
Starting From Tensura My Path to Apex {Multiverse Fic}

Contains spoiler if you don't want to get spoiled don't read synopsis and directly read chapter 1. Good hearted young man from our world dies without knowing what killed him after his death he reachs to world beyond everything a world that his every wish come true thanks too his karma but not wanting to gain ultimate power that he can use for anything and become too strong from start of his new possible journey he rejects ultimate power and firstly wishs a multiverse travelling ability that he can control all of it's aspects and secondly wishes a great start in a fantasy anime world with reincarnating into one of the that anime's character... _____________________________________________ Yet he never taught he will reincarnate as Last Boss(Greatest Villian) of story, lets see how he will reach apex of all multiverse as he travels multiverse.

Feilnaught · Cómic
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14 Chs

Hey Guys?!

I want to say I already opened a new account or should I say I start using my unused account which it's curren nickname is Cupidos but it doesn't appear in search I don't know the reason but from comment section you can find it from my replies and since my all go shit because this problem I thought of new story ideas whose are following:

(All of them multiverse fan-fic)

1-Template System.

2-Veldora Reincarnation.

3-DxD Arthur Pendragon summoned to fgo.

4-Reincarnated invidual who is a magus in Fate Universe gains Throne of Heroes power or system.

5-A young man from our world's soul transfer to an Isu body in Assassin Creed universe but not able handle excessive for with gaining sixth sense "knowledge" of Isu's he transfer himself to perfected human body near with making slight modifications onto it travels assassin creed universe gain ultimate power than before destroyed by world he transfer to another universe.

Last one longer because I didn't know anyway better to describe it please choose which one you guys want and have a better idea comment it, see you guys soon.