
Starting From Sword Art Online

“It’s been a year since I came to this world” Ye Yi looked at the NERvGear on the table This is what looks like a motorcycle helmet with three dimmed lights on the forehead “Even if it’s a death game this time, I want to see it” After speaking, Ye Yi connected the helmet and the computer with the data cable, lay on the bed, took a deep breath, and put on the helmet. “linkstart”

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14 Chs

Chapter 11

Looking at the brown-skin notebook that Asuna took out in front of him, Argo was still wondering why he suddenly mentioned this free guidebook.

When he first saw the content inside, Argo was astonished. The detailed strategy also informed many simple and highly profitable training areas, many of which were not even known to him as an intelligence merchant.

For this reason, the nameless creator of this book was gnashed by many beta testers, calling him a fool.

But people can't escape the "true fragrance" law. While they hate this unknown author, they enjoy the resources brought by this strategy book. It has to be said that this is a kind of irony.

"The person who wrote this book must be a very strong beta tester, but what does it have to do with Ye Yi Jun's stinginess and love for money?"

Suddenly, Argo seemed to think of something, she stared at Ye Yi who was plain in front of her with wide eyes.

All kinds of ideas in his mind gathered together, "Great players, free distribution, and the person who distributes the book must be rich." All the conditions pointed to the indifferent Ye Yi sitting opposite her. Asuna followed up and said

"Why Ye Yi is so stingy, that's because our two Cole not only have to buy their own equipment and potions, but also pay for all the manuals. You can enjoy Ye Yi's hard work with peace of mind. Blaming him wildly, human nature is ugly enough."


endless silence…

When the false appearance was ruthlessly exposed by Asuna, the truth hidden underneath made everyone stunned. It's really funny that a mean and selfish villain becomes a hero who gives silently, and a hero who comes forward becomes a villain who covets power. Argo didn't know what to answer, so he could only bite the bullet and said in a low tone.

"Feel sorry"

The two words pale and powerless can't relieve his misunderstanding about Ye Yi just now, but because Argo couldn't see through the levels of Ye Yi and Asuna, and they didn't show any intention to attack the first floor boss, he was wrong. I think Ye Yi Asuna is a person who fears death.

Although she has the best resources, she hides behind and waits for others to attack the boss, but everyone has their own choices, and Argo will not blame anything, but Ye Yi is inevitably implied in her words.

When Asuna revealed the cover-up, she suddenly realized that what she just said was so hurtful.

Ye Yi just waved his hand and said plainly

"It turns out that Asuna and I are not going to go, because of the high level and equipment, most of the boss's rewards will be obtained by me and Asuna. And all the guard bosses can only be killed once, which means that The uniqueness of the reward, not to improve everyone's strength, after all, the last layer requires the efforts of all of us"

"However, because of what you said, after I thought about it carefully, if we didn't go, we might lose some key outputs and lead to the death of others."

"Even if I don't want to be a hero, but if fate chooses me, I will take everyone through the game without hesitation, and lead everyone out of the shadow of death alive."

Argo looked at Ye Yi who stood up slowly. She seemed to see the silver-haired, red-eyed boy in front of her with radiance all over his body. The greatness of human nature was perfectly interpreted in him.

Born as a human, the body is small, but the mind is comparable to the gods. It is probably like this.

"In five days? We'll be there."

Argo hurriedly added

"There will be a strategy meeting in front of the entrance of the labyrinth area in four days, I hope you can come. Also, I…"

Ye Yi waved her hand to interrupt her intention to continue, and took Asuna to the outside

"A meeting in four days? I'll be there"

On the way back to the blacksmith with Asuna, Ye Yi was still thinking about what he just said, this world has no sense of belonging for him after all, except that Asuna is now his only fetter, to others, Ye Yi is more like is treated as a virtual person. But in the course of so many days of leveling, those novice players were emptied of HP by monsters, and the sadness of death all stimulated him. He rescued them unconsciously, and then made those manuals and distributed them to those who had no experience. Players who have passed the beta test will do their best to help everyone who works hard.

Ye Yi didn't know when he found out that the word Virgin has changed. This beautiful word of praise, having experienced the abnormal development of society, has become an irony. He is also proud of himself because he has seen too many Virgins accusing others and criticizing others for being inhuman.

Gradually, Ye Yi also became disgusted with the Madonna, picked up a weapon called the keyboard, and went to line up with those Madonnas.

"I live the way I hate the most, but if I can save those who work hard to live, even if I become the person I once hated the most, I will still do it."

"No, no, what I hate from the beginning to the end are those who blame others, demand others, but have no humanity in themselves. I have always sincerely admired and thanked those who call them virgins."

Having figured it out, Ye Yi felt light all over his body, and his dull silver hair seemed to regain its luster. He turned around and stopped, put his hands on Asuna's shoulders, and said as calmly as possible.

"Asuna, will you support me? Support me in that long and hard job."

Asuna looked at the young man in front of him, Ye Yi had been silent since he dragged him out of the restaurant, just buried his head forward, exuding a heavy aura. But after a while, it seemed as if all restraints were let go, and the red pupils revealed unparalleled confidence. Asuna had probably guessed what Ye Yi wanted to accomplish from the conversation between him and Argo, and tried her best to clear the game with everyone alive.

"Well, I will. I will do my best to support you, but the two agreed to carry it together. After all, we are no longer separate from each other."

Touching the flower ring on the ring finger, Asuna answered him firmly.

"I want to lead the players to defeat this level of bosses, then form their own guild, and lead them to clear the game alive"

"I will make it, for sure"

"Let's go, go and see my weapons first, then buy good supplies, go hard to upgrade, and take our first step"

Holding Asuna to continue to the blacksmith shop, Ye Yi is looking forward to his new weapon even more.

"Kayaba Akihiko, wash your neck and wait, although I'm not a hero, but I'm already working hard, your good days are over"*