that devoured the beast which killed it and the ones following closely behind it.

But it didn't end with just that, the residual Getter Rays emitted by the singularity was absorbed by the destroyed Jegan's nearby allies, giving them strength to continue their comrade's valiant struggle.

For the sake of their Emperor!!


And that was one among countless other clashes amidst the utterly chaotic battlefields…

One time, the Great Hive managed to pierce through the nigh impenetrable sea of mechanical armies. But soon after, the puncturing tendrils of the crimson tides were quickly cut off by the mechanical hordes before they even managed to get through even further.

The other time, the mechanical formations managed to push back the unending crimson tides. Yet, it didn't last long enough for the numerical superiority of the bugs were proven to be quite formidable after the Great Hive combined it with quality unlike the first wave.

Nevertheless, this final battle was coming to a standstill for either side could maintain supremacy for long.

Though one question remained…

["I'm surprised that you didn't step into the fray already Es, any particular reason?"]

Indeed, even after the cosmic scaled meat grinder had already been started, his adorable icy genocidal maniac didn't directly participate and began slaying like she usually did.

How curious…

["Fufufu~ don't you play dumb, dear~ You too didn't immediately jump in for the same reason as me, no?~"] she too questioned him back because his three exclusive machines didn't participate in the battle just like her.

And if his wife was in her human form, he was pretty sure that she would be giving him a cheeky smirk.

["Eh~ how so?~"] Though he answered with another question.

If she said that he was playing dumb, then playing dumb he was…

["Heh~ haven't your sensors detected them already? Our main prey~"] answered her with excitement, shown by the intensifying gleam or her visors.

["Ahahaha~ one point for my adorable wife!"]

Indeed, even though the crimson tides of the space monster seemed alarming, his sensors picked up an even more monstrous energy source still looming inside the dark portal.

Two of them to be precise and their terrifying presence couldn't be hidden by the energy reactions of the countless space monsters composing the crimson tides.

["Hm? finally!"]

["Ara? Is it about time?!"]

Then after a few seconds, the two colossal energy sources finally moved towards the portal's entrance, making the pair exclaim in enthusiastic glee because the time for their grand battle was getting closer and closer.


Thus, as the hideous shriek echoed throughout the cosmos once more, the ultimate guardian beast revealed itself at last…

Three green eyes gleaming in unbridled hatred embedded on an erratically shaped body coloured in crimson purple with size almost equalling Ryoma's Getter Emperor's crystal cocoon. And on the alien colossus back hovered a massive blackhole half of the beast's size which strangely enough wasn't trying to devour it whole, but accompanying it in its quest to destroy the ones threatening its Great Mother.

But the black hole carrying beast wasn't alone, another one as powerful as itself was detected by the pair of mad spouses' sensors.

["AHAHAHAHA INDEED! If the Buster Legions are here, then you must be too!"]

A gigantic body resembling a humanoid female with a pair of long legs shaped like blades covered by crimson skin shining in metallic luster, standing gallantly on top of the stellar beast with arms crossed in front of its chest.

A beautiful face, decorated by long crimson hair, fluttering wildly like flames in the cosmos.

A familiar figure, truly familiar for a super robot fan like him...

The one and only queen of the Buster Legions….

Once the absolute guardian of the earth, now the universe!

The Ultra Gigantic Ultimate Humanoid Weapon–