
Welcome to the abyss.




Buildings after building collapsed to the ground as these two engaged in their furious battle.

Chaos landed on the ground, his feet glading against the surface with his arms folded and eyes focused in front of him.

Like a thunder strike, Narukami charged forward, bursting out of a nearby building with rage hitched on her face.

She stretched her hand forward to try and grab him while in mid air.

Her eyes were widened, her body enveloped in magic as she yelled,


The man grinned,

Their faces so close to one another, all it would take was a simple action for their attacks to hit.

And Narukami made sure she was going to take the first move.

She opened her mouth, and instantly, a huge blast surge out. It touched Chaos square in the chest before the place exploded.

Clearing the building and roads nearby, even the camp house where some civilians were hiding in were caught up in the explosion, fathers, mothers and children alike.

But still, none of that was enough to take out the man.

With a single leap, Chaos was out of the flames, standing in the middle of the street with his mist circulating his body.

"Narukami was it? If you are going to use that body… I suggest you use it right, if not… step out and take mine." Chaos spoke.

"Die… die … die … die!!!"

Narukami slammed her feet on the ground and from beneath charged multiple whips, each one aimed at Chaos.

They moved like giant snakes, towering up to 1200 feets in the air, every person in the kingdom could see it, even if it was only a glimpse.

The whips all stood up, their heads covered by the clouds before one by one, that began descending to the ground.

Chaos chuckled.

"Finally, you're taking things seriously!!!" He yelled.

He charged forward, his speed so unmatched that Narukami was frozen in shock when Chaos arrived in front of her.

About three of her whips landed a few feet behind Chaos, he was so fast they couldn't hit him, instead, they pierced the ground, bringing everything down, like a pit from hell.

They didn't stop there, more kept falling to the ground.

And Chaos, the man who all these were aimed at, was busy punching Narukami, sending her flying and crashing into buildings.

Before she would touch the ground, he would have punched her again, and all this was happening in a nanosecond.

They were speeding around the city while the whips kept following their every movement.

Narukami, desperately trying to defend herself was failing badly, not a single one of her attacks were hitting and Chaos's attacks were almost unbelievably effective.

Now that they were on the ground, Narukami found herself on her knees, her eyes widened in a painful realization as she stared at the ground.

Chaos casually walked up to her, and then gripped her by the neck before he raised her up.

All around them was destruction upon destruction.

"Don't tell me you're done already." The man spoke.

Looking at his golden eyes, Narukami shivered in fear,


She paused, and then yelled,

"You're a monster!!!"

Multiple whips fell from the sky, landing directly in their position, the whole place imploded on itself.

Chaos leaped back from the dust, and while still in mid air, he could see the Narukami walking out of the hole, her body even more enveloped in mana.

"Ahahahahahahaha!!!" Chaos laughed, his fist clenched as he yelled,

"That's it! You see it right?!,.. Narukami!!! You see the beauty in chaos!!!".


Narukami gave out a powerful cry before charging towards Chaos again, behind her more giant whips.

Each one smashed into Chaos, causing him to slam into multiple buildings in one go.

Breaking out of the last building, Chaos was seen, sitting on a chair.

It landed on the ground, the legs crashing on the ground before coming to a stop just near a brick wall.

With his legs crossed and fist under his jaw, Chaos looked to the side and spoke,

"I see… it is time".

Chaos stood up from the chair, and immediately, Narukami showed up, ready to attack chaos with over one hundred different whips behind her.


Chaos snapped his fingers,

Narukami's eyes widened when she noticed the first spear that pierced her chest; she couldn't even tell where it came from.

And then another, before she knew it, her whole body had been stabbed and she was on the ground.

The whips behind her fell like dying plants, each one crashing on a building surface.

"Not being able to use magic is quite the problem, but still, I'd assume you'd put up more of a fight."

Chaos spoke, locking fingers with Narukami, he looked into her eyes, blood slipping from the side of her mouth.

"Now listen to me, Ava, if you are still alive in there, give me any sign, and I'll pull you right out… a boy named Aether is searching for you".

Chaos immediately noticed the slight change in Narukami's expression, like for a moment, she felt sad and remorseful.

"Wise choice… now then, you wanted mana didn't you, I'll give you everything, just say when… Mana link… Overdrive".

Just like that, Chaos began pouring all his mana into the Narukami, after a while, the Narukami was healing since she had more mana to feed on.

He didn't stop.

Mana kept flowing inside the Narukami, and since the monster had no way of stopping mana from flowing into her body, she was left with one other option.

To try and run away.

Even though she had an infinite amount of space stored in her body, for some reason, she could feel the mana piling up inside her, like she was about to burst open.

"Nooooooo!!!" The Narukami yelled, and before she knew it, she was out of Ava's body.

Chaos grabbed Ava in his arm, and with his other hand, he held the Narukami that was now as small as a rat.

"Oh, it seems we have more visitors!!!"


Chaos turned his gaze towards the woman who just yelled, and there he could see multiple imperial soldiers, each holding a weapon in their hands.

The woman who yelled, a commander within the army, had her eyes widened in shock when she noticed Chaos was holding unconscious Ava, a noble's daughter in his hand.

And on the other hand, she could see the other monster, leeching on his hand. It was easy to tell that the whips falling from the sky were from it, since they had the same aura and body design.

"Man in black…"

"Mist surrounding his body…"

"You're him aren't you?…." The woman voiced out.

Chaos grinned, he placed Ava on the ground, his golden eyes glowing under his hood.

"My name is Chaos, the abyss itself, born from the darkness to cleanse that which I emerged".

"Criminal!!!" The woman yelled, "Do you know how many people you've killed, just this night!!! My men, children, fathers and mothers, you slaughtered them all…."


The woman's face was twisted with anger, "You're coming with me, by the name of the king, Judai, I hereby take you into custody".

"Ahahahahabhaha" The man in black teased, his laughs echoing, leaving all those who bear witness to it feeling unsettling and scared.

"Ahahahahahah." He continued.

When faced with almost every imperial soldier in fione, the man known as Chaos laughed in the face of authority.

They all looked at him, watching as magic surged around the area, not a single soul wanted to go near him at that point.

A single step from where they were, and they knew it meant instant death.

So all they could do was watch as the man laughed, and then, he paused.

"Tarnished are those who defy my will… perished to those who refused the path I have paved…" Chaos continued, his hand stretched forward as if urging them to take his hands.

Drops of sweat trailed down their faces, some put their hands on their swords, others, had the expression that showed their fears.

"And so, I watched, but a spectacle in the face of chaos… cast aside all justice, cast aside all truth, cast aside all visions… as I chant.."

Golden strings danced around his from, each one beautiful, each one immersive, but even within this beauty, those eyes who saw it, kept thier distance.

And then he uttered, his voice ever so calming, 

"Welcome… to the Abyss".

Just like that, the whole place was covered in darkness, and once the light came through, he was nowhere to be found, not him, not Ava, not the Narukami.

All that was left was the lingering feelings of death.

The women stood there, while her soldiers behind her were still gripped by fear.

"Mark my words…. Chaos… I'll make you pay, for the lives you've taken, one day… you hear me…I'll make you pay.... Chaos!" She yelled to the heavens.

And even with everything nearly destroyed, the church filled with the people single the carol song remained standing.



I'm sorry if I ruined the execution.