
Starting as a level 1 demon

This is the story of many. All dying and wanting their own justice on the world. Follow the three Kazue Ito, Zack Zanelion, And [Redacted] on there way to get revenge on the world that wronged them.

Zirum · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Chapter XXIV: New Home

Zack walked away from the field and looked around. It was only some trees and animals.

"Okay. God dropped me off somewhere horrible but I can make this work. If I can make it home and get stronger than I am right now, I can continue to do what I wanted." Zack thought. He looked at his new skills and saw only two. Soul Eater and Fracture. He did want his old skills but these seemed fine.

He walked around and tripped on a rock. "This new body is different." Zack thought. He kept walking and somehow, Continuously tripping on things. "This is horrible!" Zack screamed. He kept walking and waltzed into the forest.

[Shadow Boost Active! 15% Boost for all attributes!]

He felt a empowerment within him. He felt better. "A stat boost at 15%? Isn't that a little too strong?" Zack said.

[Shadow Boost Active! 7.5% Boost for all attributes!]

Zack's mouth closed and his face just showed his eyes, being red. He slapped himself in the face. "Stupid." Zack said. He walked away from the scene and decided to stay in the shade for the boost. "Maybe I can glitch the system to get the boost permanently!" Zack thought.

He continued the walk and stumbled across some water outside the shade. He walked over and drank some for a sense of normalcy in this situation. He finished and turned around to see a wolf covered in yellow patches of fur. Not a beast but a basic wolf. It pounced and clawed Zack's chest and left red scars on the area. The wolf then bit his hand. "Crap!" He ran for the shade.

[Shadow Boost Active! 7.5% Boost for all attributes!]

The wolf followed and clawed him on the chest again, leaving another set of scars. The wolf almost bit Zack but he punched it into the water. Zack ran at it while it was still fatigued. "SOUL EATER!" Zack screamed. The world turned gray and colorless except for Zack and the wolf, both not being able to move. He saw a picture of the wolf with all of it grayed out and traits of it colored. Like they were choices.

Zack had the choice of eyes, claws, teeth, nose, and "Howl". Zack had no idea what any of it meant so he just picked claws. The world regained color and Zack felt something on the tips of his fingers. He grew claws.

[1/10 of a alpha wolf's claws]

He looked at the wolf and his claws disintegrated. The wolf looked heartbroken and enraged. It rushed at Zack, full heartedly. Zack looked around and said "Fracture!" as a last ditch effort. The wolf was still running and Zack braced himself.

Before the wolf could reach him, it got a cut and started to bleed. Five more cuts appeared on it all at once. The wolf howled in pain. It got more cuts until it dropped. Orange aura came out of it and Zack's eyes emitted aura. He gained a soul.

"Thank God! I thought I was done for!" Zack said. He looked at it and saw there was a gleam of yellow in its blood. "That's beast blood. But that was just a wolf." Zack thought. He squatted and inspected the corpse. Behind him was something much worse than a wolf.

It was a wolf the size of a house with spears, swords, bullets, and even a few tank bullets in it's back. It was bleeding out yellow blood from everywhere glistening in, the what has become, moonlight. Some of the blood seemed dried for decades. It had patches of white fur and it's rib cage was showing as if it's chest was like glass. Zack got up to see the behemoth with it's almost optical illusion like red eyes. With all of Zack's time reading, he knew what he was looking at.

In the beast hierarchy there are many classes. F class was the weakest. D class was stronger and hard to deal with for beginners. C class was for people who have been beast hunting for years. B class needed a trained stalwart. A class you needed a small army if you could even find a A class.

S class needed a army and a nuke. SS class was doubled on everything. SSS was a threat for the entire continent. Not handleable sometimes but, most of the time, becomes handleable.

Zack was looking at a death class. What all would describe as "The Death Of The World". There was only a single case of one. Fitting the exact description of what Zack saw. It's name wasn't in recorded history so all it's name was is "The Death Of The World". The death class was the top of the hierarchy.

Zack looked at it and the wolf corpse. "Oh, He was your buddy? Um… Sorry?" Zack said while walking backwards. The wolf roared out some of its blood. The roar covered him in the blood and blew him back into the trees. He knew the wolf was coming back. He dropped onto the floor and hadn't broken anything but he was in pain.

[Poisonous Substance Notice! Remove substance for stabilization]

[Time until Death: 00:01:30:00]

"Poison blood?! Shockwave roars?! No wonder no one could kill this damned thing! No wonder everyone thought it was a myth!" Zack thought. He got up and ran. He limped the entire way out of the woods. "Come on! I need to get the hell out of here!" Zack said. He kept limping away while he could hear the beast charging through the trees for him. They were only a few yards away from each other.

"Hide!" Zack thought. He hid behind a trees and the beast came to where he once was. It looked around and just sniffed the air. It stabbed the tree Zack was hiding behind. Only a few centimeters above his head was the claw the wolf used to pierce through the tree. Zack was sweating and his heart was beating crazily. He tapped the system menu and used "Soul Eater".

[Soul Eater Inactive. Wait period of one day is needed]


[Target is too strong for the use of skill "Soul Eater"]

"You're kidding!" Zack thought. Zack ran from the tree right as the wolf stabbed it where he would be. He went in front of the tree and saw Zack running.





He constantly used fracture but it's hide was too strong for him to pierce. It's blood dripped everywhere on the ground while running for Zack. Zack wasn't going to do this forever. He was still limping and the poison was finally taking his toll on him, making him feel a little tired even with infinite stamina. "Keep Running!

[Time until Death: 00:00:17:43]

He kept running but the beast swiped at him, clawing most of the trees with the air. He dodged all he could but he couldn't dodge everything, gaining a few fatal scratches and bleeding black blood. He kept running until he made it out of the woods. With that, the beast didn't step out. Instead it's eyes changed from red to yellow. "Stay away from me!" Zack said. The beast clawed at Zack through the air again, cutting off his arm, and walked back into the woods with its eyes returning back into a red color. Zack was screaming in pain but felt relieved it was gone. "Ahhh!" Zack screamed into the night. His moment of relief and pain was very short lived as out of the woods there was a horde of animals with yellow patches of fur or yellow patches on their skin.

"Damn It!" Zack grabbed his arm and ran father away from the woods with all the animals chasing him. In the middle of it, his hand was absorbed and it regenerated again. He noticed it but didn't have the energy to talk about it. He kept running until he saw a hill in the distance. "Yes! Come On! I just need some high ground!" Zack said. He ran for it while all the animals got faster noticing his plan. He started limping again after being a few meters away from the hill, while every animal was following. He finally made it after awhile but he had to climb. He got on and used his claws to help in climbing. The animals stopped but the ones that could climb didn't.

"Just… One… More…" Zack uttered. He was about to make it on top of the hill but Zack was being dragged down. His hands were held down so he couldn't press buttons in the system. "Fracture! Fractured them all!" Zack said, muffled. The animals all got cut and dropped dead. He made it onto the hill and saw a pond of water. He jumped inside to get rid of the poison.

[Time until Death Stopped At: 00:00:00:17]

"Thank god!" Zack said. He looked at the ground and saw all the orange aura coming for him while his eyes had red aura. His cuts healed but his scars stayed from the contact of the orange aura. *!*

[47/10000 Taken]

"Oh this body is amazing!" Zack said. He got up and actually looked at where he was to see a cabin. "Yes! This day was horrible but I can at least get somewhere to stay!" Zack said. He ran for it. He didn't want anymore surprises. Especially the death tier. He opened the door to it and gained a notification. *!*

[Ancestral Home Found! Would you like to use defensive measures?]