
Starting After The End: King Of Ashes Transcending The Law Of Time.

"What the hell is happening, how in the world did I travel back in time I was supposed to be dead by now but I just somehow travelled back in time. hold on how many days do I have before things take a turn for the worse? approx one month!." Can Jack prepare himself for what is about to happen in one month, can he protect people who sacrificed themselves for his sake and can he correct his mistake from his last life? let's find out together.

kin_x · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Ch. 02: The Fast and The Last Class

"So, I don't how but I am back, back from death and back in time. But I don't have much time to waste on I will get to know the truth with time, but, for know I have to start preparing for what is about to come. In approx 3 weeks seal placed on Earth's core will be broken and after that the place we called Earth will be completely different from what we know. The living creatures on earth will start mutating including humans, just the problem is some of this mutation will be helpful as human and other creatures will start awakening there ancestors bloodlines. But because of some inpureties in human blood caused by lack of healthy food and lifestyles, some human's will face a mutation which would turn them into bloodthirsty beasts which only wants to kill and comeing in the contact with there blood would simply turn other human into beasts. In simple words they would become zombie's and if that wasn't enough animals and trees will also start mutating. Counting in other factors the ones peaceful Earth will turn into hell. But for now let's take my first class after the return and may be the last class."

(IN THE CLASSROOM OF _______________ COLLEGE.)

"Hey look our class nerd is here."

"It's he supposed to be the first one in the class what is he doing this late."

"Didn't you listen the last night he was bullied by class bully 'Andrew', he must be crying on his bed."

Everyone after listening this start laughing.

Silence, class. What happened jack why are you so late today."

It's nothing I was just a little late yesterday night and that's why I was not able to wake up on time

It's ok I hope you won't be late next time. Go get your seat.

While going towards an empty seat at the last row. He stumble and fall because someone put a leg in his way.

"Jack, are you ok. Andrew get up and go to the last seat and Jack you set where Andrew is setting."

"Why, what did I do."

"You know better than me what you have done, so stop arguing in get moving."

"Even if I did something why should I give my seat to an orphan."

"Shut up! If you don't want to listen then leave my class immediately."

"Ok ok you don't need to get so hyper and you I will see you after the class."

"You would be seeing anyone after the class you are going with me to principal office. Now everyone focus. ".

(To be continue 🗿)