
Chapter 1

It was a battle between champion and trainer. Gladion versus Champion (y/n). (y/n) was on his last Pokemon to battle, Pikachu. Gladion was also on his last Pokemon, Silvally.

"Silvally, use Crush Claw!" Gladion called out.

"Oli, dodge it and use Thunderbolt!" (y/n) yelled.

Pikachu quickly dodged the attack and used Thunderbolt.

"Pika... chuuuu!" Oli attacked Silvally. Silvally was thrown across the arena but kept its balance.

"C' mon Silvally, you got this," Gladion muttered. "Use Multi-Attack!"

Silvally attacked Oli.

~~(Time-skip brought to you by Oli the Pikachu)~~

It was down to the last move. Thunder. Oli attacked Silvally once more.

"Pikachu!" It yelled and used the move. Silvally's eyes widened and it was struck down.

It fainted.

Gladion sighed and returned it to its Pokeball. Oli ran back to (y/n) and got behind his leg.

"Nice battle." (y/n) commented.

"Whatever..." Gladion muttered.

(y/n) walked toward him and put his hand out. Gladion hesitantly shook his hand. Oli stood behind (y/n) and gazed up at Gladion.

"Pika..." It muttered.

"What was that, Oli?" (y/n) looked down at his Pikachu after shaking Gladion's hand.

"Pika!" Oli shook his head.

"Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow then, Gladion?" (y/n) tilted his head at him.

"Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow." Gladion nodded and walked off.