
Starting as a level 1 demon

This is the story of many. All dying and wanting their own justice on the world. Follow the three Kazue Ito, Zack Zanelion, And [Redacted] on there way to get revenge on the world that wronged them.

Zirum · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Chapter XV: A Declaration

Kazue looked at himself. His world was bland. His life was horrible. Now he's a god. His eyes were blackening slowly. He got so far and was risking it as on a vision and a few words? He was already to deep in the hole. He decided he needed to do his job quickly. He had one looking glass. This was for his mission only. He didn't want Ezra with him. He would get hurt. He was still a angel after all. He needed to assert a authority over the demons so the third form is best. There isn't a reason to hide his true form after all. If it was his first he'd die on sight due to looking human even though it's virtually impossible to kill him. The second form would make people think he's weak. The third was the way to go. Showing power and authority. He grabbed his godslayers and was prepared. Kazue figured out every demon rule too.

Rule Number One, Humans Are Never Allowed. Rule Number Two, Demons Are Only Judged by Strength. Rule Number Three, Never give a demon your blood. A drop of demons blood will empower another demon, Making Kazue's blood priceless. Kazue didn't really care about this rule but it made sense. Follow these rules or change the demon realm significantly. Kazue wasn't too interested in that so he was in the third form and made a circle with one of the katana. Then dropped his blood on the circle. After he whispered words that couldn't be heard by anyone. When he finished he punched the middle of the circle, opening the gate.

Kazue looked around and then jumped. He fell on the floor of a world with 6 moons and a sky with a orange hue to it. He walked around, hoping to find someone. Eventually he found one demon. He used appraisal and saw it was a greater demon lord "Kena" named after the demon god. The thing about these guys is they can talk, think, and are beyond stronger than anything that could exist except for Kazue. Kazue approached it just for the greater demon lord to sprint at him. The only thing Kazue could assume it wanted was his blood. He waited knowing he couldn't die to it until it was finally in front of him. Kena used appraisal to see it was the true god of demons. Although craving Kazue's blood, he bowed down. "Welcome, Kena". The demon lord said as he wanted to impress the person in front of him.

"He has a good mental stability " Kazue thought. He looked around for a little and knew nothing was in the area. "Is there a place to stay in or be at?" Kazue asked. The greater demon lord pointed at a direction to say there is a place. Kazue walked that way and the greater demon lord was getting excited. He was amazed by looking at the very creature that created him. "If I get his blood, I could have a potential evolution. I probably could just ask him" Kena thought. "Kena? Can I have a little of your blood?" Kena asked. Kazue didn't have a problem with it so he gave a drop. This was all a demon would need. More than one would make them at a demon lord level powerful. The only thing stopping them is the reduction of mental stability they kept doing it until the point demons were born with no mental stability. That's how they used to be mindless beasts.

"You can call me Kazue. I'll just call you ken so other demons don't get confused. You can have some I don't really mind" Kazue said as he extracted a cups worth from his arm without cutting it. Ken was looking at it like he was a kid looking as one thousand bars of chocolate. He took it and swallowed it. Kazue used appraisal to see what happened.


[Race: Greater Demon Lord]

[Current ascension level: 99.9/100]

[Ascension Level: The Ability to have a more powerful, Almost god-like, kind of evolution.]

"What's mine?" Kazue thought.

[Kazue Ito]

[Current Ascension Level: 0/100]

"WHAT!?!?" Kazue screamed in his head. Kazue had showed signs of stress but was ok. Kena also noticed and knew he needed one more drop of blood, but didn't want to ask for anything else. They walked and talked. Kazue then learned that the demons made his exact level of technology but the humans stole from them and killed for these advancements. Kazue was angry. These were his people but yet humans rob from them because they want everything. Maybe the gods were right in their assumption. The kept walking until they found a settlement of people that was larger than three times the size of midburry. Kazue then told ken way he was here. Ken understood and wanted to help. Kazue was happy he found good help. All he needed was more people. He went and saw full on shops, cars, billboards, etc.. He had definitely found his people. He greeted everyone and eventually everyone knew who he was and he was here.

He asked everyone to join him in a fight against the gods. Although he pondered why he should stop the gods from killing every human for awhile. They weren't his race. They acted as if he was a fish for a pelican. Why should he help them? They Kill his people for resources, kill dragons for potential danger, and everyone hated him, even his own parents saw him as a waste of oxygen. Kazue then had a notification *!*

[Change Quest "Elder God" to "Eradication"?]

He thought for so long. "Humans. I saw all of the things and asked why? We kill for food, Break life for shelters, and yet we think of ourselves as higher beings. No matter what, they're all parasites in the end" Kazue thought. At that moment, the quest became "Eradication". "Ken. I think I had a change of heart. We should go for the humans instead." Kazue insisted. Ken was even more happy. He looked at his god with a proud smile and said "I'd be happy to"

Kazue came back eventually with a army. He told Ezra and he was against it. "Why should we have conflict? There isn't a reason." Ezra said, acting as if Kazue was insane. Kazue had planned this out though. What he did was make everyone at their strongest with his blood. Ken ascended to a "Demon God's Guard" This wasn't close to his stats but it was at the point of before he was a god. He would go to midburry and knew the people there would respect him so as a thank you he would leave the people there alone. They were going to go everywhere and kill them. He was going to wipe out everyone. Ezra punched him but it did nothing. "NO! Some people are good! We can't kill everyone! We would have had all those friendships, all those lives we've saved, They would all be gone! This isn't you"

Kazue looked at him and noticed behind his face was murderous intent. Kazue sighed and stated "You died to a human. I died to a human. Humans have killed for their needs. I'm killing them to stop that. I'm not after angels because they physically can't do that. If you're against me, I'll make a exception". Kazue knew Ezra would attack and he walked towards him. Kazue was ready but Ezra was walking slowly. He eventually got close enough and hugged Kazue. Kazue was confused but felt something pierce him. It was one of the Godslayers. Ezra stabbed both him and Kazue in this hug of death. Kazue was unfazed as anything stabbing him deemed "Harmful" will go into a pocket space like the void. "Sorry Ezra. It was nice knowing you." Kazue said. "Kazue. I Know I'm going to die. Just promise me one thing. If you find good people, keep them alive." Ezra said. "Just end this stupid game for everyone's sake."

Kazue smiled and said his last words to Ezra "Sure. I'll end this game. For you buddy" Kazue said as Ezra faded into balls of light. That was the day Kazue cried his own blood. He marched on and left into his journey.

This group of people had been given the name "Voided" for the lack of emotion towards humanity.